
第50章 Ling Attacks Moinyo...(2)

“Can you tell the names of these mountains and their origins and characteristics? I will point out the mountain and you answer immediately.”

Following the fingers of King Gesar, the mountains appeared in Yulha’s eyes:

“What is the name of the nearest mountain, which looks like a small novice holding a stick of incense?

Beside it, like a purple rock, where the eagle likes to fly, what is its name?

What is the name of the towering mountain with tablet stones that looks like red flags fluttering?

What is the name of the one that looks like a standing fairy wearing a yellow hat and surrounded by colourful clouds?

A beautiful peacock, spreading its colourful tail, stands at the foot of the fairy, what is it called?

Yulha, if you look further south, what is the name of the mountain that looks like the moon of the third day of the lunar year?

What are the names of the four mountains in the middle, ones look like a majestic temple?

What is the name of the steep mountain to the north that looks like a general waving a flag?

What is the name of the gentle looking mountain behind the dangerous looking one that looks just like a king ascending his throne?

Yulha, if you look towards the east, the Sky Touching Group has five mountains, what are their names?

What is the name of the mountain that looks like an elephant walking on a plain?

What is the name of the mountain that looks like a beautiful woman embracing a baby and looking forward to her husband coming back soon?”

Yulha Tochu straightened his helmet and stood on a rock like a proud cock:

“The mountain that looks like a little Buddhist novice holding incense is Sandalwood Mountain in India.

The one that looks like a hovering eagle is Turlhowo Mountain in India.

The one that looks like red flags fluttering is Wayiway Galama Mountain.

The one that looks like a fairy in a yellow cap is the famous Qomolangma Mountain.

The one that looks like a peacock spreading its tail is the Long-lived Five-eyed Buddha Mountain in Nepal.

The one that looks like a new moon is the mountain struck by a thunderbolt in Bhutan.

The four mountains in the middle are the four holy mountains in Tibet.

The one that looks like a general waving a battle flag is the mountain where seven tigers live.

The one that looks like a king on his throne is Nyainqentanglha Mountain.

The Sky Goer with five peaks is Wutaishan Mountain where the Han ethnic people live.

The one that looks like an elephant walking on a plain is E’mei Mountain and this is also where the Han ethnic people live.

The one that looks like a beautiful woman holding a baby in her arms is the Holy Mountain of Hotsang Temo…. ”

In all, Gesar asked for the names of over 100 mountains. Yulha Tochu gave all the answers correctly without any problem.

The Lion King Gesar was very satisfied with Yulha. He asked his guard to serve Yulha a big bowl of liquor. Yulha gratefully accepted the offer. He held the bowl high and emptied it on one go. Gesar was ready to order his troops to camp for the night but Yulha Tochu said:

“My King, this is not the best place for us to camp. We’d better camp at Namchin Zhala Wamar tonight. If we can control the Golden Bridge, the access to the State of Moinyo, and cross the river tomorrow, we can then attack successfully.”

All the officers nodded their consent. Gesar also gave his approval.

Moinyo had a population of over 3 million and was richly endowed with natural resources. However, their King, Sintri, was the incarnation of the Devil. Directly under him were 60 warriors who were complete cannibals. The people living in the State of Moinyo and other nearby states always had their hearts in their mouths because they were afraid of being eaten by the Devil’s warriors.

King Sintri had been scared when he first learned that the Lion King, Gesar, had subjugated all the evil spirits in the other three states. He had ordered his subordinates not to do anything rash towards Ling.

One day, when Sintri was sitting quietly in his palace, his guard came with a report:

“My King, there is a large force encamped on the other side of the river.”

“Where do they come from? How many soldiers and horses do they have?” Sintri asked. He thought to himself: “I have not sent troops to invade anyone else but now others are coming to fight with me.”


“How can they be innumerable? Go away! Get somebody useful to give me an accurate report!”

There was no one to report for quite a while. King Sintri got even angrier. He stormed out of the door and was ready to shout at anyone. Just then one of his ministers, Kulha Togyi, was walking quickly towards the palace.

“My King, I have important information for you.” Kulha Togyi said with a worried look.

“Kulha, who is now encroaching on my kingdom?” King Sintri asked.

“They appear to be the troops from Ling.”

“Does this mean that Gesar is coming?” said King Sintri, looking a bit nervous.

“My King, don’t worry about it. Please allow me to go and have a look. If they are not the troops from Ling, everything will be fine. Even if it is really Gesar who comes to fight with us, we will not be afraid.”

Kulha Togyi went outside and made ready to ride out of the city to find out what was actually happening.

Kulha Togyi rode out of the city together with General Dawa Chazin. When they arrived at the southern bank of the river, they shouted to the camp on the other side of the river:

“Hello,we are generals of the State of Moinyo. Please ask your leader to come out. We want to speak to him.”

Gesar recognized Kulha Togyi. He asked Yulha to come over and whispered something to him. Yulha smiled and mounted his horse to go to meet Kulha Togyi.

“I am Prince Yulha Tochu of the Cham State. You can speak to me.”

Kulha Togyi saw this young man and heard that he called himself the Prince of Cham. No doubt, Yulha had surrendered to Gesar a long time ago. These must be the troops from Ling. Kulha Togyi was angry and decided to teach them a lesson. Otherwise, they will never know how strong the State of Moinyo is.

“Please don’t be angry, Minister! I’ve long been looking forward to meeting you. I learnt that you were brave and smart. Please do not start a battle but listen to me first.” Yulha Tochu smiled.

Kulha Togyi, seeing that Yulha was so polite, relaxed a little bit and said: “Please go ahead.”