
第3章 Unit One Happiness (1)


1) If you want to know the t rain schedule ,please at the booking office.

A.acquire B.inquire

C.r equest D.r equir e

2) She told me without all about he r ma rried life.

A.restr aint B.str ain

C.r etain D.r etail

3) People rose to revolt the cruel king.

A.on B.in

C.against D.of

4) A fur ther into the cause of disaster r evealed that the dir ector was pa rtly to blame because he had not insisted on adequateprecautions.

A.ent ry B.request

C.r esea rch D.inquiry

5) When I saw their faces ,I knew something was wrong.

A.happy B.hopeful

C.gloomy D.moving

6) It is likely that an agreement will be in the next few days.

A.done B.finished

C.over D.r eached

7) Everything on ea rth is s ubjected the laws of nature.

A.to B.of

C.for D.with

8) These working mother s are expected to play many roles in the society as well as in their families.I wonder how they can cope with their r esponsibilities in the home and on the job.

A.multiply B.mul tiple

C.minute D.muscle

9 ) They had to several other revolts before they gained complete cont rol over the count ry.

A.put forward B.put off

C.put out D.put down

10) He always t ried to the high standa rds of a Communist.

A.live up to B.live on

C.live off D.live in

11) Reading books is man’s need.

A.psychological B.spiritual

C.physical D.material

12) It was get ting da rk and the boy gave up the of har es.

A.chaste B.chest

C.pursuit D.chaos

13) We should sett le our difference by not by war.

A.as signment B.compromise

C.security D.appointment

14) The Chinese people will not sit if the flame of the war spr ead to their side.

A.back B.down

C.up D.off

15) The book has as its cent ral theme a race in a small southe rn town of the USA.

A.r ebellion B.riot

C.revolt D.r ebel


1) B 2 ) A 3 ) C 4 ) D 5 ) C 6) D 7 ) A 8 ) B

9) D 10) A 11) B 12 ) C 13) B 14 ) A 15 ) B

Part One In Class Reading

Finding Happiness


causal * [..k....z (..) l ] ad j.①原因的,因果关系的,表示原因


[考点] a causal clause 原因从句

a causal relationship 因果关系

a causal labore r 临时工

a causal clothes 便服

a causal visitor 不速之客

[例句] He tr ied to establish a causal r elationship between the depression and suicide.

changeable* [..t..eind....bl] a dj.可改变的,易变的,不定的

[考点] a changeable silk 闪光丝绸

changeable weather 变化无常的天气

[例句] He has a changeable nature.

committed* [k....mitid] ad j.坚定的,献身的,忠诚的

[例句] She is a commit ted revolutiona ry.

compet ing [k..m..pi..ti..] adj.抵触的,相互矛盾的,

[例句] Danny raised his eyes ,inte rest competing with suspicion.

contemplative [k..n..templ..tiv] ad j.( 好) 沉思的,冥想的,思考的,[宗] 祈祷的

[考点] be contemplative of 注视着;指望着

a contemplative life 寺院生活

a contemplative scholar 好沉思的学者

[例句] He was sit ting in a contempla tive mood.

engender [in..d..end..( r ) ] v.造成,引起

[例句] Angry words engende r st rife.

ethical [..e..ik (..) l ] adj.与伦理有关的,民族的,民族特有的,道德的,合乎道德标准的

[考点] ethical conduct 合乎道德的行为

ethical canons 道德准则

[例句] I t is not considered ethical for physicians to adve rtise.

exterior4 [ik..sti..ri..( r ) ] adj.外部的,外在的,表面的,外交的,[建] ( 适合) 外用的


[考点] an exterior wall 外墙

the exter ior of the house 房屋的外表

exterior influences 外界影响

an exterior policy 对外政策

[例句] You mustn’t judge people by their exte riors.

extrovert [..ekst r..v....t ] n.性格外向的人

extroverted [..ekstr..v....tid] ad j.性格外向性的,喜社交的

[例句] He was posses sed of an ext rove rted pe rsonality.

fluctuate6 [..fl..ktjueit ] vi.变动,波动,涨落,上下,动摇vt.使动摇,使波动,使起伏

[例句] Prices f luctuated wildly.

fraternal [fr....t....n(..) l ] adj.① 异卵双生的② 兄弟( 般) 的,友爱的

[考点] a fr aternal atmosphere 友好的气氛

[例句] The talks was held in a fr aternal atmosphere.

gloom6 [..lu..m] n.①忧郁,沮丧②昏暗,阴暗

v.( 使) 变阴暗,优伤地说,繁荣

[同义] darknes s ,dimnes s

[例句] I was filled with gloom.

