
第34章 让生命在书香与自然中升华 (4)

The great and good do not die even in this world. Embalmed in books, their spirits walk abroad. The book is a living voice. It is an intellect to which one still listens. Hence we ever remain under the influence of the great men of old. The imperial intellects of the world are as much alive now as they were ages ago.











The Idea of a University(Ⅰ)

[英国]约翰·亨利·纽曼/John Henry Newman


I protest to you, gentlemen, that if I had to choose between a so-called university which dispensed with residence and tutorial superintendence, and gave its degrees to any person who passed an examination in a wide range of subjects, and a university which had no professors or examinations at all, but merely brought a number of young men together for three or four years, and then sent them away as the University of Oxford is said to have done some sixty years since, if I were asked which of these two methods was the better discipline of the intellect — I do not say which is morally the better, for it is plain that compulsory study must be a good and idleness an intolerable mischief — but if I must determine which of the two courses was the more successful in training, molding, enlarging the mind, which sent out men the more fitted for their secular duties, which produced better public men, men of the world, men whose names would descend to posterity, I have no hesitation in giving the preference to that university which did nothing, over that which exacted of its members an acquaintance with every science under the sun...

When a multitude of young persons, keen, openhearted, sympathetic, and observant, as young persons are, come together and freely mix with each other, they are sure to learn one from another, even if there be no one to teach them; the conversation of all is a series of lectures to each, and they gain for themselves new ideas and views, fresh matter of thought, and distinct principles for judging and acting, day by day. An infant has to learn the meaning of the information which its senses convey to it, and this seems to be its employment. It fancies all that the eye presents to it to be close to it, till it actually learns the contrary, and thus by practice does it ascertain the relations and uses of those first elements of knowledge which are necessary for its animal existence. A parallel teaching is necessary for our social being, and it is secured by a large school or a college, and this effect may be fairly called in its own department an enlargement of mind... Here then is a real teaching whatever be its standards and principles, true or false; and it at least tends towards cultivation of the intellect; it at least recognizes that knowledge is something more than a sort of passive reception of scraps and details; it is a something, and it does a something, which never will issue from the most strenuous efforts of a set of teachers, with no mutual sympathies and no intercommunion, of a set of examiners with no opinions which they dare profess, and with no common principles, who are teaching or questioning a set of youths who do not know them, and do not know each other, on a large number of subjects, different in kind, and connected by no wide philosophy, three times a week, or three times a year or once in three years, in chill lecture-rooms or on a pompous anniversary.


How much more profitable for the independent mind, after the mere rudiments of education, to range through a library at random, taking down books as they meet him, and pursuing the trains of thought which his mother wit suggests! How much healthier to wander into the fields, and there with the exiled prince to find "tongues in the trees, books in the running brooks!"...


先生们,如果我必须在两种大学中选择—— 一种是所谓的大学,它不提供住宿和学习指导,每个学生只要通过一场包括各方面知识的综合考试,就可以获得学位;另一种学校根本就没有教授和考试,只是让一群年轻人共同生活三四年,然后把他们送走,据说牛津大学已?这样做了60年。如果要我说出哪种方法更利于智力的培养,那么,我要向你们声明:如果指的是哪种方法能更成功地训练、塑造和拓宽一个人的思维,哪种方法更能培养出适合担当世俗责任的人员、好的公职人员、世事通达的人以及流芳百世的人,那么我会毫不犹豫地选择那种看来无所作为的大学,它好过那种要求学生通晓世上所有学科的大学。我这样选择,并不是指从道德方面考虑二者的优劣,因为很显然,强制性的学习必定有益,而懒散的习惯必有大害??



