Large gifts have I bestow'd on learned clerks, Because my book preferr'd me to the king, And seeing ignorance is the curse of God, Knowledge the wing wherewith we fly to heaven, Unless you be possess'd with devilish spirits, You cannot but forbear to murder me:
This tongue hath parley'd unto foreign kings For your behoof,-- CADE Tut, when struck'st thou one blow in the field? SAY Great men have reaching hands: oft have I struck Those that I never saw and struck them dead. BEVIS O monstrous coward! what, to come behind folks? SAY These cheeks are pale for watching for your good. CADE Give him a box o' the ear and that will make 'em red again. SAY Long sitting to determine poor men's causes Hath made me full of sickness and diseases. CADE Ye shall have a hempen caudle, then, and the help of hatchet. DICK Why dost thou quiver, man? SAY The palsy, and not fear, provokes me. CADE Nay, he nods at us, as who should say, I'll be even with you: I'll see if his head will stand steadier on a pole, or no. Take him away, and behead him. SAY Tell me wherein have I offended most?
Have I affected wealth or honour? speak.
Are my chests fill'd up with extorted gold?
Is my apparel sumptuous to behold?
Whom have I injured, that ye seek my death?
These hands are free from guiltless bloodshedding, This breast from harbouring foul deceitful thoughts.
O, let me live! CADE [Aside] I feel remorse in myself with his words;but I'll bridle it: he shall die, an it be but for pleading so well for his life. Away with him!
he has a familiar under his tongue; he speaks not o'
God's name. Go, take him away, I say, and strike off his head presently; and then break into his son-in-law's house, Sir James Cromer, and strike off his head, and bring them both upon two poles hither. ALL It shall be done. SAY Ah, countrymen! if when you make your prayers, God should be so obdurate as yourselves, How would it fare with your departed souls?
And therefore yet relent, and save my life. CADE Away with him! and do as I command ye.
Exeunt some with Lord SAY
The proudest peer in the realm shall not wear a head on his shoulders, unless he pay me tribute; there shall not a maid be married, but she shall pay to me her maidenhead ere they have it: men shall hold of me in capite; and we charge and command that their wives be as free as heart can wish or tongue can tell. DICK My lord, when shall we go to Cheapside and take up commodities upon our bills? CADE Marry, presently. ALL O, brave!
Re-enter one with the heads CADE But is not this braver? Let them kiss one another, for they loved well when they were alive. Now part them again, lest they consult about the giving up of some more towns in France. Soldiers, defer the spoil of the city until night: for with these borne before us, instead of maces, will we ride through the streets, and at every corner have them kiss.
Exeunt SCENE VIII. Southwark. Alarum and retreat. Enter CADE and all his rabblement CADE Up Fish Street! down Saint Magnus' Corner!
Kill and knock down! throw them into Thames!
Sound a parley What noise is this I hear? Dare any be so bold to sound retreat or parley, when I command them kill?
Enter BUCKINGHAM and CLIFFORD, attended BUCKINGHAM Ay, here they be that dare and will disturb thee:
Know, Cade, we come ambassadors from the king Unto the commons whom thou hast misled;And here pronounce free pardon to them all That will forsake thee and go home in peace. CLIFFORD What say ye, countrymen? will ye relent, And yield to mercy whilst 'tis offer'd you;Or let a rebel lead you to your deaths?
Who loves the king and will embrace his pardon, Fling up his cap, and say 'God save his majesty!'
Who hateth him and honours not his father, Henry the Fifth, that made all France to quake, Shake he his weapon at us and pass by. ALL God save the king! God save the king! CADE What, Buckingham and Clifford, are ye so brave? And you, base peasants, do ye believe him? will you needs be hanged with your pardons about your necks?
Hath my sword therefore broke through London gates, that you should leave me at the White Hart in Southwark? I thought ye would never have given out these arms till you had recovered your ancient *******: but you are all recreants and dastards, and delight to live in slavery to the nobility.
Let them break your backs with burthens, take your houses over your heads, ravish your wives and daughters before your faces: for me, I will make shift for one; and so, God's curse light upon you all! ALL We'll follow Cade, we'll follow Cade! CLIFFORD Is Cade the son of Henry the Fifth, That thus you do exclaim you'll go with him?
Will he conduct you through the heart of France, And make the meanest of you earls and dukes?
Alas, he hath no home, no place to fly to;Nor knows he how to live but by the spoil, Unless by robbing of your friends and us.
Were't not a shame, that whilst you live at jar, The fearful French, whom you late vanquished, Should make a start o'er seas and vanquish you?
Methinks already in this civil broil I see them lording it in London streets, Crying 'Villiago!' unto all they meet.
Better ten thousand base-born Cades miscarry Than you should stoop unto a Frenchman's mercy.
To France, to France, and get what you have lost;Spare England, for it is your native coast;Henry hath money, you are strong and manly;God on our side, doubt not of victory. ALL A Clifford! a Clifford! we'll follow the king and Clifford. CADE Was ever feather so lightly blown to and fro as this multitude? The name of Henry the Fifth hales them to an hundred mischiefs, and makes them leave me desolate. I see them lay their heads together to surprise me. My sword make way for me, for here is no staying. In despite of the devils and hell, have through the very middest of you? and heavens and honour be witness, that no want of resolution in me.
but only my followers' base and ignominious treasons, makes me betake me to my heels.
Exit BUCKINGHAM What, is he fled? Go some, and follow him;And he that brings his head unto the king Shall have a thousand crowns for his reward.