书城公版Volume One


There she opened the chest that she had brought from Ghanim's houseand taking out some of the moneycarried it to the syndic and bade him buy them each four suits of the best stuffs and twenty handkerchiefs and what else they needed;after which she carried them all three to the bath and commanded to wash them and made ready for them broths and galingale and apple-water against their coming out. When they left the baththey put on new clothesand she abode with them three daysfeeding them with fowls and broths and sherbet of sugar-candytill their strength returned to them. After thisshe carried them to the bath a second timeand when they came out and had changed their clothesshe took them back to the syndic's house and left them therewhilst she returned to the palace and craving an audience of the Khaliftold him the whole story and how her lord Ghanim and his mother and sister were now in Baghdad. When the Khalif heard thishe turned to his attendants and said'Bring hither to me Ghanim.'So Jaafer went to fetch him: but Cout el Culoub forewent him to the syndic's house and told Ghanim that the Khalif had sent for him and enjoined him to eloquence and self-possession and pleasant speech. Then she clad him in a rich habit and gave him much moneybidding him be lavish of largesse to the household of the Khalifwhen he went in to him.

PresentlyJaafer arrivedriding on his Nubian muleand Ghanim met him and kissed the ground before himwishing him long life.

Now was the star of his good fortune risen and shoneand Jaafer took him and brought him to the Khalif. When he enteredhe looked at the viziers and amirs and chamberlains and deputies and grandees and captainsTurks and Medes and Arabs and Persians,and then at the Khalif. Then he made sweet his speech and his eloquence and bowing his headspoke the following verses:

Long life unto a Kingthe greatest of the greatStill following on good works and bounties without date!

Glowering with high resolvesa fountain of largesseFor ever full;'tis saidof fire and flood and fate,That they none else would have for monarch of the worldFor sovran of the time and King in Kisra's gate.

Kingssalutation-wiseupon his threshold's earthFor his acceptance lay the jewels of their state;And when their eyes behold the glory of his mightUpon the earthin awethemselves they do prostrate.

This humbleness it is that profits them with thee And wins them wealth and power and rank and high estate.

Upon old Saturn's heights pitch thy pavilionSince for thy countless hosts the world is grown too strait,And teach the stars to know thine own magnificenceIn kindness to the prince who rules the starry state.

May God with His consent for ever favour thee!For steadfastness of soul and sense upon thee wait:

Thy justice overspreads the surface of the earthTill far and near for it their difference abate.

The Khalif was charmed with his eloquence and the sweetness of his speech and said to him'Draw near to me.'So he drew near and the Khalif said'Tell me thy story and expound to me thy case.'So Ghanim sat down and related to him all that had befallen himfrom beginning to end. The Khalif was assured that he spoke the truth;so he invested him with a dress of honour and took him into favour. Then he said to him'Acquit me of the wrong I have done thee.'And Ghanim did sosaying'O Commander of the Faithfulthe slave and all that is his belong to his lord.'The Khalif was pleased with this and bade set apart a palace for Ghanimon whom he bestowed great store of gifts and assigned him bountiful stipends and allowancessending his mother and sister to live with him;after whichhearing that his sister Fitneh was indeed a seduction for beautyhe demanded her in marriage of Ghanimwho replied'She is thy handmaid and I am thy servant.'The Khalif thanked him and gave him a hundred thousand dinars;then summoned the Cadi and the witnesseswho drew up the contracts of marriage between the Khalif and Fitneh on the one hand and Ghanim and Cout el Culoub on the other;and the two marriages were consummated in one and the same night. On the morrowthe Khalif ordered the history of Ghanim to be recorded and laid up in the royal treasurythat those who came after him might read it and wonder at the dealings of destiny and put their trust in Him who created the night and the day.

End Of Vol. 1