

print印刷;出版/portrait肖像;画像/photo相片/art艺术,美术/fine arts美术/painter画家/oil painter油画家/draw线条绘画/paint画(画)/brush drawing毛笔画/ink painting水墨画/water colour水彩画/oil painting油画/modern painting现代画/classical painting古典画/pen drawing钢笔画/paint brush画笔/drawing board画板/play of light and shadow光暗对比;光与影的运用/in gay colours色彩鲜艳

表示“在画上”是in the picture,介词不能用on。例:There are three cats in the picture.画上有三只猫。

a piece of一条,一页,一张

piece与形容词连用时,形容词通常要置于piece之前,而不是piece之后。例:1 want a small piece of paper.我想要一小张纸。②a piece of与不可数名词连用,不与可数名词连用。例:(×)He is reciting a piece of poem.(√)He is reciting a piece of poetry.(√)He is reciting a poem.他在背诵一首诗。

a Young Pioneer一名少先队员/the Young Pioneers少年先锋

from place to place处处/place of interest名胜/take one’s place就座;入席/take the place of(=take one’s place)代替/change places换位置/high place高级职位;上层社会/keep one’s place标明看到某处/give place to让位给/in place放在应放的地方;适当的/in place(of)代替,用……而不用……/keep in place固定住/out of place在不适当的位置,不相称;不协调

take place用于历史上的事件和集会的发生,而不用于地震等自然界的现象。

by plane乘飞机/on(in)a plane乘飞机/take a plane乘坐飞机/fly a plane驾驶飞机/get into a plane上飞机/get out of a plane下飞机

He——two thousand trees since 1985.

A.plants B.planted C.will plant

D.has planted



a plate of一盘……/on the plate在盘里

at play在玩耍/play a game玩游戏/play football踢足球/play the piano弹钢琴/play with sb.同某人一起玩耍/play with sth.拿某物玩/play a joke开玩笑/play a part in在……中起作用/play tricks on sb.欺骗某人/play against与……作对,比赛/play the fool干傻事/play it safe谨慎行事/play the game公道;诚实/play fair公正地比赛/play a trick(on)耍弄;捉弄/play politics耍手腕/one—act play独幕剧

drama戏剧/modern drama话剧/dance drama舞剧/comedy喜剧/musical drama歌舞剧

be pleased with为……而高兴,对……中意

①表示“客气的请求”,用would you please,其否定式是在please后加not。例:Would you please not be late?请不要迟到好吗?②please不能用做对thank you的回答。例:(X)“Thanks a lot.Please.”(√)“Thanks a lot.That’s OK.”“非常感谢”。“不客气”。


be pleased with对……感到满意/be pleased about(at,by)sth因……而高兴/be pleased to do乐于做……



plenty of相当多的;充足的/in plenty许多(位于名词之后)

police office警察局/police officer警官/police station派出所


如:ten police 10名警察。

be polite to sb.对……有礼貌

the poor穷人

win popular support赢得大众的支持/be popular with sb.受到某人的喜爱/popular song流行歌曲

welcome欢迎;受欢迎的/fashion时尚/fashionable时髦的/unpopular不通俗的,不流行的/out of fashion过时

Mr Li is one of____in our school.

A.a popular teacher B.more popular teacher

C.most popular teacher D.the most popular teachers



as...as possible尽可能……/if possible如有可能

possibility可能;可能性/possibly可能地;也许/impossible不可能的/be able to能/unable不能的/can能;也许/may可以;可能,或许;祝愿/might可能,也许;会,能/likely很可能的/maybe或许;大概/perhaps也许/probably很可能,或许

post office邮政局/post code邮政编码/by post邮寄

practise doing sth.练习做某事/practise the law执法

be(get)prepared for为……做好准备/be prepared to do愿意且有能力做/make preparations for为……做好准备/prepare...for为……准备;辅导某人做

They are busy——for a trip.

