书城公版The Congo & Other Poems


A mist is rising from the plain below me, And as I look, the vapors shape themselves Into strange figures, as if unawares My lips had breathed the Tetragrammaton, And from their graves, o'er all the battlefields Of Armageddon, the long-buried captains Had started, with their thousands, and ten thousands, And rushed together to renew their wars, Powerless, and weaponless, and without a sound!

Wake, Helen, from thy sleep! The air grows cold;Let us go down.

HELEN, awaking.

Oh, would I were at home!


Thou sayest that I usurp another's titles.

In youth I saw the Wise Men of the East, Magalath and Pangalath and Saracen, Who followed the bright star, but home returned For fear of Herod by another way.

O shining worlds above me! in what deep Recesses of your realms of mystery Lies hidden now that star? and where are they That brought the gifts of frankincense and myrrh?


The Nazarene still liveth.


We have heard His name in many towns, but have not seen Him.

He flits before us; tarries not; is gone When we approach, like something unsubstantial, Made of the air, and fading into air.

He is at Nazareth, He is at Nain, Or at the Lovely Village on the Lake, Or sailing on its waters.


So say those Who do not wish to find Him.


Can this be The King of Israel, whom the Wise Men worshipped?

Or does He fear to meet me? It would seem so.

We should soon learn which of us twain usurps The titles of the other, as thou sayest.

They go down.




THE SYRO-PHOENICIAN WOMAN and her DAUGHTER on the house-top at Jerusalem.

THE DAUGHTER, singing.

Blind Bartimeus at the gates Of Jericho in darkness waits;He hears the crowd;--he hears a breath Say, It is Christ of Nazareth!

And calls, in tones of agony, [Greek text]!

The thronging multitudes increase:

Blind Bartimeus, hold thy peace!

But still, above the noisy crowd, The beggar's cry is shrill and loud;Until they say, he calleth thee!

[Greek text]!

Then saith the Christ, as silent stands The crowd, What wilt thou at my hands?

And he replies, Oh, give me light!

Rabbi, restore the blind man's sight!

And Jesus answers, [Greek text]!

Ye that have eyes, yet cannot see, In darkness and in misery, Recall those mighty voices three, [Greek text]!

[Greek text]!

[Greek text]!


Thy faith hath saved thee! Ah, how true that is!

For I had faith; and when the Master came Into the coasts of Tyre and Sidon, fleeing From those who sought to slay him, I went forth And cried unto Him, saying: Have mercy on me, O Lord, thou Son of David! for my daughter Is grievously tormented with a devil.

But he passed on, and answered not a word.

And his disciples said, beseeching Him:

Send her away! She crieth after us!

And then the Master answered them and said:

I am not sent but unto the lost sheep Of the House of Israel! Then I worshipped Him, Saying: Lord help me! And He answered me, It is not meet to take the children's bread And cast it unto dogs! Truth, Lord, I said;And yet the dogs may eat the crumbs which fall From off their master's table; and he turned, And answered me; and said to me: O woman, Great is thy faith; then be it unto thee Even as thou wilt.And from that very hour Thou wast made whole, my darling! my delight!


There came upon my dark and troubled mind A calm, as when the tumult of the City Suddenly ceases, and I lie and hear The silver trumpets of the Temple blowing Their welcome to the Sabbath.Still I wonder, That one who was so far away from me And could not see me, by his thought alone Had power to heal me.Oh that I could see Him!


Perhaps thou wilt; for I have brought thee here To keep the holy Passover, and lay Thine offering of thanksgiving on the altar.

Thou mayst both see and hear Him.Hark!

VOICES afar off.



A crowd comes pouring through the city gate!

O mother, look!

VOICES in the street.

Hosanna to the Son Of David!


A great multitude of people Fills all the street; and riding on an ass Comes one of noble aspect, like a king!

The people spread their garments in the way, And scatter branches of the palm-trees!


Blessed Is he that cometh in the name of the Lord!

Hosanna in the highest!


Who is this?


Jesus of Nazareth!


Mother, it is he!


He hath called Lazarus of Bethany Out of his grave, and raised him from the dead!

Hosanna in the highest!


Ye perceive That nothing we prevail.Behold, the world Is all gone after him!


What majesty, What power is in that care-worn countenance!

What sweetness, what compassion! I no longer Wonder that he hath healed me!


Peace in heaven, And glory in the highest!


Rabbi! Rabbi!

Rebuke thy followers!


Should they hold their peace The very stones beneath us would cry out!


All hath passed by me like a dream of wonder!

But I have seen Him, and have heard his voice, And I am satisfied! I ask no more!




When Rabban Simeon--upon whom be peace!--Taught in these Schools, he boasted that his pen Had written no word that he could call his own, But wholly and always had been consecrated To the transcribing of the Law and Prophets.

He used to say, and never tired of saying, The world itself was built upon the Law.

And ancient Hillel said, that whosoever Gains a good name gains something for himself, But he who gains a knowledge of the Law Gains everlasting life.And they spake truly.

Great is the Written Law; but greater still The Unwritten, the Traditions of the Elders, The lovely words of Levites, spoken first To Moses on the Mount, and handed down From mouth to mouth, in one unbroken sound And sequence of divine authority, The voice of God resounding through the ages.

The Written Law is water; the Unwritten Is precious wine; the Written Law is salt, The Unwritten costly spice; the Written Law Is but the body; the Unwritten, the soul That quickens it and makes it breathe and live.