
第10章 欢度节日


农历正月初一是春节,又叫阴历(农历)年,俗称"过年"。 这是中国民间历史最悠久、最隆重、最热闹的一个古老传统节日,也是汉族和满、蒙古,瑶、壮、白、高山、赫哲、哈尼、达斡尔、侗、黎等十几个少数民族的共同节日。春节大约有三四千的历史。原为农历的元旦,即人们通常说的过年。它起源于殷商时期年头岁尾的祭神祭祖活动,漫长的历史岁月使那些敬天祭神的迷信内容逐渐被淘汰,而那些富有生活情趣的内容,像贴春联、贴年画、贴“福”字、剪窗花、蒸年糕、包饺子等习俗则流传了下来。



A:Hi,Jordan.How are you? A: 嗨,乔丹,你好吗? B:I'm fine,and you? B: 我很好,你呢? A: Yeah,I'm alright.Say,do you happen to know when Spring Festival is this year? A: 啊,我还行。哎,你知道今年春节是什么时候吗? B: Yes,it's next Saturday. B: 知道啊,是下周六。 A: Oh,good.I thought I had missed it. A:哦,太好了。我还以为已经过了呢。


A: How do you like this dress? A: 你看这衣服怎么样? B: It's nice.But what kind of dress are you looking for? B: 挺好。可是你想买什么样的裙子? A: Something attractive and dressy.Maybe a little sexy too.New Year's Eve is a special occasion and it only happens once a year,right? A: 一件显眼时髦,或许稍带点性感的裙子。除夕是个不寻常的日子,一年只有那么一次,是不是? B: Of course.It's common too that we wear something special for our Chinese New Year. B: 当然啦。我们过新年时也都穿平日里不穿的好衣服。 A: People here always wear the best clothes they have.Many people go out and buy clothes especially for New Year's Eve. A: 人们总是穿着最好的衣服。许多人专门为除夕夜而上街选购衣物。


A: New Year is approaching,Lucy.What's your New Year resolution?A: 新年就要到了,露西。你的新年决心是什么?B: Forget it,Dad,it's a load of crap.Last year I decided to go on a diet.But at last I'm still gaining.B: 别提了,爸爸,这太傻了。去年我决心节食,但最终我仍然体重往上长。A: So,this year you should make a resolution again and keep it! Come on,don't be too blue.Make your resolution and you'll succeed this year.A: 所以,今年你应该再次下决心,并且要保持。快点,别这么沮丧。下定决心,今年你会成功的。B: Ok,Ok.I want to try hard and get enrolled into a prestigious university...say...Stanford.B: 好吧,好吧,我想努力学习,录取进入一所有威望的大学……比如说……斯坦福大学。A: Great! Remember,a good beginning is half the battle.A: 太棒了!记住,好的开始是成功的一半。


A: Are you going to celebrate? A: 你们打算庆祝吗? B: I don't have any plans to celebrate.What about you? B: 我还没有什么过节的安排。你呢? A: I'm having some friends and family over for dinner.Do you want to come? A: 我请了一些朋友和家里人一起吃晚餐。你想过来吗? B: Sure.Are you going to do anything special to celebrate? B: 当然了,你们会做什么特别的事情来庆祝节日吗? A:Yes,we're going to have a big meal together,play mahjong,and make dumplings together. A:是的,我们打算一起吃顿大餐,玩麻将,然后包饺子。 B: When do you plan on eating the dumplings? B:你们打算什么时候吃饺子。 A:It's a tradition in China to eat the dumplings at midnight. A: 中国的传统习惯是半夜吃饺子。


A:I've never celebrated the Spring Festival before. A:我以前没庆祝过春节。 B: Well,you should definitely come to mine this year then.We're going to set off some firerworks in the evening,too.It will be a lot of fun! B:嗯,那你今年一定要来找我一起过。我们晚上还会放烟花呢。咱们一定会玩得很尽兴的! A: OK,what time should I come by? A: 好的,我几点钟去? B: You can come any time before 6p.m. B:只要晚上6点以前到就行。


A: Should I bring anything with me? A: 我应该带点什么东西吗? B: You don't have to bring anything,but if you want to,you could bring a bottle of wine. B:你什么都不用带,不过如果愿意的话,你可以带一瓶红酒。 A:OK,should I bring some red envelopes for the kids as well? A:我是不是还应该给孩子们带点红包? B: Sure,if you want to.I'm sure they'd appreciate it! B:哦,你愿意的话那再好不过了。我敢保证他们会特别喜欢的。