A.prepare B.to prepare C.preparing



解析句意:他们在做旅行的准备。答案为C。be busy doing sth.表示“忙于做某事”,而prepare for sth.意为“为某事做准备”。prepare for和be ready for这两个短语都可表示“准备、预备”。①prepare for表示动手做“准备”的过程,也指使心里有准备。②be ready for强调“准备”就绪的状态。如:Are you ready for the writing?你们准备好写了吗?

a birthday present生日礼物/bring a present带一份礼物来/receive a present接受礼物/refuse a present拒收礼物/send a present送礼物/at present现在。目前/for the present暂时/be present at出席,到场

——I forgot to bring my notebook.

——.You can borrow some paper from me.

A.Help yourself B.I’m sorry

C.No problem D.so careless


解析句意:——我忘了带笔记本了。~没问题,你可以从我这里借几张纸。答案为C。help yourself是“请自便,不要客气”的意思,不符合题意;排除“I’m sorry”.是“对不起,打扰一下”的意思,用于道歉,本题没有这个意思;so careless是“这么粗心”,舍有责备的意思;与no problem“没问题”相比较,no problem更符合题意。

pull on穿上(衣服、鞋袜等)/pull out of把……拉出来/pull through(从重病中)恢复健康,渡过难关/pull up from把……拉上来/pull down拉下/pull away离开,脱身

push...aside把……推向一边/push on推动;推进;努力向前/push one’s way挤着往前走/push to the front of挤到队伍前面去/push oneself(to do)鞭策自己做……/push over sth.推倒,刮倒/push back迫使后退/push for催促(做某事)/push into推动(做某事)/push off走开/push up抬高

put down放入,写入;平息;让……下车;放下/put off推迟;延期/put one’s heart into全神贯注于……/put out put through接通(电话)/put on穿;戴;上演/put up挂起;举起;建造/put aside放到一边;储蓄/put away收拾;储存/put into放进;翻译/put up one’s hand(s)举行/put a stop(an end)to制止;使停止/put above看得重于/put across讲清楚;欺骗/put in order整理;整顿/put into effect执行;实现/put into practice实行/put on airs摆架子/put on weight长胖/put out使熄灭;生产;出版/put up with忍受/put...in prison把……投进监狱/put on performance演出

The workmen busy——the small parts together in the workshop.





解析句意:工人们正忙着在车间里组装小零部件。答案为B。be busy doing意思是“忙着做某事”,be busy with“忙于”;“The workmen”是复数形式,助动词也要用复数形式,可排除A、C、D。故选B。

①注意表示“一刻钟”时,一般不单独说a quarter,而要说a quarter of an hour。在a quarter past ten(十点一刻),a quarter to ten(差一刻十点)等词语中,如果超过某整点一刻钟,要用past;如果还差一刻钟就到某一整点,则要用介词to。例:It is about a quarter past nine.现在大约是九点一刻。②1/4是a quarter或one quarter,2/4是two quarters或a half。


beyond(without,out of)question毫无疑问,确定的/out of the question不可能的,办不到的/put a question to sb.向某人提出疑问/question mark问号/colour question种族问题/in question疑问/leading question主要问题/open question公开提问/substantial question实质性问题/out of question无疑地/stock question老问题/put the question to提付表决/question about对……提出疑问/question sb.on sth.就……质问某人



A.He is absolutely wrong. B.Out of the question he is wrong.

C.Out of question he is wrong.D.He is wrong out of the question.


解析答案为C。out of question意为“毫无疑问”,out of the question则意为“不可能或办不到”。There is no question but that...意为“……是毫无疑问的”,其中but可以省略。注意和problem的区别。

表示“向某人提一个问题”是ask sb.a question或ask a question of sb.,而不是ask a question to sb.,但可能是put a question to sb.。

这是因为of表示来源,意即“从某人那里获得问题的解答”;而to表示交给某人去解答,所以和put连用。例:(×)May I ask a question to you?(√)May I ask a question.(√)May I put a question to you.我可以向您请教个问题吗?

