

In recent years, the religion administration was on the agenda of the cen-tral government and local governments at all levels。 In contrast with this, the culture of religion administration is still on the process of rehabilitation and re-construction。Cause the other culture systems, which support the recovery and reconstruction of it, is still in the forming, such as political ideas, cultural i-dentity, laws and regulations。So the question how to manage the religion gets lots of attentions。Scholars hope to find the regularity of religion management in theory。The senior religion administrators hope to summarize some principle both in theory and practice for further administration。People working on the grass-roots of religion administration also are looking forward to have a model from which they can learn how to direct the work。In view of these, author summarize the humanized religion administration of Wuzhong city in Ningxia Hui people's Autonomous Region, and puts forward the government's re-sponsibilities under the view of the Ecological System of Religion and Cul-ture。

Wuzhong City locates in central Ningxia, which is one of the cradles of farming civilization in Chinese history, and is also a land variety of religious and cultural blending on。 The population is about 1,260,000,50.2%of which are Muslim, also in which there are 12000 Buddhists,20000 Taoists, and someProtestant and Catholic believers。As mentioned,60.7%of the population have one kind of religion belief, which make Wuzhong get a higher proportion of religion believers in population contrasting with other cities in China, and is rich in religious resource。There are 1,300 mosques seat, more than 3,000 i-mams and ahungs in this region, which becomes one of the most active Islamic area in China, There are more than 70 Buddhism temples, the most famous of which are the temple group in Niu-Shou Mountain, the largest temple group in northwest China, including 45 temples in east and west part of mountain。On March 15 of every year according the traditional Chinese calendar, More than thousands of people come to participate these temples'festival from the neighboring region of Shaanxi, Gansu, Mongolia, Ningxia。

There are more than 30 Taoist temples in the area of the Lotus Mountai in Tongxin County。 On April 15 of every year according the traditional Chi-nese calendar, more than 70,000 believers from neighborhood, come for the Taoist festival, named Qing-Miao-Shui-Hui。The relationship among differ-ent religions is harmony in Wuzhong sity, and the religion administration is well too。In 2005,the United Front Work Department ofWuzhong City was honoured to get Advanced Collective of Ethnic Groups by the State Council。It has a typical meaning to choose Wuzhong City for my research, especially in west of China。

In this paper, by the theory of cultural ecology, I take the religious ecol-ogy of Wuzhong City as a dynamic system, in which other religions coexist with the majority of Islam。 Through this, I try to summarize the interaction between Islam and politics, economics, education, ethnics and so on in Wuzhong, and to seize the character of religious culture ecology in Wuzhong, to analyze the interaction between the religious cultural ecology and social en-vironment in all time, to abstract the successful administrative model, from which the harmony and development of Wuzhong would be benefit。For this destination, The author observes the interaction between religious internal op-eration and external surroundings, to find the law, experiences, disparity and give suggestions。In the substance of research, I take the social factors into con-sideration in length, such as politics, economics, education, ethnic and so on;the religious factors in depth, such as religious view, religious action, religious movement, religious constitution, and to observe the interaction between both kind of factors。In the methodology of research, I insist the unity of history and logic, the combination of theory and practice。The investigation, research and analysis are based on the way of sociology, ethnology and folklore。By us-ing the theory of ecology, religious culture ecology, the conception gets be defined, especially according the theory of religious culture ecology by Prof。Mou Zhongjian。

In the formation of this paper, after analyzing the environment of religious culture ecology in Wuzhong and religious adaptation to society after the Re-public of China, the author argues the process of adaptation has triune faces:in relationship that is adaptation-rift-becoming adaptation;in emotion that is in-tegration-disparity-becoming integration;in ecology that is harmony-inhar-mony-becoming harmony。 Then the author probes into the relationships be-tween religion and politics, economics, education, ethnics, other religions, reaches the principle of religion administration and the idea, meaning of hu-manized religion administration。Based on this, the author analyzes the practical effect and the guideline of humanized administration, that is respect, guidance, protection and contribution。Thus the author regards that the humanized reli-gion administration conforms to the will of believers, walking on the right way, safeguarding the stabilization of religion order, developing the multi-cul-ture。Overall, the conclusion of this paper is to raise the responsibility of gov-ernment in the angle of the theory of religious culture ecology, that is progres-sion and creation in ideas, respecting and improving law, seeing in all sides and cooperation, moderate and flexible researching, relying on mass and getting truth;strengthing team and improving ability。