
第51章 口语(23)

7. Take a number 46 bus, and get off at the square. 坐46 路公共汽车,在广场下车。

8. Go straight ahead along the bund and then turn left. 沿着外滩往前走,然后往左转弯。

9. Its on the corner of Huaihai Street and Xizang Road. 在淮海路和西藏路的路口。

10. Turn right/left at the second crossing. (Take the second turning on theright/left.) 在第二个十字路口向右/ 左转弯。

12 Were in a car accident.


触 类 旁 通

We get into a car accident.


超 级 情 景 会 话

Traffic Accident

Maggie: Ambulance, please.

William: Ambulance. Do you get your bearing

Maggie: Im in a phone box outside No.255, Cranston Avenue.

William: Whats the trouble, sir

Maggie: Theres been an accident. Please send an ambulance at once.

William: Is there a doctor present

Maggie: No, theres only me. The driver didnt stop. Is there anything Ican do

William: Dont move the patient. Try to stop the bleeding and keep thepatient warm, but dont give him anything to eat or drink, OK

Maggie: Right. Please hurry.

William: Dont worry. The ambulance is on its way now.




马吉:我在克伦斯顿大道255 号外面的电话亭里。


马吉: 出了车祸。有人被轧着了,正大量出血。请立即派一辆救护车来。



威廉: 不要移动伤者。想办法止血。保持受伤者的体表温度,但不要给他任何吃或喝的东西,明白吗?



经 典 释 疑

Do you get your bearing 你在哪个方位? bearing 方位,方向。get onesbearing 可指地理方位,也可指人生或自身发展的方位。例如:When Igot out of the tube, it took me several minutes to get my bearings. 从地铁出来后,我用了好几分钟才弄清自己所在的方位。

常 用 语 聚 焦

1. I heard a man was dead in yesterdays traffic accident. 我听说一个男人在昨天的交通事故中死掉了。

2. There was a car accident at the intersection.十字路口发生了一起车祸。

3. Jimmy was hit by a jeep. 吉米被吉普车撞了。

4. Two trucks crashed into each other. 两辆卡车撞到一起了。

5. Hey! Where are you going You have hit me. 嗨,你往哪儿开呢?你撞着我了。

6. Where was the accident 车祸发生在哪儿?

7. I brake as hard as I could. 我拼命刹车。

8. I stopped, but only just in time. 我刹住了车,不过也差一点撞着。

9. It happened in the blink of an eye. 事故转眼就发生了。

10. I came near to being knocked down by a car. 我差点被车撞倒了。

13 Were trapped in traffic jam.


触 类 旁 通

We encountered a traffic jam.


超 级 情 景 会 话

Traffic Jam

Linda: What happened

Mike: Were stuck again.

Linda: Why are we so unfortunate I am really fed up with traffic jam.

Mike: Everybody here is in the traffic jam, not only you and me.

Linda: But its the fifth time in this week that we have been caught in the traffic jam.

Mike: Its no use complaining. Its the rush hour now.

Linda: Ill be late again. Why are there so many cars on the road

Mike: Calm down, honey. Do you forget we are in New York

Linda: There is always traffic problem in big cities.

Mike: So Ive been used to the traffic jam.

Linda: Ill take the subway tomorrow. It is much faster than driving cars.













经 典 释 疑

I am really fed up with traffic jam. 我对堵车真是烦透了。fed 是feed ( 喂)的过去分词。be fed up with…的原意是“吃够了某样东西”,引申意为“腻味”或“厌烦”。此语常用在to be fed up with something (somebody)和to be fed up with doing something 的句式之中。例如:My roommatesare too noisy. Im really fed up with them. 我的室友实在是太闹了,我简直受够了。

常 用 语 聚 焦

1. How can we avoid a traffic jam 我们怎么样避免堵车呢?

2. Is the road ahead blocked 前面的路塞住了吗?

3. Theres a lot of traffic on the roads. 路上车辆很多。

4. There are traffic jams everywhere. 到处都是交通堵塞。

5. The traffic is very heavy now. 现在交通很拥挤。

6. We can go this way to avoid a traffic jam. 我们可以走这条线避免交通堵塞。

7. Well be all right if therere no holdups. 如果不堵车,没有问题。

8. Buses are crowded in the morning. 早上的时候公交车很拥挤。

9. I have to leave home at 7 oclock in case of traffic jam. 我必须在7 点出门,以免遇上交通堵塞。

10. It takes more time in rush hour. 在高峰时间,用时会长一些。

11. The car havent moved for nearly half an hour. 车已经半个小时没动了。

12. The traffic is moving at a snails pace. 车辆行驶慢得像蜗牛一样。

13. Its always the rush hour at this time of day.每天这时总是车辆的高峰期。

14. We met the traffic jam. 我们遇到堵车了。

Chapter 5 旅游观光

1 I want to go on a vacation.


触 类 旁 通

Id really like to go on a vacation.


超 级 情 景 会 话

Making a Traveling Plan

Tom: I heard you were traveling to America.

Julia: Yes. My visa has come through.

Tom: When will you leave

Julia: Next Wednesday. And thats just what I wanted to talk to youabout. What should I take with me

Tom: How long are you going for

Julia: Two weeks.

Tom: You neednt take too many clothes with you. You can buy themquite cheaply in USA.

Julia: I see. What about gifts What kind of things do American peoplelike I am completely in the dark.

Tom: Anything that is recognizably Chinese. But since your luggageallowance is only 20 kilos, its best to buy things that dont weightoo much.

Julia: This has really been very useful. It has helped me a great deal.

Thanks a lot.

Tom: Its been a pleasure. All the very best to you.


汤 姆:听说你要去美国旅行。


汤 姆:什么时候动身?


汤 姆:你打算去多长时间?


汤 姆:用不着带太多衣服,在美国买衣服是相当便宜的。

朱莉亚: 我明白了。关于礼物呢?美国人喜欢什么样的东西?我一无所知。

汤 姆:凡是有中国特色的东西都行。但是,因为你的行李限额只有20 公斤,你最好买些不太重的东西。


汤 姆:不用谢。祝你一切顺利。

经 典 释 疑

I am completely in the dark. 我一无所知。in the dark 指“在暗处”,tobe completely in the dark 的字面意思是“完全处在黑暗中”,常用来指“对某事一无所知”或“被蒙在鼓里”。有时,此语还以keep someonein the dark 的形式出现,意思是“把某人蒙在鼓里”。例如:He is adictator. Though Im the production manager, Im completely in the dark aswhat to do next. 他是个独裁者。虽然我是生产部经理,但是对下一步该做什么却一无所知。

常 用 语 聚 焦

1. What kind of tours do you have 你们有哪些旅游路线呢?

2. Whats the fare of one-day tour 一天的旅游花费是多少?

3. How about going to Paris during the summer vacation 我们暑假去巴黎旅游好吗?

4. If I have a chance, I want to visit Bali Island. 假如我有机会,我想去巴厘岛。

5. Where do you intend to spend your summer vacation 今年你打算去什么地方过暑假?

6. Ill spend my vacation in the mountains. 我会在山里度假。

7. Id like to take a sightseeing tour. 我想参加旅游团。

8. Did we prepare all the belongings 行李都准备齐了吗?

9. We can go to the travel agency for some traveling brochures. 我们可以去旅行社要一些旅行手册。

10. I would like your advice about our traveling plan. 我想请你对我们的


2 I decided on a travel agency.