be quick at敏于做……;接受能力强/find a quick way of doing sth.找到做……的捷径


除了感叹句以外,通常置于动词之后。例:Please come quickl请快点!②表示“在某方面敏感”是be quick at sth.或be quick of+名词;“做某事敏捷”是be quick at doing sth.或be quick to do sth.。例:Mary is very quick at learning drawing.Mary is very quick to learn drawing.玛丽在学习绘画方面很灵。

quite后接“a/an+形容词+名词”结构。例:It was quite a perfect day.天气好极了。②quite不直接用在比较级前面。例:(×)She’s quite older than me.(√)She’s rather/much/a bit older than me.她比我老不少/老多了/老一点儿。③与某些形容词,如sorry等,或副词much及代词a few等搭配使用时,只用very,而不用quite。例:(X)I’m quite sorry.(√)I’m very sorry.我很抱歉。④quite通常不与副词too(太)连用,遇此情况可改用rather,far,much等。例:The book is rather too difficult for the students.这本书对学生来说太难了。⑤当名词前有代词如another和a few等形容词作修饰语时,则只能用quite,而不能用very。例:(x)It’s very another thing.It’s quite an other thing.那是另一回事。⑥quite后面接名词时,一般放在冠词前。例:(X)She is a quite beauty.(√)She is quite a beauty.她真是个大美人。


a race against time和时间赛跑/a rat race激烈的竞争/lose a on(over,upon)the radio通过无线电广播/turn on(off)the radio开(关)收音机/turn up(down)the radio开大(小)收音机音量/long wave长波/radio noise无线电噪声/radio wave无线电波/radio path无线电波传播路径/radio channel无线电波道/radio field无线电场/radio facsimile无线电传真/radio window无线电窗/radio reception无线电接收/radio data无线电数据/radio search无线电搜索/radio station无线电台/radio traffic无线电通信业务/radio telescope无线电望远镜/radio signal无线电信号/radio input无线电信号输入/radio repairing无线电修理

colour television receiver彩色电视机/television field发(传真)/radio operation无线电作业/television telephone电视电话/television cinema电视电影/fax(发)传真/TV set电视机/television translator电视转发器/telegram无线电报

(×)I heard his speech by the radio.(√)I heard his speech on the radio.我从收音机里听到他的演说。

be caught in the rain被雨淋了/look like rain看上去像是要下雨/rain cats and dogs下倾盆大雨/rain or shine不论晴雨

We won’t have our sports meeting if it——tomorrow.

A.rains B.will rain C.rained D.rain



①rain通常作不可数名词,但如果rain前有形容词,这时可以用不定冠词。②rain还可以用于复数形式表示。大阵雨或雨季。③雨既可作名词,又可作动词。大雨说a heavy rain为佳,而不应说a big rain。同样地,wind,snow也不应以big来修饰,而要用a strong wind和a heavy Snow。

例:There was a heavy rain last night.昨夜下了场大雨。

or rather更确切地说/rather than而不;非/would rather宁愿/would rather...than宁愿……而不愿/rather too稍微;一点

①rather可用于比较级和too之前,而fairly不能。fairly也不能和动词、名词连用。例:I did rather better this time.我这次做得比较好一点了。②rather than连接两个成分作主语时,其谓语的数应与前面一个主语的数保持一致。例:The teacher rather than the students is to blame.应受责备的是老师而不是学生。③rather本身已有比较含义,所以不能再用比较级。

例:(X)I trust you more rather than him.(√)I trust you rather than him.你和他相比,我更信任你。

The visitors Haikou——April 29.

A.reached,on B.came to,in C.arrived,on D.got at,on


解析句意:游客4月29号到达海口。答案为A。reach为及物动词表示“到达”,reach=arrive in(at):get to。on在这里表示时间。on April 29的意思是“在4月29日”。

reach作“到达”解时是个非持续性动作,用于完成时态时,不可与表示一段时间的状语连用。例:(×)I have reached Shanghai for more than a month.(√)I reached Shanghai more than a month ago.(√)I have been in Shanghai for more than a month.我到上海已经一个多月了。

read after sb.跟某人读/read aloud大声朗读/read sb.sth.(=read sth.to sb.)念给某人/read out朗读;读出声来/read about(of)阅读有关……/read one’s mind(thought)看出某人的心思/read over(through)从头至尾阅读,仔细阅读

1.Lily finished——the book yesterday.

A.read B.reading C.to read




2_Her mother told her——in bed.

