
第54章 印度名胜泰姬陵

The construction of this marble masterpiece is credited to the Mughal emperor Shah Jahan who erected this mausoleum in memory of his beloved wife popularly known as Mumtaz Mahal,who died in A。D。1630.

Her last wish to her husband was“to build a tomb in her memory such as the world had never seen before”。Thus emperor Shah Jahan set about building this fairy tale like marvel。

The construction of Taj Mahal was started in A。D。1632 and completed at the ended in 1648 A。D。For seventeen years,twenty thousand workmen are said to have been employed on it daily,for their accommodation a small town,named after the deceased empress“Mumtazabad”,now known as Taj Ganj,was built adjacent to it。Amanat Khan Shirazi was the calligrapher of Taj Mahal,his name occurs at the end of an inscription on one of the gates of the Taj。Poet Ghiyasuddin had designed the verses on the tombstone,while Ismail Khan Afridi of Turkey was the dome maker。Muhammad Hanif was the superintendent of Masons。

The designer of Taj Mahal was Ustad Ahmad Lahauri。The material was brought in from allover India and central Asia and it took a fleet of 1000 elephants to transport it to the site。The central dome is 187 ft。high at the centre。

Red sandstone was brought from Fatehpur Sikri,Jasper from Punjab,Jade and Crystal from China,Turquoise from Tibet,Lapis Lazuli and Sapphire from Sri Lanka,Coal from Arabia and Diamonds from Panna。As many as 28 kind of rare,semi precious and precious stones were used or inlaid in the Taj Mahal。

Taj Mahal's outer court,also known as Jilo Khana,was formerly used both as a bazaar and a caravansarai(Rest house)。The Taj has a jewel-like quality。The shadow and light play demonstrates its many moods。

Some feel the Taj is best seen on a full moon night,others find it ethereal at dawn while some insist that it is sensuous at sunset。



泰姬陵于公元1632年开始建造,竣工于1648年,花费了17年的时间,每天都动用2万工人。仅仅为了这些工人的食宿,一座依据死去的王后命名的一座小镇,Mumtazabad,在泰姬陵的工地附近拔地而起。这座小镇现在叫做Taj Ganj区。

Amanat是泰姬陵的书法家,他的名字刻在了大门的题词下方。诗人Ghiyasuddin也为陵墓做了韵诗。来自土耳其的ISmail制作了圆拱顶,而Muhammad Hanif是泥瓦匠监督。

泰姬陵Ustad Ahmad Lahauri是泰姬陵的总设计师。陵墓的制作材料是用1000头大象从印度各地和亚洲中部运来的。中间的拱顶高达187英尺。

建造陵墓所需的红色砂岩是从Fatehpur Sikri运来的,石英来自旁遮普,悲翠和水晶来自中国,绿松石来自西藏,青金石和蓝宝石来自斯里兰卡,煤来自阿拉伯,钻石来自中央邦潘拿。共有28种稀有的、半珍奇或珍奇的宝石被用来镶嵌在泰姬马哈尔陵墓之中。

泰姬陵的外围Jilo Khana广场被用来做大市场和休息厅。整个泰姬陵仿佛一颗夺目明珠,光移影动,呈现出她的万种心情。
