
第8章 音标(7)

莫尼卡: 我要感激我们美国的同胞们赐予我们这块土地,代替了麻疹、保留地和赌场,所以我们才有今天庆祝的食物。


bee /bi:/ 蜜蜂


pig /pIg/ 猪


发/aU/ 音时,嘴唇先稍稍分开(发/a/ 音),迅速拢成小圈状(发/U/ 音);上下齿稍分开但不露出。舌头位于口腔中央。


发元音/SU/ 时,双唇拢圆,上下齿分开,但不露出。舌头位于口腔中央。


cow /kaU/ 奶牛


swallow /5swlU/ 燕子


ou-out /aUt/ 外面

ow-cow /kaU/ 奶牛


o-home /hUm/ 家

oa-coat /kUt/ 外套

oe-foe /fU/ 敌人

ou-shoulder /5SUl d/ 肩膀


I hope I can go home tomorrow.


The old man has no money in




outfit /5aUtfIt/ v. 配备

cloud /klaUd/ n. 云

how /haU/ conj. 怎样

mouse /maUs/ n. 鼠

shout /SaUt/ v. 喊叫

now /naU/ ad. 现在,此刻

loud /laUd/ a. 响亮的;吵闹的

outdoors /aUt5d:z/ ad. 户外


row /rU/ n. 排

so /sU/ conj. 因此

loaf /lUf/ n. 面包

hope /hUp/ v. 希望

open /Upn/ v. 打开

own /SUn/ pron. 自己的

throw /TrU/ v. 投掷;摔倒

though /DU/ conj. 虽然;可是


Knowledge is power.


Go out and play outside right now.


ow-low/lU/ 低的


No nose knows like agnomes nose knows.


The oboe and cello satalone, echoing tone for tone.



If you notice this notice,you will notice that this notice isnot worth noticing.


The loudest hound in townbow-wowed at a mouse.



We all made this journey for a reason. Its humbling to see acrowd like this, but in my heart I know you didnt just come herefor me. You came here because you believe in what this country canbe. In the face of war, you believe there can be peace. In the face ofdespair, you believe there can be hope. In the face of a politics that总统演讲练语调超级绕口令/SU/shut you out, thats told you to settle, thats divided us for too long,you believe that we can be one people, reaching for whats possible,building that more perfect union.


Thats the journey were on today. But let me tell you how Icame to be here. As most of you know, I am not a native of thisgreat state. I moved to Illinois over two decades ago. I was a youngman then, just a year out of college. I knew no one in Chicago whenI arrived, was without money or family connections. But a groupof churches had offered me a job as a community organizer for thegrand sum of $13,000 a year. And I accepted the job, sight unseen,motivated then by a single, simple, powerful idea-that I might play asmall part in building a better America.

这就是今天我们此行的目的。我告诉你们我是如何来到这里的。你们大多数人都知道,我并不是伟大的伊利诺伊州土生土长的公民,我是在20 多年前搬到这里的。那时的我还是个年轻人,刚从大学毕业一年;在芝加哥,我身无分文,举目无亲。但有几个教堂为我提供了一份社区组织者的工作,年薪1.3 万美元。我毫不犹豫地接受了这份工作,因为我的心一直被一个简单且有力的想法激励着——我可以为建设一个更加美好的美国尽一份绵薄之力。

Chapter 5 辅音

1. /p/-/b/

Hes Just Not That Into You 《他没那么喜欢你》节选

An n a : Thi s guy i s , l ike ,impossible not to like, youknow Hes flirting with mepretty heavily outside of theHandy Mart and, you know,everything just kind of lines up,its really magical. And then hetells me that hes married, which,of course, I should be pissedabout, right But I just cant stopthinking about him.







Mary: But hes married.

Anna: I know, I realize that. Idont know whats wrong withme. Whats wrong with me

Runaway Bride 《落跑新娘》节选

- May you be publiclyflogged for all of your badchoices,and may your noses berubbed in all of your mistakes.

- Well, that was funny,but enough toas t ing. Let shula!Everybody! Lets get upand start the band! Were gonnamake a line right down here.

- Maggie. Maggie

- Here. She might needthis.








bee /bi:/ 蜜蜂


pig /pIg/ 猪


发辅音/p/ 时,嘴巴闭合,气流将两唇冲开,上下齿分开,但不露出,舌头位于口腔中央,气流速度快。


发元音/b/ 时,嘴巴张开,下唇略低。上下齿稍稍分开,可见部分下齿,舌尖可接触所有下齿,发音时舌头后缩。


pig /pIg/ 猪


bat /bt/ 蝙蝠


p-play /pleI/ 玩

pp-happy /5hpI/ 高兴的


b-bus /bs/ 汽车

bb-rabbit /5rbIt/ 兔子


Bob is absent because of backache.


Let bygones be bygones.



slip /slIp/ v. 滑倒

step /step/ n. 脚步

page /peIdZ/ n. 页

post /pUst/ v. 邮寄

price /praIs/ n. 价格

peak /pi:k/ n. 山顶,巅

pole /pUl / n. 柱,杆

apple /pl/ n. 苹果


big /bIg/ a. 大的

crab /krQb/ n. 蟹

hobby /5hbI/ n. 业余爱好

best /best/ a. 最好的

habit /5hQbIt/ n. 习惯

lobby /5lbI/ n. 休息厅

back /bQk/ ad. 在后面

absent /5Qbsnt/ a. 不在场的


Did Peter pass the exam


Peter is playing the piano.



A bachelor botched a batchof badly baked biscuits.


Betty beat a bit of butter tomake a better batter.



Peter Potter splattered aplate of peas on Patty Plattspink plaid pants.

彼得· 波特将一碟豌豆洒在帕蒂·普拉特的粉红色格呢短裤上。

A pleasant peasant keeps apleasant pheasant and both thepeasant and the pheasant arehaving a pleasant time together.



For many of you, these challenges are also felt in more personal

terms. Perhaps youre still looking for a job. Youre struggling to

figure out what career path makes sense in this disrupted economy.

Maybe youve got student loans-no, you definitely have student loans.

Or credit card debts. And youre wondering how youll ever pay them

off. Maybe youve got a family to raise. And you are wondering how


Thats the spirit that led a band of patriots, not much older thanmost of you, to take on an empire and to start this experiment indemocracy we call America. Its what drove young pioneers westto Arizona and beyond. Its what drove young women to reachfor the ballot, what inspired a 30-year-old escaped slave to run anunderground railroad to freedom. Its what inspired a young mannamed Cesar to go out and help farm workers, what inspired a26-year-old preacher to lead a bus boycott for justice. Its what ledfirefighters and police officers in the prime of their lives up the stairsof those burning towers and young people across this country to dropwhat they were doing and come to the aid of a flooded New Orleans.