

The Misery of Shyness

Guidance for Reciting

Shyness is a negative personality,but can it be completely eliminated,or at least reduced?This passage will help you overcome shyness.

Are you familiar with the following situations?Your hands are sweating,the heart pounding,the mouth as dry as the Sahara. However hard you try,you still cannot get your feet to move toward a roomful of strangers and make a good impression on them. When asked to give your point of view,you remain silent for fear of“sounding stupid.”If you know these situations well,then you might be one of the people who usually describe themselves shy.

Shyness is the cause of much unhappiness for a great many people. It is an unpleasant feeling usually going hand in hand with self-consciousness,self-doubts,and a lack of self-esteem. Shy people,being too critical of themselves and wanting themselves to be perfect,tend to put all their weaknesses under a microscope,and they believe others will do the same. Thus,they dare not show their true colors. They doubt that they are worth praising;what's worse,they isolate themselves from people. Fortunately,with patient and determined effort,people can overcome shyness and live a happy life.