A: Any other common customs of your New Year? A: 你们新年还有别的习俗吗? B: Before the New Year,we always send greeting cards to our relatives and friends to wish them a happy year.People are ofter set New Year's resolution. B: 节前我们给亲戚朋友寄送贺卡祝他们新年愉快。人们还常定下新年的决心。 A: What's that? A: 那又是什么意思呢? B: It's when people quit a bad habit or do something they find hard to do.However,it usually lasts only for a few days! B: 就是从新年开始戒掉恶习,或做件他们认为很难完成的事情。不过这些一般只能坚持几天。





A: What's the date today?A: 今天是几号?B: It is the eleventh day festival.B: 农历正月十一。A: Already? The Lantern Festival is just around the corner.A: 这么快呀?元宵节快到了。B: Yeah.Soon it will be Women's Day,Arbor Day and then the International Labour Day.B: 可不是嘛。过不了多久就是妇女节、植树节,然后是劳动节。A: How time flies!A: 真是时光飞逝啊!B: Yes.B: 是的。


A: Have a pleasant Lantern Festival,Jane! A: 祝你元宵愉快,简! B:Thank you,Miss Zhang.The same to you! B: 谢谢你,张小姐。也祝你假期快乐! A:Have you got anything planned during the holiday? A:假期有什么安排吗? B: Yes.I'm thinking about going to Japan.How about you? B: 有。我想去日本看看。你呢? A:I'll stay at home.My parents will come to visit us. A: 我呆在家里,我父母来看我们。


A: I found you Chinese often have special food to go with some of your traditional holidays. A: 我发现中国的传统节日都有自己特有的美食。 B: Yes,like the moon cake for Mid autumn Festival,zongzi for Dragon Boat Festival.And the sweet dumpling is a must for Lantern Festival. B: 是的,像中秋节的月饼、端午节的粽子,汤圆则是元宵节的必备之物。 A:Many foods symbolize wealth,health,reunion and fortune.That's the part of your festivals I like best. A:很多吃的都象征着财富、健康、团圆和吉祥,这是我最喜欢你们节目的地方。 B: Indeed.The sound,shape and color of things often have rich cultural meanings in our traditional festivals. B: 不错,我们的传统节日里某些发音、形状和颜色都有丰富的文化寓意呢。


A: I still need to shop for my husband and parents.Do you have good suggestions for gifts?A: 我还要给丈夫和父母买。关于礼物你有什么好的建议吗?B: Your Dad likes to fish.How about some fishing gear?B: 你爸爸喜欢钓鱼。渔具如何?A: That's a terrific idea.Why didn't I think of that?I could get Mum something she could use in her garden.She spends hours gardening.That just leaves Tom. What would be good for him?Oh,I know the perfect thing—he'll love it!A: 太好了。我怎么没想到呢?我可以给妈妈买园艺上用到的东西。她花在园艺上的时间挺多。这样只有汤姆了。买什么给他呢?噢!有一样东西,他准会喜欢!B: What is it?B: 什么?A: I'm not telling anyone.I want it to be a surprise.A: 我谁也不告诉。我想给他一个惊喜。


A: What is the first important festival after the Spring Festival to Chinese people? A: 春节过后的第一个重要节日是什么?B: It is the Lantern festival.B: 是元宵节。A: I know it is the fifteenth day of the first lunar month.A: 我知道,那是在农历的正月十五。B: Yes.This festival dates back over 2000 years. After the Lantern Festival, a Chinese New Year comes to the end.B: 是的,这个节目两千多年前就有了。过了元宵佳节,年就算过完了。A: How do people celebrate it?A: 人们是怎么庆祝元宵节的?B: On the Lantern Festival, people will carry colorful lanterns and attend the riddle guessing contests and glutinous rice balls are a traditional must have for everybody.B: 在那天,人们会提着五颜六色的灯笼去参加猜灯谜大会,元宵是家家必备的传统食物。


A: Would you like to go to the lantern exhibition on the evening of the Lantern Festival? A:元宵节晚上去看灯展吗? B: No,I have other things to do. B:不去,我有别的事要做。 A:Really? I want to go. A: 真的吗?我想去。 B: You can call John.He is not busy. B:你可以叫上约翰,他不忙。 A: OK. A:好的。


