
第58章 Office Automation(6)


辅助存储设备包括硬驱、软驱、光驱和 DVD 驱动器。一个办公室系统的最低配置应是40GB的硬驱、3.5英寸的软驱和光驱或一个向下兼容(可读CD光盘)的 DVD 驱动器。一个可读写的光驱对于高度共享或存储大量数据是一个较好的选择。







购买扫描仪时应考虑如下性能:分辨率、颜色位深、接口连接类型、原件最大尺寸、自动进纸器和软件。对于图形和图像扫描推荐的最低分辨率为 600 ×600dpi。如果需要非常高的质量以处理图像细节和放大,推荐使用1200dpi。经过插值处理后可达到的分辨率没有太大意义。使用插值方法可以在使用放大功能时(计算)产生增加的像素值,但并不能实质上提高图像的分辨率。选择扫描仪的关键因素是满足办公需要即可。如果实际工作中分辨率不是很重要,那么使用600dpi的就可以了。















【Reading Material】

Machine Translation

The translation of natural languages by machine has become a reality in the late twentieth. The term “machine translation” (MT) refers to computerized systems responsible for the production of translations with or without human assistance. The boundaries between machine-aided human translation and human-aided machine translation are often uncertain and the term computer-aided translation can cover both, but the central core of MT itself is the automation of the full translation process.

Although the ideal goal of MT systems may be to produce high-quality translation, in practice the output is usually revised (post-edited). It should be noted that in this respect MT does not differ from the output of most human translators, which is normally revised by a second translator before dissemination. However, the types of errors produced by MT systems do differ from those of human translators.

The translation quality of MT systems may be improved either by developing more sophisticated methods or by imposing certain restrictions on the input. The system may be designed to deal with texts limited to the sublanguage (vocabulary and grammar) of a particular subject field and/or document type. Alternatively, input texts may be written in a controlled language. A third option is to require input texts to be marked (pre-edited) with indicators of prefixes, suffixes, word divisions, phrase and clause boundaries, or of different grammatical categories. Finally, the system itself may refer problems of ambiguity and selection to human operators for resolution during the processes of translation itself in an interactive mode.

Systems are designed either for two particular languages (bilingual systems) or for more than a single pair of languages (multilingual systems). Bilingual systems may be designed to operate either in only one direction (unidirectional), or in both directions (bidirectional). Multilingual systems are usually intended to be bidirectional; most bilingual systems are unidirectional.

In overall system design, there have been three basic types. The first (and historically oldest) type is generally referred to as the “direct translation” approach:the MT system is designed in all details specifically for one particular pair of languages, e.g. Russian as the language of the original texts, the source language, and English as the language of the translated texts, the target language. Translation is direct from the source language (SL) text to the target language (TL) text; the basic assumption is that the vocabulary and syntax of SL texts need not be analyzed any more than strictly necessary for the resolution of ambiguities, the correct identification of TL expressions and the specification of TL word order; in other words, SL analysis is oriented specifically to one particular TL. Typically, systems consist of a large bilingual dictionary and a single monolithic program for analyzing and generating texts; such “direct translation” systems are necessarily bilingual and unidirectional.