gloomy6 [....lu..mi ] ad j.黑暗的,阴沉的,令人沮丧的,阴郁的

[同义] dark ,dim

[例句] When I saw their gloomy faces ,I knew something was wrong.

hunch [h..nt..] n.预感,直觉

[考点] play one’s hunch 凭直觉行事

[例句] I’ve always played my hunches.That is why I’m a-live today.

individualistic [..indi..vidju....listik] ad j.①显示个人独立性和个性的②利己主义的,个人主义的

[考点] from the individualistic standpoint 从个人主义观点出发

[例句] This watch would reflect your personality in a beautiful and individualistic way.

introvert [..intr..uv....t ] n.性格内向的人

a dj.性格内向的

lasting* [..l....sti..] ad j.持久的,永久的,永恒的,耐久的

[考点] our lasting friendship 我们永恒的友谊

[例句] The reforms will bring lasting benefits.

metropolitan6 [met r....p..lit..n ] adj.首都的,主要都市的,大城市的

[例句] Storms a re expected in the met ropolitan a rea tonight.

mushroom4 [..m....rum,-ru..m] n.蘑菇,〈古〉暴发户



[考点] s pr ing/ s hoot up like mushrooms 如雨后春笋般涌现

a mushroom love 昙花一现的爱情

the mushroom development of technology 科学技术的迅速发展

go mushrooming 采蘑菇

[例句] After she had won seve ral acting awards ,her television career mus hroomed.

mythical * [..mi..ik..l] ad j.神话的,虚构的,形象的

[考点] a mythical writer 神话作家

[例句] The explanation was entirely mythical.

prematurely6 [..prem....tju..li,..pri..-] adv.过早地,比预期时间早地

[例句] The boy was born prematurely.

pursuit6 [p....sju..t ;( US) -..su..t ] n.① 追击②从事的事物,研究

[考点] in pursuit of 追赶,追求

in hot pursuit 穷追不舍

[例句] He went to the South in pursuit of work.

rating6 [..reiti..] n.等级级别(尤指军阶) ,评定结果,品级

rebound [..ri..baund] n.回弹


[考点] on the r ebound 在回弹中;( 失恋后) 在心灰意懒之余

take ( catch) sb.on ( at ) the r ebound 在某人失恋时趁虚而入

[例句] She quarr eled with Paul and then married Peter on

the rebound.

restraint4 [ri..st reint ] n.① 克制,抑制,限制② 约束措施,


[考点] break all r est raint 打破一切束缚

exercise its r est raints upon.对.加以抑制

get rid of restr aint 摆脱束缚

without rest raint 随便地

be held in rest raint 受监禁

submit to restr aint 遵守约束

[例句] He hates the r est raints of life in a small town.

sage [seid..] adj.贤明的,明智的,审慎的


[考点] the sage of old 先哲

sage of antiquity 古代圣贤

[例句] Confucius is conside red the gr eatest of the ancient Chinese sages.

serenity [si..ren..ti] n.平静,安详,宁静

[考点] summe r serenity 夏天的宁静

with the se renity of mind 心情平静地

die with serenity 安详地死去

the serenity of the weather 天气晴朗

shackle [...... kl ] n.手铐,脚镣,桎梏,束缚物


[考点] break down s hackle 砸碎镣铐

throw off the shackle of 摆脱.的束缚

spi ritual shackle 精神桎枯

a pair of shackle 一副镣铐

shackle for legs 脚镣

the shackle on the mind 思想包袱

[例句] In the old days,the slaves used to be shackled with heavy metal chains.

spouse6 [spauz ;( US) spaus] n.配偶(指夫或妻)

subjective6 [s..b..d..ektiv] adj.主观的,个人的

[考点] a subjective impression 主观印象

a subjective judgment 主观判断

[例句] He knew his a rguments we re subjective ,based on intuition.

supportive* [s....p....tiv] ad j.起支持作用的,支援的

[考点] a supportive words 赞成的话

supportive evidence 确实的证据

play a suppor tive role 担任配角

[例句] His family is supportive of his at tempts to be a writer.

totali tarian [..t..ut .. li..t....ri..n] ad j.极权主义的


virtuous* [..v....tju..s] a dj.善良的,有道德的,贞洁的,有效


[考点] a virtuous man 君子

virtuous anger 义愤

[例句] Thomas was a vir tuous man and a leader in the community.

be grounded in 以.为基础,以.为根据