端午节为每年农历五月初五,又称端阳节、午日节、五月节、五日节、艾节、端五、重午、午日、夏节。端午节本来是夏季的一个驱除瘟疫的节日,后来楚国诗人屈原于端午节投江自尽,就变成纪念屈原的节日。端午节在中国人民中一直是一个十分盛行的隆重节日,从2008年起被定为国家法定节假日,放一天假。国家非常重视非物质文化遗产的保护,2006年5月20日,该民俗经国务院批准列入第一批国家级非物质文化遗产名录。 2009年九月三十日在阿联酋首都阿布扎比召开的联合国教科文组织保护非物质文化遗产政府间委员会会议决定:中国端午节成功入选《世界人类非物质文化遗产代表作名录》。



A: The Dragon Boat Festival is coming.A: 端午节要到来了。B: What is the Dragon Boat Festival?B: 什么是端午节?A: The Dragon Boat Festival, the 5th day of the 5th lunar month, has had a history of more than 2,000 years.It is usually in June in the Gregorian calendar.A: 端午节(农历5月5日)是中国古老的传统节日,至今已有2000多年历史。它一般是在公历的六月份。


A:Could you tell me the origin of the Dragon Boat Festival?A:给我讲讲端午节的来历好吗?B:Yes,it's a way to commemorate a great ancient romantic poet,and the race is a symbol of the attempt to save him.B:可以,这是纪念一位伟大的浪漫主义诗人,龙舟赛象征着去救他。A:I see.Did they succeed in the end?A:我明白了。救回来了吗?B:Of course not.He drowned.B:当然没有,他淹死了。A:It's a pity.A:太可惜了。


A: Why so noisy outside? A:为什么外面这么吵? B: It's Dragon Boat Festival or you may call it Rice Dumpling Festival today.The students race dragon boats every year this time. B: 今天是龙舟节或者也可以叫做端午节。学生们每年这个时候都举行龙舟比赛。 A:Interesting! You mean they have the race just because it's Dragon Boat Festival! A: 真有趣!你是说他们举行比赛只是因为今天是端午节吗? B:You may say so. B:你可以这么说。


A:You know I used to be a member of the boating club when I was in America. And we rowed the boat every day. A:你知道我在美国时曾经是划船俱乐部的成员,我们每天都划船的。 B:Well,we Chinese race dragon boats this day every year in memory of an ancient patriotic poet.By the way,I have something for you. B: 而我们中国人每年的今天进行龙舟比赛,是为了纪念一位古代的爱国诗人。对了,我有东西要给你。 A:For me?...What are they? They look strange. A: 给我?……这是什么?它们看上去真奇怪。 B:They're Zongzi.We eat them in this traditional Chinese festival. B: 是粽子,我们在这个中国的传统节日时吃的。 A: Thank you. A:谢谢。


A: It's the Dragon Boat Festival.Have you had Zongzi? A:今天是端午节,你吃粽子了吗? B:Not yet.I am going to row a boat in this Dragon Boat Festival. B: 还没有,今年端午节我要去划龙舟。





A:Excuse me.Do you usually light so many lanterns? A:请问,你们通常都点那么多灯笼吗? B:No,of course not.It's because today is Mid Autumn Festival. B: 当然不是啦。只是因为今天是中秋节。 A: Mid Autumn? A: 中秋节? B: Yes,the fifteenth day of the eighth month,Chinese calendar. B: 没错,中国历的8月15日。


A:How is that you have your own calendar? A:你们怎么会有自己的日历呢? B:The correct way of saying is lunar calendar.We use both the solar and lunar calendar.That is why we have two New Year's days. B: 正确的说法应该是阴历。我们使用阳历和阴历两种日历,所以我们有两个新年。


A: Is the Mid Autumn an important festival? A:中秋节是个重要的节日吗? B:It is,only next to New Year's Day. B: 是的,仅仅次于春节。 A: Any particular custom? A: 有什么特别的习俗吗? B: Lanterns for children and moon cakes for everyone.And if the weather is five,we'll go to the suburbs to see the moon.By the way,many people say the moon is unusually bright on Mid Autumn Festival.That of course is absurd. B:小孩子玩灯笼,人人吃月饼。如果天气好,我们会到郊外赏月。顺便说一下,很多人都说中秋的月亮分外圆,那无疑是很荒谬的。 A: Interesting.No wonder I heard it's a public holiday too. A:很有趣,难怪我听说这是个公共节日。


A: I suppose you have seen the special decorations in many shops.Those are for the festival too.You won't be seeing them tomorrow. A:我猜想你看到很多店铺里的那些特别装饰了吧。那也是为这个节日而设的。明天你就不会看见了。 B: Really? B: 真的吗? A: Yes. A: 是的。


