书城公版Locrine Mucedorus

第1章 Preface

The eldest son of King Brutus, discoursing the wars of the Britains and Huns, with their discomfiture, the Britain's victory with their accidents, and the death of Albanact. Play attributed in part to William Shakespeare.


BRUTUS, King of Britain. LOCRINE, his son. CAMBER, his son.

ALBANACT, his son. CORINEIUS, brother to Brutus. ASSARACHUS, brother to Brutus. THRASIMACHUS, brother to Brutus. DEBON, an old Officer. HUMBER, King of the Scythians. HUBBA, his son. THRASSIER, a Scythian Commander. STRUMBO, clown. TRUMPART, clown. OLIVER, clown. WILLIAM, clown.

GWENDOLINE, Corineius his Daughter, married to Locrine. ESTRILD, Humber's Wife. ATE, the Goddess of Revenge.

Ghosts of Albanact, and Corineius.