
第42章 口语(14)

萨利: 没事的。别急,你是那么漂亮温柔的女孩。总有一天你会遇见真正爱你的男孩的。


经 典 释 疑

Hes the just person I had dreamed of. 他就是我一直梦想要找的那个人。

the just person 此处指就是那个人,对的人,等同于the right person.

- Youre the just person the director has been finding!你就是导演要找的人!

-Are you kidding ? I cant believe it. 你开玩笑的吧?我不敢相信。

常 用 语 聚 焦

1. I have fallen in love with him. 我已经爱上他了。

2. He loves her crazily. 他疯狂地爱她。

3. His girlfriend is a knockout! 他的女朋友很迷人!

4. Sallys boyfriend was really a heartbreaker. 萨莉的男朋友很帅。

5. The man asked me out last night but was refused. 那个男人昨晚约我出去但是被我拒绝了。

6. Jackie Chen really turns me on. 成龙让我很着迷。

7. Sally is really elegant, so many boys are lusting after her. 萨利真的很优雅,所以很多男孩子追求她。

8. David will make a pass at her. 大卫要追求她。

9. I feel the boy is infatuated with you. 我觉得那个男孩对你有意思。

10. Recently, many boys have made advances to her. 最近,很多男孩子向她求爱。

4 The flash marriage is really becoming a thing. 闪婚变得越来越流行了。

The flash marriage is really becoming more and more popular.


超 级 情 景 会 话

Flash Marriage

Jason: Hey! Do you remember that Lillian girl I told you about

Paul: Yeah. You two have been dating, right

Jason: Yeah, but we want to take it to the next level.

Paul: What do you mean, bro

Jason: Lillian and I are getting married.

Paul: Married Didnt you just meet her a few months ago

Jason: Yeah, but weve become really close. I think were going toVegas to get married in one of those drive-thru weddings.

Paul: Well man, I cant say I agree with your decision, but just do whatmakes you happy.

Jason: Thanks for the support. Lillian makes me happy, and I cant waituntil we get married.

Paul: Yeah, I can see that. I really hope you two are great together.

Jason: Thanks, man! Ill send you pictures of the ceremony!

Paul: Catch you later. Have fun.


Jason: 嘿!你还记得上次我跟你说的那个叫莉莲的女孩吗?




Jason:Lillian 和我要准备结婚了!


Jason: 是啊,但是我们已经很亲密了。我们打算在拉斯维加斯举行快速婚礼。

Paul: 哦,哥们儿,虽然我不认同你的决定,但是只要你开心就好。

Jason: 谢谢你的支持。莉莲让我很开心,我都迫不及待想要跟她结婚了。




经 典 释 疑

Yeah, but we want to take it to the next level. 是的,但是我们想再向前进一步。

take it to the next level 向前进一步,向前发展I think were going to Vegas to get married in one of those drive-thruweddings. 汽车通道婚礼,这样的婚礼好比快餐店的汽车通道,你不用下车就可以买到食物,只不过这里不是买食物,而是结婚。在拉斯维加斯,为了方便那些赌高了喝大了的人快速结婚,有的教堂竟开设汽车通道,办理结婚手续。

常 用 语 聚 焦

1. We havent been dating too long, but I really like her. 我们约会还没多长时间,但我真的喜欢她。

2. I want us to get married. 我想我们应该结婚了。

3. My girlfriend and I are doing great. 我和我女朋友相处得很好。

4. Dont you think its early for saying that kind of stuff 你不觉得这么说有点早了吗?

5. Lets have our wedding in Vegas. They have last minute ceremoniesthere. 咱们在拉斯维加斯举行婚礼吧,他们有快速婚礼。

6. Its pretty early, but if you think its true love then I dont see why not.


7. Our wedding in Vegas was so awesome !我们在拉斯维加斯的婚礼真是太棒了!

8. Vegas is amazing, and our wedding went so well for a last minute thing.


9. Thats great. I hope you two are happy together. 挺好的,希望你们俩在一起幸福。

10. We should go to Vegas for our wedding, since we want to get marriedsoon and everything. 我们应该去拉斯维加斯举行婚礼,因为我们想马上结婚而且一切都妥当。

5 N a k e d m a r r i a g e i s m o r e p o p u l a rnowadays. 现在裸婚很流行。

Naked marriage is becoming more popular nowadays.


超 级 情 景 会 话

Naked Wedding

John: Fancy meeting you here! How are you doing

Lillian: Im busy preparing for my wedding.

John: When is your wedding

Lillian: Next month.

John: Really What about the house

Lillian: We didnt buy any. We decide to live with our parents.

John: Why not buy a house in advance

Lillian: We dont have so much money, and we love each other very

much. So we plan to tie the knot.









Lillian: 我们没有那么多钱,我们很爱对方,所以我们决定先结婚。

经 典 释 疑

We decide to live with our parents. 我们决定跟父母住在一起。

decide to do sth. 决定做某事,例如:I decide to go abroad next year. 我决定明年出国。

live with sb. 跟某人住在一起,例如:I live with my parents. 我跟父母住在一起。

经典影视 语 录 聚 焦

1. I have no cars, no money, no houses, no diamond rings. But I want togrow old with you. When you are old, I will still carry you and be yourwalking stick; when you have no teeth, I will feed you. I wont diebefore you, for leaving you alone in this world makes me feel worried.



2. Details beat love. I have no advantage over you except for my love. Ivebeen trying to retain my dignity in love. Now Im desperate because Ihave nothing more to lose. 细节打败爱情。我除了我爱你比你爱我多以外,我没有任何条件优越过你。我一直是维护自己爱情的尊严,我今天才知道一个道理,什么叫失无所失。

3. What is happiness Happiness depends on what you do rather than whatyou say. 幸福是什么,幸福不是靠你说就能说出来的,幸福是你实实在在干出来的。

4. Relationships which dont end up with marriage are all crap. 不以结婚为目的的谈恋爱都是耍流氓。

5. Tong and I are way beyond love, we are now relatives. 我和童佳倩已经超越了爱情这层关系了,我们现在是亲人。

6. We joined in marriage voluntarily. From now on well takeresponsibility and carry out obligations, to honor the old and bring upthe young, to respect and love each other, to trust and encourage eachother, to give and take, to help each other in difficult time and to loveeach other for ever! 我们自愿结为夫妻。从今天开始,我们将共同肩负起婚姻赋予我们的责任和义务,上孝父母,下教子女,互敬互爱,互信互勉,互谅互让,相濡以沫,钟爱一生!

7. Where there is you, there is home. 有你的地方,才是我的家。

8. Honey, you are so kind, I have nothing to return except for marryingyou. 娘子,你对我这么好,小生无以回报,唯有以身相许。

9. Making your wife worry about money is not what a pure man shoulddo. 让自己媳妇儿为钱着急,挺不爷们儿的。

6 Id rather always stay single.


Id rather always not marry.


超 级 情 景 会 话

Enjoying Single

Jack: Man, Im tired of being single.

Tony: Why not go out more often

Jack: I dont know. Im just not feeling motivated lately, I guess.

Tony: Maybe you should try out one of those online dating sites.

Jack: I thought only creepy people joined those.