A:What do you do on Moon Festival? A: 人们在中秋节那天都做些什么呢? B:It is a time for family members and loved ones to congregate and enjoy the full moon—an auspicious symbol of abundance,harmony and luck. B: 在这天,每个家庭都团聚在一起,一同观赏象征丰裕、和谐、吉祥的圆月。


A: Any traditional food? A: 有没有什么传统食物? B: Yes,we eat moon cake for dessert. B: 有,我们吃月饼当甜点。 A: Do you like eating moon cake? A: 你喜欢吃月饼吗? B: Yes! Every festival my family will get together to have dinner and then enjoy moon cakes. B:是的,每次过节我和家里人都会聚在一起吃饭,然后品尝月饼。 A: I like eating sweet food when I was very young,but now I am afraid of it.It makes me fat. A:我小时喜欢吃甜食,但是现在不敢吃了。因为吃甜食会长胖。 B: Lots of moon cakes are very healthy.Nowadays the factories have changed ways of making moon cakes,so you can have coffee moon cakes or xylitol moon cakes. B:很多月饼都很健康。现在工厂改变了制作月饼的方法,你可以吃咖啡月饼或者木糖醇月饼了。


A: The Mid Autumn Festival is peculiar to China.A: 中秋节是中国所独有的。B: Yes.On the Mid Autumn Festival, Chinese people like to get full reunion of the family members, and celebrate the occasion under the full moon.B: 是的,中秋节那天中国人喜欢合家团聚,在满月之下庆祝团圆。A: The number of people gathered to, and how many people to send Acacia Trinidad?A: 有多少人要欢聚一堂,又有多少人要千里寄相思?B: I have aten the moon cake.The moon cake is eaten away,but the sweetness remains.B: 月饼已吃,甜蜜犹存。A: You've right.Wish you and yours a happy holiday on this gathering day.A: 你说得对,在这团聚的日子里祝你全家节日快乐。





A: Tomorrow is St. Valentine's Day. It's a pity no one asked me out.A: 明天就是情人节了。太遗憾了,没有人邀请我出去玩。B: Do you know that some scholars believe that Valentine's Day can be traced to an ancient Roman festival, called Lupercalia, celebrated on Feburary 15th?B: 你知道吗?学者们认为情人节源自古罗马的一个在2月15日庆祝的叫牧神节的节日。A: No. What did people do on this day?A: 不知道。人们在这一天做什么呢?B: There were games and dances and each young man drew from an urn the name of young maiden who would be his partner in the dances and games, and also his sweet heart for the coming year.B: 在这一天里会有很多游戏和舞会,青年男子从瓦罐中抽取一个姑娘的名字,这个姑娘就会和他一起参加游戏和舞蹈,并在这一年里作为他的情侣。


A:What are you giving Juliet for Valent

ine's? A:情人节了你要给茱莉叶什么礼物? B:Oh,is it that time of the year already? I've completely forgotten about it. B: 噢,已经到过节的时候了吗?我完全忘记了。 A:If you want to keep your girlfriend happy,you should never forget the important days like her birthday,or Valentine's Day. A:如果你想让女朋友开心就永远不要忘记这些重要的日子:她的生日或是情人节。 B:I learned that the hard way. B:这一点我是经历了痛苦才学会的。


A:Do you have any good ideas for a gift? A:给我点买礼物的建议吧。 B:My girlfriend always likes a box of chocolates. B: 我女朋友总喜欢收到一盒巧克力。 A:I don't know.Juliet likes chocolates of course,but she's trying to lose some weight.I probably shouldn't do anything to make it hard for her. A:我不知道,茱莉叶当然很喜欢巧克力了,但是她最近在减肥,我不想给她增加困难。 B:How about flowers? B: 鲜花怎么样? A:Yes,flowers are nice.I'm wondering if it should be something a little more special to make up former blunder last month. A:不错,不过我想送点特别的东西来弥补我上个月犯下的过错。


A: Happy Valentine's Day,dear! A:情人节快乐,亲爱的。 B:Oh! I cant' believe you remembered. B: 噢!我几乎不相信你竟记得。 A: How can I forget? There are reminders all over town.Everywhere I go I see signs that tell me to buy flowers and chocolates for the woman I love.So,here,please accept these flowers and chocolates. A: 我怎么能忘呢?全城到处是提醒物。我走到哪儿都有提醒我为所爱的女人买花和巧克力的标志。所以,看,请你接受这些花和巧克力吧。B:Thank you so much.I cooked a special dinner for you tonight.Happy Valentine's Day to you,too. B: 非常感谢。今晚我为你准备了一顿特别的晚餐。也祝你情人节快乐。


