书城公版The Miscellaneous Writings and Speeches


In order to get rid of the charge of ingratitude, Mr.Montagu attempts to show that Bacon lay under greater obligations to the Queen than to Essex.What these obligations were it is not easy to discover.The situation of Queen's Counsel, and a remote reversion, were surely favours very far below Bacon's personal and hereditary claims.They were favours which had not cost the Queen a groat, nor had they put a groat into Bacon's purse.It was necessary to rest Elizabeth's claims to gratitude on some other ground; and this Mr.Montagu felt."What perhaps was her greatest kindness," says he, "instead of having hastily advanced Bacon, she had, with a continuance of her friendship, made him bear the yoke in his youth.Such were his obligations to Elizabeth." Such indeed they were.

Being the son of one of her oldest and most faithful Ministers, being himself the ablest and most accomplished young man of his time, he had been condemned by her to drudgery, to obscurity, to poverty.She had depreciated his acquirements.She had checked him in the most imperious manner, when in Parliament he ventured to act an independent part.She had refused to him the professional advancement to which he had a just claim.To her it was owing that, while younger men, not superior to him in extraction, and far inferior to him in every kind of personal merit, were filling the highest offices of the State, adding manor to manor, rearing palace after palace, he was lying at a spunging-house for a debt of three hundred pounds.Assuredly if Bacon owed gratitude to Elizabeth, he owed none to Essex.If the Queen really was his best friend, the Earl was his worst enemy.

We wonder that Mr.Montagu did not press this argument a little further.He might have maintained that Bacon was excusable in revenging himself on a man who had attempted to rescue his youth from the salutary yoke imposed on it by the Queen, who had wished to advance him hastily, who, not content with attempting to inflict the Attorney-Generalship upon him, had been so cruel as to present him with a landed estate.

Again, we can hardly think Mr.Montagu serious when he tells us that Bacon was bound for the sake of the public not to destroy his own hopes of advancement, and that he took part against Essex from a wish to obtain power which might enable him to be useful to his country.We really do not know how to refute such arguments except by stating them.Nothing is impossible which does not involve a contradiction.It is barely possible that Bacon's motives for acting as he did on this occasion may have been gratitude to the Queen for keeping him poor, and a desire to benefit his fellow-creatures in some high situation.And there is a possibility that Bonner may have been a good Protestant who, being convinced that the blood of martyrs is the seed of the Church, heroically went through all the drudgery and infamy of persecution, in order that he might inspire the English people with an intense and lasting hatred of Popery.There is a possibility that Jeffreys may have been an ardent lover of liberty, and that he may have beheaded Algernon Sydney, and burned Elizabeth Gaunt, only in order to produce a reaction which might lead to the limitation of the prerogative.There is a possibility that Thurtell may have killed Weare only in order to give the youth of England an impressive warning against gaming and bad company.There is a possibility that Fauntleroy may have forged powers of attorney, only in order that his fate might turn the attention of the public to the defects of the penal law.

These things, we say, are possible.But they are so extravagantly improbable that a man who should act on such suppositions would be fit only for Saint Luke's.And we do not see why suppositions on which no rational man would act in ordinary life should be admitted into history.

Mr.Montagu's notion that Bacon desired power only in order to do good to mankind appears somewhat strange to us, when we consider how Bacon afterwards used power, and how he lost it.Surely the service which he rendered to mankind by taking Lady Wharton's broad pieces and Sir John Kennedy's cabinet was not of such vast importance as to sanctify all the means which might conduce tothat end.If the case were fairly stated, it would, we much fear, stand thus: Bacon was a servile advocate, that he might be a corrupt judge.

Mr.Montagu maintains that none but the ignorant and unreflecting can think Bacon censurable for anything that he did as counsel for the Crown, and that no advocate can justifiably use any discretion as to the party for whom he appears.We will not at present inquire whether the doctrine which is held on this subject by English lawyers be or be not agreeable to reason and morality; whether it be right that a man should, with a wig on his head, and a band round his neck, do for a guinea what, without those appendages, he would think it wicked and infamous to do for an empire; whether it be right that, not merely believing but knowing a statement to be true, he should do all that can be done by sophistry, by rhetoric, by solemn asseveration, by indignant exclamation, by gesture, by play of features, by terrifying one honest witness, by perplexing another, to cause a jury to think that statement false.It is not necessary on the present occasion to decide these questions.The professional rules, be they good or bad, are rules to which many wise and virtuous men have conformed, and are daily conforming.