
第2章 Unit 1(1)

Te xt A

How to Be a Successful Language Lear ner ?


Study of the Text

1.Language learning is different from other kinds of learning.


1 )be different from 与..不同

American cars are different from ours.


be different in 在(哪方面)不同

The two words are entirely different in meaning.


differ vi. 相异, 有区别

I am sorry to differ from you on that question.


The shoes differ in size, but not in shape.

这些鞋子大小不同, 但式样是一样的。

Customs differ with countries. 风俗习惯各国不同。

2 )辨异: kind, sort, type, n.


kind 种类, 性质。指动、植物的类别、种类或属性, 也指一般事物的种类。这种分类通常是根据其性质、特性等的相同或极其近似来进行的, 其标准是客观的, 世人所承认的。

There are many different kinds of animals in a zoo.


Fruits of this kind soon decay.


I have no remembrance of having said anything of the kind.


sort 种类。非正式用语, 不如kind 庄重, 意义也不如kind 明确, 指大体上相同或相似的同类事物。有时还含有贬义。

These goods are all of a sort. 这些货物是同一种类的。

Paul will never do this sort of thing. 保罗决不会去干这种事。

type“ 形式, 类型”。比kind 略为正式。

Do you know the four basic types of blood?你知道四种基本血型吗?

Men of his type are not to be trusted. 像他那种人是不可信赖的。

2.Some people who are very intelligent and successful in their fields

find it difficult to succeed in language learning. 有些人在其专业领域表现聪明, 而且也很成功, 但发现学一门语言非常困难。

1 )people who.in their fields 是定语从句, 修饰people。

2 )it 是形式宾语, 真正的宾语是不定式短语to succeed in language learning。当复合宾语中的宾语是不定式时, 则须将真实宾语不定式放在它的补足语之后, 而将形式宾语it 放在宾语补足语之前。

She found it difficult to answer the question.


He feels it his duty to help others. 他认为帮助别人是他的责任。

3 )succeed in 在..方面成功;(做什么事)成功。

He succeeded in the examination. 他考试及格了。

I succeeded in getting the job. 我谋到了那份工作。

be successful in 在..方面成功They a re successful in business. 他们在经营商业上很成功。

4 )辨异: bright, clever , intelligent, a.


brigh“t 聪明”、“心思灵敏”、“反应快”, 通常多指年轻人或小 孩, 常用于口语中, 书面语言不宜多用。

I have among my students a number of very bright youngsters.


clever “ 聪明”、“ 灵巧”, 应用范围很广。

His brother is cleverer than he. 他弟弟比他聪明。

He is clever with his hands. 他手很灵巧。

intelligent 较成熟的“ 聪明”, 侧重理解力强。

He was intelligent enough to understand my question from my gestures

I made. 他很聪明, 从我的手势就明白了我的问题。

3.Read as much as you can in the new language.


1 )as.as one can 尽可能= as.as possible

Come as early as you can. 你要尽可能早点来。

We will help her as possible as we can. 我们会尽可能帮助她的。

2 )介词in 在这里表示述意的途径, 意思是“ 以, 用”。

Say it in English. 用英语说。

They are talking in a loud voice. 他们大声地说话。

4.Learn as a child would learn. 像孩子那样学习。

1 )as 在这里是从属连词, 意思是“ 如”、“ 像”(in the way in which), 引导方式状语从句。

Do in Rome a s the Romans do.

在罗马要像罗马人一样地行事(入国问禁, 入乡随俗)。

Balloons float in the air as boats float on water.


2 )would 在这里是虚拟语气的一种用法, 表示“可能”、“ 将会”。

I’m sure he wouldn’t mind your going.


In some contexts the two words would be interchangeable.

在某些场合, 这两个词可以换用。

5.Play with the language. 用这种语言去做游戏。

play with 玩;玩弄

He is pla ying with his little sister in the field.


Don’t play with fire! 不要玩火!


I am not a man to be played with.


6.Instead of waiting for the teacher to explain, they try to find the

patterns and the rules for themselves.

他们尽量自己找出句型和规则, 而不是等着老师来解释。

1 )to explain 是个不定式, 在句中作宾语补足语。

2 )instead of 代替, 而不是

I will go instead of you. 我可以代你去。

Instea d of going to the cinema, I stayed at home reading a novel.

我并没有去看电影, 而是在家里看小说。

3 )patterns 在这里等于“ sentence patterns”句型。

4 )for oneself 独自, 独立地

I can do it for myself. 我自己能做这件事。

7.Therefore, successful learners do not wait for a chance to use the

language. 因此, 成功的学习者不是等着有机会使用这一语言。

1 )therefore adv. 因此, 因而;所以

The new car is smaller and therefore cheaper.

这辆新汽车比较小, 因此就比较便宜。

It rained;therefore the football match was postponed.

天下雨, 所以足球比赛延期了。

2 )wait for 等候

Time and tide wa it for no man. 岁月不待人。

He seemed to be waiting for someone. 他们似乎是在等什么人。

3 )辨异: chance, opportunity, n.

这两个词都表示“机会”。但chance 具有较多的偶然性, 比opportunity

语气稍重, 特别是在否定句或含有否定意义的句子中更是如此。

I had a cha nce to see him just because I attended that meeting.


All I want is a cha nce to have a hand in this experiment.

我只要求有一个参与这次实验的机会。(言外之意是: 哪怕是一个极微小的机会也可以。)

opportunity 指一般的机会, 特别指对自己有利的机会。

A summer in France gave her an opportunity to learn French.


8.They are not afraid to repeat what they hear or to say strange things

;they are willing to make mistakes and try again.

他们不怕重复所听到的, 大胆地说未听说过的。他们宁愿出错并勇于反复尝试。

1 )what 在这里是关系代词, 意思是“ 所..的”。

I gave him what I had. 我把我所有的东西都给他了。

Wha t is beautiful is not always good. 美的东西并不总是好的。

2 )willing a. 愿意的, 乐意的

He is willing to help others. 他乐于助人。

Are you willing that he (should)be allowed to join?


unwilling a. 不愿意的, 不乐意的

They are unwilling to recall the witness.


9.When communication is difficult, they can accept information that

is inexact or incomplete.

当交流有困难的时候, 他们可以接受不准确或不完整的信息。

1 )辨异: accept, receive, vt.

这两个词很容易混淆。accept 是“ 接受(指同意或愿意接受的意思)”;receive 是“ 接到”,“ 收到”(指收到东西的一种行为)。

I received an invitation. 我收到一份请帖。(去不去还不一定)

I accepted the invitation. 我接受邀请。(准备去)

He received the present, but he did not accept it.

他接到了礼物, 但是没有接受下来。

2 )in-是个前缀, 它附在形容词以及由该形容词派生而来的词之前, 构成相应的新形容词及其派生词, 意思是“ 不”、“ 非”、“无”。

10. It is necessary for them to learn the language in order to communicate

with these people and to learn from them. 为了与操这种语言的人进行交流并向他们学习, 他们必须学会这种语言。

1 )it 是形式主语, 真正的主语是不定式短语for them to learn.

from them。

2 )in order to 为了, 以便

We come here in order to help you.


3 )learn from 向..学习

We can learn from books. 我们可以从书本里学到许多东西。

Lea rn from Lei Feng! 向雷锋学习!

4 )communicate with 同..交流(或通信);和(某地)相通

I communica te with him regularly. 我经常和他通信。

Their bedroom communica tes with the bathroom.


Te xt B

Language 语言

Study of the Text