A: Anna,what's troubling you?A: 安娜,你怎么了?B: I fell sick at heart.B: 我心里难受。A: Why?A: 为什么?B: Tom didn't send me flowers on Vale

ntine's Day.B: 情人节那天汤姆没给我送花。A: Did you send him chocolates?A: 那你给他送巧克力了吗?B: No.B: 也没有。


A: What are you and Corey doing for Valentine's Day this Friday? A:你和科里这星期五情人节要做什么? B:Probably nothing. B: 可能什么也不做。 A: You have to do something romantic. A: 你应该做些浪漫点的事。 B: Romantic? I can't remember what that word means! B:浪漫?我都不记得那字是什么意思了! A:Well,you have three kids,so you knew what it meant once upon a time! A: 嗯……你有三个孩子了,所以在很久以前你是知道的! B: Ha,ha! Those days are long gone. B:哈哈!那些日子都过去很久了。


A:Well,how did you enjoy your seaside trip for your Valentine's day? A: 嗨,情人节的海滨之旅怎么样? B: It was fun,I tell you.Bob is really romantic. B: 有趣极了,鲍勃真是太浪漫了。 A:Tell me about it,will you? A: 快点跟我说说。 B: Well,we drove through the valley on our way there in the morning.It was a magnificent sight! B:一早我们就开始去那个山庄,景色美极了。 A: Did you stop at the Lili Fall for some pictures? A:有没有在里厘瀑布照相留念啊! B:Sure,we wouldn't miss it for anything. B: 当然了。什么都没有落下。





A: David, do you know something about April Fool's Day?A: 大卫,你知道愚人节吗?B: Yes. It's the most interesting festival in the USA.B:知道。它是美国最有趣的节日。A: Yes, on that day people can make fun of the others and those who believe are April fools.A: 对,那天人们会跟别人开玩笑,那些被捉弄的人就是四月愚人。B: It must be very interesting.B:肯定很有意思。A: Yes, you are right.A: 是的,你说对了。


A: I heard tomorrow is April Fool's Day.Can you tell me something about it? A:我听说明天是愚人节。你能给我讲讲吗? B:On that day,people play all kinds of tricks on others,and the one easily taken in is called an April fool. B: 这天,人们会互相开各种玩笑,最容易上当的人叫四月愚人。 A: An April fool! A: 四月愚人! B: Be careful tomorrow! B: 明天可以小心呀!


A: Boys and girls, there will be an exam tomorrow. A: 同学们,我们明天考试。 B: Ah? Really? That stinks! B: 啊?不是吧?太郁闷了! A: April Fool's! Do you forget what day it is today? A: 今天是愚人节!怎么都忘了? B: Wow, you were pulling our leg all along. I was really fooled. B: 哇,原来是骗我们的,我被捉弄了! A: Alright, now let's be serious. Actually—you'll take an exam today. A: 好了,不跟大家开玩笑了,其实——我们是今天考试. B: What? B: 什么?


A: I was fooled.A: 我被愚弄了。B:Don't you know it's April Fool's Day? B: 难道你不知道今天是愚人节吗?A:Yes.I don't know. A:是的,不知道。 B:Be careful next time. B:下次小心点。







A: When do you usually celebrate Easter?A: 你们什么时候庆祝复活节?B: Usually the first weekend in April.B: 一般在四月份的第一个周末。A: What's the reason for this holiday?A: 为什么会有这个节日?B: On Friday Jesus was killed in 33 A.D. by the Roman who nailed him to a cross. We call the God Friday and it's said that he gave his life to clean the sins of Man. To show our rememberance, we are not supposed to eat meat on Fridays.B: 公元33年的一个星期五,耶稣被罗马人钉在十字架上处死。我们称之为“耶稣受难日”,并且传说他为洗尽人间的罪恶而献出生命。为了表示怀念,我们在星期五那天进行斋戒。


A: What's palm Sunday?A: 棕枝主日指的是什么?B: Palm Sunday is the Sunday before God Friday and represents the day that Jesus was taken to the cross to be nailed and his followers waved palms to honour him.B: 是耶稣受难日的前一个星期天。也就是耶稣被带到将要钉在上面的十字架前的日子。他的信徒挥舞着棕榈向他表示敬意。A: Oh, I see.A: 哦,我明白了。3.复活节的彩蛋

