
第16章 Zhaotoin Casts Greedy Eyes ......(4)

“The superior people follow the teachings of the deities and they are clear in their minds; people of the middle class obey the orders of the king and they are never at loss and people of the lower class listen to their wives’ advice and they are doomed to failure.”

Zhaotoin said to himself: “Only the lower-class people listened to wives’ advice. I, King Zhaotoin, the head of the Darong Tribe surely belong to the superior people and should follow the instructions of the deities. What’s more, there are very important things at stake — the throne, the Seven Treasures and, especially, the charming girl, Cholmo. Marrying her is the one thing that would make me perfectly content even if there were no other rewards.”

Thinking of this, Zhaotoin said to Tansa venomously:

“How dare you slander the prophecy of the Horse Head Diamond King? If you had not given me nine children, I would cut off your tongue and nose. The Horse Races will be held soon and Cholmo will become my new wife. She is much better than you. If you’d like to stay here and serve Cholmo by doing the heavy housework, you will have food to eat but if you are so arrogant and spread discord in this family, you’d better leave here right now!”

Tansa shook with anger when Zhaotoin spoke to her like this. For fear that the situation would get even worse, she had no alternative but to swallow her anger and make arrangements for the banquet.

On the 10th day of the month, 30 great men from the Ling tribes, surrounded by their entourage, came to the Darong Tribe at the invitation of Zhaotoin. They included eight heroes, seven warriors and three generals. They made quite a sight!

Zhaotoin’s manager, Tapa Soinam explained the prophecy of the Horse Head Diamond King to the guests and told them that the Horse Races should be held soon. He then asked them whether they should be held on the 15th of the month or another day.

“What’s the prize for the winner?” Chatsa Shigar asked.

“What, didn’t you hear me properly? The prophecy stated it clearly: the Seven Treasures, the kingship and the beautiful Cholmo shall be the prizes for the horse racing.” Tapa replied very happily. He, like his master, was fully convinced that the winner would be the Yocha horse of the Darong tribe.

Chatsa, Sengta and the others took the hint of Zhaotoin’s ambition. He was plotting to legally ascend to the golden seat and seize power of the Ling Tribe by horse racing, as well as to marry the pretty Sengcham Cholmo. Although everyone knew Zhaotoin’s intrigue well enough and disagreed with him no one had any sound reasons to rebut him with his seemingly reasonable words. They turned to the Old Chieftain Rongcha Chageng for advice.

The Old Chieftain was thinking about how to work against Zhaotoin’s intrigue as well. Suddenly, he recalled a prophecy which had come out a dozen years ago: “A boy of 12 will win the prizes of the horse racing. He will be shining like the golden sun rising above the top of the eastern mountain.”

When the Old Chieftain thought of this a smile spread across his face. He knew that the lucky sun was about to rise on the Ling people. So he said:

“It’s wonderful to win the horse racing. It will be a clean fight to ascend the throne, obtain the Seven Treasures and marry the beautiful Cholmo. I think everybody agrees with that. But the time is a bit inappropriate. It’s difficult for the horses to run in the cold wind and snow of winter. I suggest that we hold a meeting on the 15th day of this month and then we can determine the date of the races.”

Chatsa read the Chieftain’s mind. He was trying to postpone the date of the horse racing to inform Choru so that he could be well prepared. He agreed with the Chieftain.

On the 15th Zhaotoin intentionally gave a sumptuous feast to show off his wealth and status as well as to try to win more support for himself. People came to the party from all around. Wema Lhada was very busy. She announced happily and solemnly:

“May I have the honour to invite Four Princesses to take the right silver seats with golden silk mats? They are Pengpa Chatsa Shigar, Serpa Nyiboin Daya, Wenpo Ngano Paseng and Mogyain Rinchin Tagno.

“Shall four respectable kings, the Old head Chieftain, King Zhaotoin of the Darong, Senglong and Namka Sengshie and Four Men Holding, Goro Gyaincain, Toinpa Gyaincain, Garro Nyima and Naro Tapa, take the seats in the middle with the brocade mats?

“The seven most beautiful sisters from the Ling area please sit on the seats with brocade mats on the last row. Sengcham Cholmo is in the middle. To her left is Lachoin Logor Chaya, the old Chieftain’s daughter Yozin.…”

After being seated, people started to help themselves to fruit, meat, snacks, wine and tea. Finally, stuffed with food and drink, the young men began to sing while the young women danced gracefully.

As the people were in good spirits Zhaotoin spoke loudly:

“There are many tribes in Ling Garpo. It’s necessary to elect a chief leader. This is the purpose of holding the horse races. The winner will be the head chieftain or King of the State of Ling. Every one in the white pavilion has an equal right to take part in the racing. Every one has the opportunity to win the kingship.”

The Old Chieftain was worried that Choru and his mother were not here and he said: “We all agree with the stakes of the horse racing. But the best season should be in summer when the weather is warm and the grass is flourishing. Also everyone of the Ling Tribe should be told about this race.”

Although the Old Chieftain emphasized “everyone”, Chatsa knew his uncle referred especially to Choru. He couldn’t name him directly. So Chatsa said:

“Nobody is against the Ling tribes’ horse racing. However, we should not forget my younger brother Choru and his mother Gormo. They didn’t do anything wrong, on the contrary they did lots of good things for the Ling Tribe. They were punished unreasonably and exiled from the Ling area. It’s unfair not to call Choru back to take part in the horse racing. If this is not allowed I will scratch from the racing.”

Zhaotoin spoke with a smile:

“Shigar is right. It’s a real shame for me that Choru isn’t at the party. You should inform him. Now, let’s discuss the date and route of the horse race.”