
第11章 爱的错误也美丽(4)

Mr. Baumann smiled and assured his wife that the man was probably feeling better than ever. But Mrs. Baumann decided she’d better go down to the 17)chapel to pray for both Bernie and the man she’d kissed—and perhaps made worse!

A few days later the doctor dropped by Mr. Baumann’s room for his final checkup. “Mrs. Baumann,” he said, “you’ll be glad to know that your husband and my patient 18)across the hall have both made 19)miraculous recoveries. Do you suppose it was my good 20)doctoring, your prayers, or your passionate kisses?”

“Why, why...”she 21)fumbled.

“Maybe it was all three?” the doctor added with a 22)wink.











“他……他……不是!” 鲍曼太太大声叫道,脸颊顿时变得绯红,“噢,不!噢,我的天啊!噢,不!”


“为什么那名男子不制止我呢?” 鲍曼太太疑惑地问。





几天以后,主治医生来到鲍曼先生的病房,为他做出院前的最后一次检查。“鲍曼太太,” 医生说,“有个消息一定会让你很高兴,你丈夫和大厅对面病房里的那位病人都奇迹般地康复了。你认为,这应该归功于我精湛的医术、你虔诚的祈祷,还是你那激情四溢的吻呢?”

“这,这……” 鲍曼太太支支吾吾地说。


Footprints of love


There were two strolling hearts that reposed on a huge rock at a shore. As the sunset revealed its passion, they watched over the two sets of footprints they engraved in the sand. The scene had made them think of eternity—each step engraved a zeal of an endless love.

But such heart-felt scene ended when the waves of the sea rushed towards the shore and washed the sand, leaving the sets of footprints unseen. Suddenly, the lovely sunset was covered with dark clouds and the soft breeze altered into a fierce wind. And the rock that both of them once dreamt was left alone, all alone...

When we fall in love, it is our great desire to let the feeling remain in hearts. We feed this feeling by clinging to the other. Sometimes the demand for satisfaction is needed because of the fear of starving the heart. As we march towards the odyssey of our lives, we may pass to the point wherein our hearts become empty and longing. We feel the need to quench ourselves by seeking the oasis of love. Still, there are hearts that remain at lost and leave themselves to die and wither.

Many of us find it easy to play the melodies of love, but when things get rough and out of tune, we would actually avoid it and sometimes, go silent. There is also a tendency to give up and escape from the reality.

We must remember that the more we unravel the wonders of love, the more challenges we have to take. The sweetness of life"s bitter can be achieved if we accept the challenges of love. This acceptance motivates us to grow.

Then we will begin to walk again at the shore and engrave new sets of footprints in the sand, accepting the truth that these footprints really disappear through the waves of time. We will also realize that every step we take marks a new experience and breeds new seeds of love. Time will come when we will notice another set of footprints joining us in our journey and become our partners for life.







A Very Short Love Story


She was my first and foolish love. In the half-light of the morning I lay awake waiting for her quiet, almost silent feet to come down the hallway, for her scent—a curious mixture of honey and peach—to part the thick air outside my room filled with the lonely smells of young men living away from home. She would pause outside my door for a moment to put on her slippers before climbing the two steps down into the kitchen, and my foolish imagination would swell with the shadowy silhouette of her lingering by my door, a phantom more real than anything I could have seen with my open eyes. Every morning, every morning, I waited like that, for the circles of azure and gold and auburn to gather like clouds inside my closed eyelids as I felt her steps down the hallway over my body, and for the clouds to burst suddenly and reveal her large and limpid eyes framed with demure lashes, the ghost of a smile on her bud-like lips. Stretching out my arms toward the naked light bulb, my eyes still closed, I would cry out love and agony, muted by my blanket—I love you more than you will ever know, your image will be a fever that will last a lifetime in my brain, your name a poem heard deep, deep inside my ears, and I will tremble with tenderness and desire fro you at a mere imagined touch of your hand, always.