A: This is for you, Joe, wishing you like it.A: 这是送给你的,乔,希望你喜欢。B: An Easter egg?That's very nice. Thank you very much, dear. But why do you Christian people take it as the Easter symbol?B: 复活节彩蛋?太漂亮了,谢谢你,亲爱的。但是你们基督教徒为什么把彩蛋视为复活节的象征呢?A: As it contains a new life. Exchanging and eating Easter eggs is a popular custom in many countries.A: 因为它孕育新的生命啊。交换复活节彩蛋、吃复活节彩蛋是很多国家流行的风俗。B: It is great to hard boil and draw these eggs in various colors and patterns.B: 把鸡蛋煮熟再绘上各种颜色和图案真是个好主意。


A:I can't wait to have ham this Sunday for Easter dinner. A: 我等不及吃到星期日的复活节火腿餐了。 B:Are you cooking? B: 你要煮吗? A:You crazy ?I'm going to my mom's.But first,we're going to have an Easter egg hunt for the kids. A: 你在开玩笑吗?我要去我妈妈家,但是,我们得先藏一些复活节彩蛋给孩子们找。 B: Sounds great! B: 听起来很棒! A: Let's just hope the dogs don't find the eggs first again this year! A: 只希望小狗们不会像去年一样先找到彩蛋!





A: Look at those strangely dressed kids.What are they doing there?A: 看那些穿着奇怪的孩子。他们在那儿做什么呢?B: Today is the Halloween Day.The kids are going trick or treating.B: 今天是万圣节。孩子们在玩“招待还是恶作剧”的游戏。A: Yes. I remember it now.But I don't know the exact date.A: 是的。我现在想起来了。但是我不知道具体日期。B: October 31st.The last day in October is a holiday for kids.We call it Halloween.B: 10月31日。10月份的最后一天是孩子们的节日。我们叫它万圣节。A: Halloween! I heard it before, but I don't know how it is celebrated.A: 万圣节!我以前是听说过,但是我不知道怎样庆祝。


A: Children celebrate it by making lanterns that night.A: 这一天晚上,孩子们做灯笼庆祝这个日子。B: Pardon?B: 什么?A: Those are lanterns made out of fresh pumpkins with a candle burning inside.A: 那是用新鲜南瓜做的灯笼,里面点着蜡烛。B: Today I saw some in the street with carved faces on them.Are they all made by children?B: 今天在街上我看到一些这样的灯笼,上面刻着脸谱。都是孩子们做的吗?A: Parents usually help them.You know,it is too hard for them to do it by themselves. Sometimes they are available in various shops too.A: 家长们通常帮助他们做。你知道,完全自己做对他们来说太难了。有时候,商店里也卖各种各样的灯笼。


A: Are you going to any Halloween party tonight? If you go,take me with you.A: 你今晚去参加万圣节晚会吗?你要去的话带上我。B: No problem.B: 没问题。A: Thank you.A: 谢谢。


A: There is a party in Halloween and give a lot of performs.A: 万圣节那天会有一个聚会,并且进行许多表演。B: Performances?B: 表演?A: Yes. Lots of people gave performances on that day.A: 是的。那天有许多人表演。B: Were they very scary performances?B: 是非常恐怖的表演吗?A: Not scary. People just danced together, just two rounds, one round is for girls and one round is for boys.A: 不是特别恐怖。那天所有的人都跳舞,组成两个圈,女孩组一个圈,男孩组一个圈。B: I see.B: 我明白了。


A:I don't want to be Superman again this year! A:我今年不想再次打扮成超人了! B: But you were so cute last year as Superman! B: 但是去年你扮超人,超可爱的! A: I don't want to be cute! A:我不要装可爱。 B: Remember how all the girls wanted to go trick or treating with you? B: 还记得所有女生都想和你一起玩“不给糖,就捣蛋”的游戏吗? A: Yuck,I hate girls! A: 哦,我讨厌女生! B: Wow,what a difference a year makes! B: 哇,今年和去年的改变真大!


