
第62章 Unit 21(2)

I regard that movie as one of the worst I’ve ever seen.


She rega rds me as a little kid who counts for nothing.


3 )with relevance to 与..有关

The film wa s with releva nce to what was being discussed in class.


Topic, for conversation should be with releva nce to the experiences

and interests of the students.


3.Advice about how to live a healthy life is one example of the type of received wisdom which is condensed and passed on to the next generation is the form of proverbs. 人们把公认的经验智慧简化成为成语形式, 让其世代相传, 关于如何生活才益于健康一类的忠告就是其中一例。

1 )advice 在这里的意思是“ 劝告, 咨询”, 作不可数名词用。

比如: a piece of advice 一个劝告;ask for sb’s advice (ask advice of sb. )向某人征求意见;give (或tender)advice 提出劝告;follow(或take)sb’s advice 接受某人的意见。

但是当advice 的意思为“ 报道, 消息”时, 则为可数名词, 比如:

Advices from China show that there will be no war.


2 )在advice about how to live a healthy life.中的介词短语作定语, 修饰中心词advice。

Most of the products on display are new ones.


The chief comrades in charge should bear greater responsibility.


3 )pass on 传给(另外一人)

I received your message, and ha ve pa ssed it on to all those whom it concerns.

我收到了你的电报, 并且把它传给了所有与之相关的人。

If you can’t do the job yourself, pass it on to someone who can.

如果你自己不能干这工作, 把它交给能干的人去干。

4.Another type of proverb acts as a reminder of the correct way to behave.


1 )act as 充当, 起..作用

He a cts a s Chairman in my absence. 我不在时他担任主席的工作。

2 )to behave 是动词不定式作定语, 修饰the correct way。下面请看动词不定式作定语的例子:

She usually has a lot of meetings to a ttend in the evenings.


Is there anything else to put on the a genda ?


They are always the first to bea r ha rdships, the last to enjoy comforts. 他们总是吃苦在前享乐在后。

5.As Britain came into contact with other countries and cultures, English became enriched with the words and wisdom of different languages. 随着不列颠与异国, 异域的文化有了接触, 英语词汇也因为接纳了不同语言的词汇和智慧而变得更丰富了。

1 )come into contact with 同..接触, 碰上In his job as Public Relation officer he comes into conta ct with all kinds of people.


There I came into contact with some of the finest craftsmen I have ever met. 在那里我碰见了我所见过的最优秀的一些工艺人。

2 )动词enrich 在这里的意思是“ 使变富, 使丰富”。

We should enrich our experience with practice.


Fertilizers enrich the soil. 肥料使土壤更肥沃。

6.From the Chinese, we borrowed the colourful. to stop halfway. 我们从汉语中借来生动有趣的谚语“ 骑虎难下”, 意思是说一旦你开始了某种冒险, 那么半途而废往往还不如坚持下去来得容易。

1 )meaning that if you.to stop halfway 是现在分词短语, 对前面的提到的成语进行解释。

He who rides a tiger is afraid to dismount 作proverb 的同位语。

2 )colourful 在这里的意思是“ 丰富多彩的;生动的, 富有特色的”。如: a colourful historical period 丰富多彩的历史时期;a colourful style of writing 绘影绘声的文笔;a colourful athlete 引人注目的运动员

3 )afraid“ 害怕的, 恐惧的”。be afraid of doing sth. 结构一般只表示“怕做某事”的意思;be afraid to do sth. 侧重表示“ 因为担心后果严重而不敢也不愿做某事”。如: He is not afraid of dying 和He is not afraid to die 两句, 虽然都可译作“ 不怕死”。又如: She was afraid of waking her husband 和she was afraid to wake her husband 两句, 虽然都可译作“ 她生怕把丈夫弄醒了”, 后一句又包含“ 考虑到可能招惹丈夫发怒的后果而不敢弄醒”之类的意思。

4 )start on 着手进行

They ha ven’t sta rted on the job yet.


The decorators have finished the dining-room and a re sta rting on the kitchen tomorrow. 装饰工人已搞完餐室, 明天搞厨房。

5 )carry through 完成;坚持下去He ca rried through the work in a month.


6 )to the end 到底

We are determined to fight to the end for the revolution.


7.The message here is that someone who stays with you and helps you in times of trouble, rather than turning their back, is a true friend.

这里的意思是说帮助你共度难关的人才是真正的朋友, 而不是那些拒绝帮助的人。

1 )here 在这里是个副词, 作message 的后置定语。

2 )in times of 在..时候

We must think of the people’s interests in times of difficulty.

在困难的时候, 我们应当想到人民的利益。

3 )rather than 与其..(不如);不是..(..而是)

He is a writer ra ther tha n a teacher.

与其说他是教师, 不如说他是作家。

He lay rather tha n sat in his armchair.


Ra ther tha n cause trouble, he left.

他宁可走开, 而不愿引起麻烦。

4 )turn one’s bakc on 不理踩某人;背弃

He turned his ba ck on his family when he became famous.


She turned her ba ck on her country and ran away to the foreign country. 她背叛了祖国, 逃到外国去了。


课文A 练习

I. 阅读理解:

1. d 2. b 3. c 4. c 5. d

II. 找出下列单词或短语的同义词:

1. dominate 2. imprecision 3. out of the question 4. denote 5. specific 6. prediction 7. assign 8. marked 9. consistent 10. intelligence III. 把下列副词变成形容词:

1. probable 2. sure 3. possible 4. rare 5. necessary 6. rare 7. thorough 8. potential 9. near 10. systematic IV. 综合填空: in, trying, the, in, for, rang, to, to, later, who

V. 把下列句子译成英语:

1. There are quite a few imprecise words in our daily expressions.

2. The word“several”means different things in different contexts.

3. Age can also affect people’s understanding imprecise words.

4. The experiments show that the ratio increases systematically with age.

5. Fat or thin, tall or short are also imprecise words.


I. 用所给单词的正确形式填空, 注意词性:

1. a. imprecision b. precision c. precise 2. a. probable b. probabilities c. probably 3. a. wide b. widely c. widen 4. a. system b. systematic c. systematically 5. a. quantitative b. quantity c. quantifiable II. 用下列单词的正确形式填空:

1. assigns 2. prediction 3. potentially 4. signified 5. consistent 6. marked 7. subjective 8. ratio 9. waging 10. dominate III. 把下列句子译成英语:

1. Our soldiers know how to pin down the enemy.

2. He often compares himself with his classmates in his class.

3. He is not so much a singer as a music composer.

4. When the manager is absent, who will be in his place?

5. It is out of the question for Tom to finish the whole exam paper within two hours.

课文B 练习

I. 根据课文判断下列句子正确与否:

1. √ 2. √ 3.× 4.× 5.× 6.× 7.× 8. √ 9. √ 10. √

II. 根据课文填上所缺的内容:

1. An old wives’tale

2. An hour before midnight is worth two after

3. the wildest rumours

4. Don’t wash your dirty linen in public

5. It’s no use crying over spilt milk

6. make the best of a bad job

7. Let sleeping dogs lie

8. Chinese

9. a free lunch

10. reluctant


I. 选择填空:

1. A 2. B 3. D 4. D 5. C 6. A 7. C 8. A 9. D 10. B