
第11章 Amway CoFounder—Fay Van Andel安利创始人之一——杰·温安洛(2)

Plus,they were pushing the companys own selfimprovement publications on the fledglings at a cost of several hundred dollars.

The Federal Trade Commission spent years investigating the company in the 1970s on the grounds that it was a pyramid scheme, but the investigation went nowhere.Other FTC charges stuck,included a ruling that Amway improperlyimproperly adv.不正确地, 不适当地 fixed prices.





In the early 1980s,the Canadian government filed a fraud lawsuit against the company for having understated the value of goods Amway had imported into Canada.Amway eventually paid 58 million to Canada to settle the charges.

Books with such titles as“Fake It Till You Make It.”written by a former distributor.and“Amway:The Cult of Free Enterprise.“ became bestsellers and contributed to the company’s sales hemorrhages in the 1980s.

To recuperate, the business focused on Asian sales in the following decade,creating immense revenuesrevenue n.收入, 国家的收入, 税收 in a corner of the globe eager to engage in the companys heralding of free enterprise.

Mr.Van Andel’s son Steve succeeded him as Amway’s chairman in 1995.The Adabased company has 13,000 employees and millions of distributors worldwide.operating in more than 80 countries and territories around the world.





Its parent company,the privately held Ahicor Inc.,had worldwide sales of 6.2 billion for the year ending Aug.31.Asia—and China in particular—is now its primary market.

Mr.Van Andel and DeVos were among the biggest philanthropistsphilanthropist n.慈善家 in the country,including gifts for civic restoration projects in Grand Rapids and the creation of a foundation to support charities,hospitals and schools.They also once underwrote the National Symphony Orchestra on a 250,000 European tour and lavishedlavish vt.浪费, 滥用, 慷慨给予 money on conservative Republican causes.

Mr.Van Andel was chairman of the U.S.Chamber of Commerce in 1979 and 1980.In the late 1970s, Amway bought the Mutual Broadcasting System,with its 950 affiliated radio stations.to provide what he called a“balanced” political viewpoint.The radio system was sold in 1985.




Mr. Van Andel, who saw himself as a clean—living Christian fundamentalist, also gave more than500,000 to an eponymouseponymous adj.齐名的 creationist scientific institute in the desert of northern Arizona.One scientist there was trying to prove that God created the world in six days.

“For me, the greatest pleasure conies not from the endless acquisition of material things,but from creating wealth and giving it away,”he wrote in his autobiography.“An Enterprising Life”(1998).“The task of every person on earth is to use everything hes given to the ultimate glory of God.”

Mr.Van Andel’s company speeches were similarly filled with exhortations to God and country. In his private life, he often spoke of Scripturescripture n.手稿, 文件, [Scripture] 基督教(圣经), 经文 around the dinner table and taught his children,all of whom entered the business,about valuable lessons he had learned on the job.




“Sometimes the dining room took Oil the character of an M.B.A.classroom.”he wrote in his memoir.

A silverhaired and sturdy man—the very model of the assured businessman—he also shared in that book more piquantpiquant adj.顽皮的,开胃的, 辛辣的, 兴奋的, tales of his family life, such as the time the outhouse exploded at his family retreat in northern Michigan.He had tried to fix the gas—fired disposal sys—tem just before his speaking engagement at a Chamber of Commerce function.He was dressed all in white, from shirt to shoes.

“Most of our summers Were not marked by explodingexplode vt.使爆炸vi.爆炸, 破除, 推翻, 激发 outhouses.however, and we enjoyed wonderful times together as a family.”he added.

His wife of 52 years.Betty Hoekstra Van Andel.died this year at their home in the British Virgin Islands.Survivors include two sons;two daughters;and 10 grandchildren.