A: In recent years, Halloween has been commercialized. Parents often spend a lot of money buying expensive costumes for their children.A: 近年来万圣节已经商业化了。父母经常花费很多钱为他们的孩子买昂贵的服装。B: It's so pity.B: 太可惜了。A: But in 1959 a Sunday school class in a church in Philadelphia decided to change the situation. Now children ask people for pennies instead of candies, and donate the money to needy children in other countries. They chant the rhyme: Let's Share Instead of Scare. These made Halloween has become a holiday serving a worthy cause.A: 但是在1959年费城的一个教会主日学校决定改变这种状况。孩子们要求人们给面值一美分的硬币代替糖果,并且把钱捐赠给其他国家贫穷的孩子。他们唱着押韵歌:让我们共同分享而不是恐吓。这些使得万圣节成为了一个有价值的节日。B: It's a really significative holiday.B: 万圣节真是个有意义的节日。


感恩节(Thanksgiving Day)是美国和加拿大的节日,由美国首创,原意是为了感谢印第安人,后来人们常在这一天感谢他人。自1941年起,感恩节是在每年11月的第四个星期四,在这一天起将休假两天,都要和自己的家人团聚,不管多忙(有些特殊岗位除外)都是如此,感恩节是美国国定假日中最地道、最美国式的节日。加拿大的感恩节则起始于1879年,是在每年10月第二个星期一,与美国的哥伦布日相同。



A: Among all festivals in your country, what is your favorite festival, Linda?A: 在你们国家的所有节日中,你最喜欢哪个节日,琳达?B: It should be Thanksgiving Day.B: 应该是感恩节。A: Why?A: 为什么?B: Because it is the most truly American of the national Holidays in the United States and is most closely connected with the earliest history of the country.B: 因为感恩节是美国国定假日中最地道、最美国式的节日,而且它和早期美国历史最为密切相关。A: Oh.A: 哦。


A:Hi,Li Ming. A:嗨,李明。 B: Hi,Jack. B: 嗨,杰克。 A:Thanksgiving Day is round the corner. A: 感恩节快到了。 B:Is it? It's the last Thursday in November,right? B:是吗?是在11月的最后一个星期四,对吗? A: Yes. A:是的。 B:Time flies! B: 时间过得真快呀!


A:(at table on Thanksgiving Day)Happy Thanksgiving Day! And welcome Lucy to my family! We're glad to meet you. A:(感恩节餐桌上)感恩节快乐!欢迎露西来我家!我们很高兴遇到你。 B: I am,too,Mr.Robinson. B: 我也很高兴,罗宾逊先生。 A: Well,do you guys know anything about thanksgiving? A:你们知道感恩节的来历吗? B: Thanksgiving was about The Pilgrims who settled in the New World.They held their Thanksgiving in 1621 as a three day “thank you” celebration to the leaders of the Indian tribe. B:感恩节是关于那些来到新世界的清教徒的。他们于1621举行了三天的感谢庆祝活动,向印第安部落的首领表示感谢。 A:Very good,Lucy.Then,let's give each of our thanks. A:说的好,露西。接着,让我们彼此感恩。


A: Sure.Say,Randy,can you help me with the shopping? We need to get a turkey. A:兰迪,你能帮我采购吗,咱们得买只火鸡。 B: Right.Let's get a nice big one.Do you need ingredients for the stuffing? B: 对。咱们买只又大又好的。你要什么东西做填料吗? A:Oh,yeah.Thanks for reminding me.This is going to be fun.With Dan coming home from college,it'll be a real family reunion. A: 要的。多谢你提醒我,今年会很开心的。丹从学校回来,咱们家就大团圆了。


A:I am thinking of a Thanksgiving feast.I'd like to invite you. A:我想组织一个感恩节宴会。我想邀请你。 B:Great! B: 太好了! A:Do remember! A:一定要记住呀! B:What is the main food? B: 主要食品是什么呢? A: Turkey,it is a big bird like a chicken,but much bigger than chicken.And,pumpkin pie. A: 火鸡。它是一种像鸡的禽类,但比鸡大得多。还有南瓜馅饼。 B:They must be delicious! B: 一定很好吃了。 A:Yes,they will. A: 是的,一定会的。


A: What is the pattern of the Thanksgiving celebration?A: 感恩节的庆祝模式是什么样的?B: The big family dinner is planned months ahead. On the dinner table, people will find apples, oranges, chestnuts, walnuts and grapes. There will be plum pudding, mince pie, other varieties of food and cranberry juice and squash. B: 丰盛的家宴早在几个月之前就开始着手准备。人们在餐桌上可以吃到苹果、橘子、栗子、胡桃和葡萄,还有葡萄干布丁、碎肉馅饼、各种其他食物以及红莓苔汁和鲜果汁。A: What's the most traditional food?A: 最传统的食物是什么?B: Turkey, of course.B: 当然是火鸡了。A: Is Thanksgiving Day very important in American?A: 在美国,感恩节很重要吗?B: Yes, it is. In every sense it is a national annual holiday.B: 是的。今天的感恩节是一个不折不扣的国定假日。A: I see.A: 我知道了。


