
第20章 爱的错误也美丽(13)

Each year, especially as we get older, little things change and during the holiday season is when you realize it. It almost brings a pain to a little place in your heart where all your hidden feelings go. The worst was the year after two of my grandparents had past away. Besides going to my mom’s mother’s house on Christmas Eve, and my dad’s parent’s house on Christmas Day, we just had our family over to our house on Christmas Day. Now when I think back to it, I miss having my grandfather slide our presents across the floor. I even miss him calling me my nickname“Jessie”, even though I can’t stand when people call me that.

Things change, not always for the good, but not always for the bad either. And the things that don’t change have the most important meaning to us, and I’m sure they will for the rest of our lives. After all, every time I hear my father’s words “All right you guys, come on down, nice and slow and we go down the stairs in age descending order, first my older brother, then me, then my sister, then my younger brother, I still get the same feelings in the pit of my stomach...the feelings of love, giving, peace, and most of all the true Christmas spirit.





Hope and comfort.


Charley goes to the hospital to visit his wife.

“How are you feeling?” he asks, sitting at the bedside, close to Dolly who is smiling at him, her black hair resting against the white pillows.

“I’m fine,” Dolly says quietly. She looks old and tired to Charley; she is deathly pale and has black pouches under her eyes.

“You look tired,” Charley says. “Aren"t you sleeping?”

“I was a bit restless last night.”

Dolly does not mention the pain: she doesn"t want to worry her husband.

“Any word from Linda?” she asks.

“She phoned again last night. I told her you were fine. I said there was nothing to worry about.”

Linda, their eldest child, teaches in a university. Linda will come home for the holiday in August. Their son Colin and his children live in Australia. Colin hasn"t been told that his mother is unwell. Colin"t a worrier: it"s best he"s not upset.

Charley gazes across the hospital ward, bright with pale afternoon sunlight. Other visitors are doing their duties, gathering around the sick, bringing flowers and fruit, offering words of hope and comfort.

“Have you seen the doctor again?” Charley asks his wife.

“Tomorrow maybe.”

“Any idea how long they"ll keep you in?”

Dolly turns away and coughs into a tissue, then settles back. She takes Charley"s hand again.

“They"ll let me know on Monday. They have to do lots more tests. They won"t let me home until they know. I"m sorry to be such a bother.”

Dolly"s small chest heaves under her heavy nightdress. Charley thinks of a frightened bird. He used to call her “Sweet Dolores? long ago when he mocked her sorrowful eyes and the way she took everything too seriously. He can"t help wondering if she made herself sick with worry.

Poor Dolly!

“Are you managing all right, darling?”


Charley is eating out and staying away from the house as much as possible. He"s managing all right.

The minutes pass. Charley is watching the visitors and glancing at the small alarm clock beside his wife"s bed. He can hear its ticking. And he recalls the annoying ring when it dragged his wife from bed at the crack of dawn, and moments later her breakfast sounds clattering in the kitchen keeping him awake, reminding him that there"s a day"s work ahead and children to be schooled.

Tic-tic-tic-tic- tic-tic-tic.