A.not read B.not to read C.don’t read D.to not read


解析句意:她母亲告诉她不要在床上看书。答案为B。考查学生动词不定式to do作宾补的用法,注意用否定动词不定式时not的位置。“tell sb.not to do sth.”中否定词not一定要放在动词不定式前。


例:(x)This poem is read well.(√)This poem reads well.这首诗读起来很好。

be(get)ready for为……做好准备/be ready to do sth.乐于做某事/get(have,make)sth.ready把……准备好



be received into被接受/receive a degree获得学位/receive a letter from收到……来信

remember doing sth.记得曾做过某事/remember to do sth.记住要做某事/remember+sb.+doing记得某人曾经(做过……)/remember十从句记得

--Remember this,children——careful you are——mistakes you will make.

——We know,Miss Gao.

A.The more.the more B.The fewer.the more

C.The more,the fewer D.The less,the less



remember+to do记住将要做某事(未来);remember+doing记得曾做过的事(过去)

a school report成绩报告单/make a report做报告/prepare a report准备报告/It is reported that...据报道/report+从句汇报/report+doing声称/report sb.告发某人/a weather report天气预报

report card学生成绩单/grade report成绩通知/reading report书面报告


sorry,I can’t hear you clearly.Will you please your e—mail address?I’1l write it down.

A.review B.recite C.report




rest on支持以……;以……为基础;依靠,信赖/rest sarisfled with满足……/take a rest休息/rest day休息日/rest home疗养院(所)/rest house招待所/rest on fact据实


①要表示剩下的人或东西,通常用“the rest of…”这样的结构。例:He lived rest of his life in Paris.他在巴黎度过了他的余生。②the rest“其余的(物),剩下的部分”(注意其前是the)用作主语时,其谓语的数要根据它所指的内容来确定。例:The rest of the money was stolen.剩下的钱被偷走了。


by returns轮流地/return from从……返回/in return作为报答/in return for以……作交换/return home回家/return to someplace回到某地/return to normal恢复正常

a rich harvest丰收/a rich library藏书报多的图书馆/become rich变得富有/rich soil活土/rich in含有大量的,充满/the rich富人,有钱人

①名词riches作“财富”、“财宝”解,不用单数形式。例:All his riches are NO good to him if he is in ill health.如果身体不好,他的全部家财对他毫无用处。②表示“物质方面的丰富”通常用“be rich in...”;“情感方面的丰富”通常用“be rich with...”。例:Our country is rich in natural resources.

我国的自然资源丰富。She is rich with feelings.她是个感情丰富的人。

right away立刻;马上/on the right在右边/to the right朝右/all right(身体)正常无事;(情况)顺利正常;合适,可以/human rights人权/right now现在,刚刚/That’s all right.不用谢。/on one’s right在某人的右边



(×)Your opinions are very right.(√)Your opinions are quite right.你的看法很正确。

ring sb.up给某人打电话/give sb.a ring给某人打电话/ring back回电话/ring off挂断电话

ring up+宾语结构:宾语是名词可放在ring up中间或后部,若宾语为代词,必须放在ring up之间。

give rise to引起,选取

a bridge over(across)the river河上的一座桥/sail on the river在河上航行/swim in the river在河里游泳

by road由公路

in Room 2 在2号房/in the room在房里/leave room for给……留下地方/make room for给……让地方


Please help me move the table in.

But there is not enough——for it.

A.place B.floor C.room



解析句意:——请帮我把桌子移到里边。一但是里面没有足够的地方放下它。答案为C。room表示“空间”时,是不可数名词。这要根据上下文进行判断。这类词还有glass,paper等。如:A glass is made of glass.玻璃杯是玻璃制成的。(玻璃杯可数,玻璃不可数)Give me a piece of paper,please.请给我一张纸(纸不可数,但作报纸讲时可数)。

all the year round终年;整年/round the world遍及全世界/turn round and round团团转/all round在……周围(全是)/round the clock昼夜不停~/round up把……集合在一起/come round走过来/round about在附近;在周围


run after追捕,追赶/run behind追随/run into偶然碰到/run out of用光了,消耗殆尽/in the long run从长远来说/run a race赛跑/run a risk冒险/run across无意间碰到/run away跑掉(开)/run over(跑)过去(过来);(车辆等)辗过/run to(towards)向……跑去/run for竞选

——Excuse me,can you show me?


A.what B.how to run the machine?