A: I just came back from the grocery store and they're all out of turkeys. A:我从杂货店回来,他们的火鸡都卖完了。 B: Oh,oh! You're joking,right? B: 哦喔,你在开玩笑对吧? A:Nope,I'm serious. A: 不,我是认真的。 B: Well,what are we going to do? B: 好吧,那我们要怎么办? A:Let's start a new tradition and eat something else. A: 让我们开启新的传统,吃些别的东西吧。 B: Yeah,like what? B: 好啊,例如? A: You've never heard of turkey pizza? A: 你没有听过火鸡比萨吗?





A: But do you know the meaning of Christmas? A:但是你知道圣诞节的意义吗? B:I know it is a Western holiday,just like the Spring Festival in China. B: 我知道这是个西方的节日,和中国的春节差不多。 A: Not exactly.Christmas is the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ. A:不太准确。圣诞节是为了纪念耶稣的诞生。 B: Oh.The birth of Christ. B: 哦,基督的出生。 A:In fact,nowadays many Americans mainly see Christmas as a time to give gifts and forget that Christmas has a religious basis. A: 实际上,现在很多美国人也已经淡忘了圣诞节的宗教含义,只把它当作互赠礼物的日子。


A: Hello,Larry! Merry Christmas and happy New Year! A:你好,赖里!圣诞快乐!新年快乐! B:Thank you,Fang.This Christmas is special to me. B:谢谢你,方。这个圣诞节好特别。 A:Special? Do you mean this is your first Christmas in America? A:为什么?你是说这是你在美国的第一个圣诞节吗? B:Yes.And also the first time for me to see snow during the Christmas season.You know it's summer now in Australia. B:是的。这也是我第一次在圣诞期间看到白雪。你知道在澳大利亚,现在是夏天。 A:Oh,best wishes for a real white Christmas. A:那就祝你白色圣诞节快乐。


A: What did you do for Christmas? A:你圣诞干什么了? B:I went home to celebrate with my family.What about you? B: 我回家跟家人团聚了。你呢? A:I went to a Christmas party at my friend's house. I went home for Thanksgiving this year and couldn't afford to go home again for Christmas. A:我去参加我朋友家开的圣诞派对了。 今年感恩节的时候我回去了,要是圣诞节再回去那些费用我可承受不起了。


A:This is the busiest time of the Christmas shopping season. A: 圣诞购物已经进入高峰期。 B:Yes.I've bought a giant Christmas tree. B: 是的。我买了一棵很大的圣诞树。 A:Have you prepared your Christmas presents? A:你准备好圣诞礼物了吗? B: No,not yet. B: 还没有。 A: I am going to buy something tonight. A: 今晚我要去买些东西。 B:I must send a card to the Johnsons. B: 我得给约翰逊一家送张贺卡。


A: Is everything ready for the Christmas party? A: 圣诞晚会一切都准备好了吗? B:Almost.I've put up the decorations and we've decorated the Christmas tree with plenty of tinsel and baubles. B: 差不多了。我已经挂好了装饰物,也用了很多闪亮的玩意装饰了圣诞树。 A:I like the big star on the top of the tree.I'll put the presents under the tree later.How's the food? A:我喜欢树最上面的那个大星星。等下我把礼物放到树下。吃的呢? B: I've prepared most of it already and we've got plenty of snack foods—you know,crisps,biscuits and things.Are you going to make the punch? B: 大部分也已经准备好了。我们有很多小吃,像脆饼干等等。你准备做潘趣酒吗? A:Yes.I've bought all the things to go in it.It won't take long to make. A:是的,我已经买来了所有要用的东西。这个不用太长时间准备。


A: Do we have Christmas pudding? A: 有圣诞布丁吗? B: Yes,we do.I hope we have enough for everyone.Did you send out all your Christmas cards in time? B:有。希望够大家吃的。你把所有的圣诞卡都按时送出去了吗? A: Yes,I did.I sent most of them a week ago.I've brought some with me to the party to give to people in person. A: 送了。大部分一周前就寄出去了。我还带了些,到晚会上亲自给他们。 B: I did the same.I spent hours yesterday evening wrapping presents.I hope I didn't forget to buy anyone something. B: 我也是。昨天晚上我花了好几个小时来包装礼物。希望我没有忘记给每个人都买点东西。 A: I hope you didn't forget mine! A:希望你没有忘记我!