
第24章 旅行宝典Travel Guide(2)

One of the bestknown Greek drinks is retsinaretsina n.松香味希腊葡萄酒 wine, made with pineneedle resin. Local spirits include ouzo, an aniseedbased clear spirit to which water is added and very similar to the French pastis. Local brandy is sharp and fiery. Greek coffee is served thick and strong, and sugared according to taste. Greek beer is a light Pilsner type. Opening hours vary according to the region and local laws.

Dining in Ancient Greece - Nutritional Habits

Such was the importance of sailing and fishing that fish was a major part of the local diet. Fish, shellfishshellfish n.贝, 甲壳类动物, squid and eels were consumed in near any manner possible. The richer families may extend their diet to caviar, oysters and turtles. Smoked fish was even imported from as far a field as the Black Sea and Spain.

Meat was a far less common dish. At home one would be more than happy to have sausagessausage n.香肠, 腊肠 or hare. Any animal capable of producing food was valuable alive. Goats cheese, for example, could be happily produced in great volume. Any kind of poultry, however, would not be out of place on a table. Pheasantspheasant n.[鸟] 雉, 野鸡, chickens, all were available.

During the summer fruits and vegetables were readily available fresh. Fruits were eaten in all possible manners, while vegetables were preferable well dressed. However, for over the winter one was advised to dry out and preserve them. Apparently one manner of preserving a whole variety of fruits is to put them in honey, carefully ensuring that no one fruit touches another. To preserve green vegetables one need only put them in a receptaclereceptacle n.容器, [植]花托, [电工]插座 treated with pitch.

Seasonings of all sorts were imported. Garlic, onions and mustard were highly popular. And, as with today, olive groves grew in abundanceabundance n.丰富, 充裕, 丰富充裕. They were quite capable of supplying far beyond the reaches of Greece itself even then. Wine, too, was readily available and cheap. Each area, as today, produced its own distinct flavour. The Aegean islands, especially Lesbos and Chios, were said to be the best. The wine was transported in amphorae and was then strained through fine cloth prior to use, relieving it of the bitty sedimentssediment n.沉淀物, 沉积 left in during production.

The Cuisine of Greece

It,s not as quite as cheap as it used to be, and millenniums of overfishing have decimated the seafood population, but it,s still possible to eat like a king in Greece on the budgetbudget n.预算 vi.做预算, 编入预算 of a peasant.

Some people tell stories of how the food is one of the best things about Greece. It isn,t. But it,s pretty good and if you get the right seaside taverna can be sensational.

Tavernas are all over the everywhere, offering much the same type of food, although the quality varies tremendously. Some crowd right next to each other like people at the nearby disco while others are so isolated they become an unexpected oasis for those adventuring out into the countryside.

To find a good taverna, pick one with a lot of patrons. Check the prices on the seafood and fishsome can be expensive due to the reason noted above, but good bargainsbargain n.契约, 合同, 成交商品, 便宜货 v.议价 can still be found.

Meals are served just about anytime although most people don,t have dinner until about 11 p.m. The dining pace is European casual, so getting a table at a popular taverna often requires a stomachgrowling wait. A good trick is to spot a popular dining spot one evening, then go back the next at about 10:30. You will be a halfhour ahead of the crowd.

One of the great thrills about eating in Greece is being able to walk right into the kitchen to see what,s cooking. Point out a few interesting items and soon it will be brought to your table.

The Greeks attributeattribute n.属性, 品质, 特征, 加于, 归结于 olive oil to their long and healthy life expectancyexpectancy n.期待, 期望 and a result, dishes are swimming in the stuff. While it may indeed provide benefits down the road, for the short term it can have an unsettling affect on untrained digestive systems. Be prepared to make the necessary adjustmentsadjustment n.调整, 调节, 调节器.

Tzatziki (a yogurt, cucumbercucumber n.[植]黄瓜 and garlic dip served with pita or white bread) and stuffed grape leaves (dolmades) make for great appetizers. Main courses can be lamb, stuffed tomatoes, soulvaki (huge chunks of meat on a skewer with vegetables and served with rice) or moussaka (the Greek version of lasagna). Seafood is available everywhere, particularly fish.

Greek salads are perfect appetizers. They consist of cucumbers, tomatoes, black olives, fetafeta n.羊乳酪 cheese, and lots of olive oil (common to all Greek dishes). The average cost is 500dr; you can save about 200dr by skipping the feta cheese and ordering a tomato and cucumber salad. Ironically, the freshest Greek salad in all of Greece is the cafeteria on Paradise Beach in Mykonos. Owner Freddie grows his own vegetables, which are so fresh they are bursting with flavor.

Shopping in Greece希腊购物










