
第54章 Ling Brings an Army...(1)

Ling Brings an Army to Chayo to Open the Treasure-House for the Benefit of the People

After defeating the four devil kings, Gesar continued his campaign into every quarter. He successively conquered the 18 Big Zoins, the 18 Medium Zoins, the 18 Small Zoins and many other states. Among them the Big Zoins included Tashi Caibo Zoin, Mashag Tienma Zoin, Soipoma Zoin, Chiri Sanho Zoin, Ngazha Mali Zoin, Zogu Pinchi Zoin, Kachi Songshi Zoin, Soishan Suichin Zoin, Ngari Chinzi Zoin, Sumpa Pienniu Zoin, Pari Mianyam Zoin, Dainma Qingke Zoin, Mino Chouduan Zoin, Mainling Jinzi Zoin, and Mogo Luzi Zoin. Gesar gained a colossal fortune from all of this and he distributed it to the people of Ling and its tributary states, making them happy and affluent from then on.

After the Lion King Gesar subdued Mogo Luzi, he won the allegiance of Wolang Chinzi across the sea. He then opened the doors of Wolang Chinzi’s treasury and got all the gold. Gesar handed out the gold and other treasures to the people of Wolang, the State of Ling and some other states. Afterwards the army of the State of Ling pitched camp on the most beautiful Lhatang Renmo Grassland in Wolang.

Gesar’s tent, located at the centre of the grassland, was strange that there were no ropes outside it but they were replaced by a marvellous rainbow. And there were also no columns inside it. The tent was held up by invisible guardian warriors. Gesar sat on the throne and the other heroes sat around him like a myriad of stars surrounding the moon.

One day, a white cloud drifted towards them from the eastern horizon and a rainbow appeared in the sky and some dulcet music could also be heard. It was Gesar’s aunt, Norman Garno, surrounded by 1 million Sky-Goers, who said to Gesar:

“Now you should go back home. There are some others to be conquered. In the east there is a state named Chayo. Although it is small, it is rich and powerful. Its king is called Tolha Zhadui who is 25. You’d better conquer him this year or the 18 states overseas will become his tributary states. The prince of Chayo is Tori Mepa who has super power. You should go to Heaven to ask for Chatsa’s help. It was destined that only Chatsa could defeat him.

With this, his aunt went away swiftly. Gesar told everyone in the tent what his aunt had said. Then he said he planned to attack Chayo and take its treasury which included the purple mule and many weapons.

Everyone in the tent looked at each other quietly and said nothing.

Rongcha Chageng who was sitting on the right side of the throne pondered to himself: “Chayo in the east has a strategically important terrain that is difficult to access and its ramparts are very difficult. Moreover, they have very strong, brave soldiers. They are not easy to attack. However, if we don’t defeat them now, when the 18 overseas states come over and give allegiance to Chayo King Tolha Zhadui, we will never be able to defeat them and possibly he will invade Ling. In that case, we should follow what Gesar’s aunt predicted, and go and attack Tolha Zhadui immediately.”

Rising from his seat, Rongcha chagen said:

“Surrounded by the sea on all sides, Chayo has very solid ramparts. There are 12 islets plus the Gold Hill and the Iron Hill surrounding it. The inner city is very supernatural and grand. All the ministers are reincarnated from demons and are highly skilled in fighting and magic. They can catch light and wind easily and hug the mountains with their arms. Only if we have the best of luck can we defeat them. All of us here, enjoying the boon from our King Gesar, are supposed to get rid of these rascals and protect the people.”

Listening to Rongcha Changen’s words, people present on the occasion blushed and lowered their heads. It was several minutes before they raised their heads and were again in fine mettle. The tribal leaders walked toward Gesar and vied with each other to be the first in line.

Gesar was delighted with this and he ordered the troops of the six states — Hor, Cham, Chogo, Upper and Lower Soipo, Myino and Wolang — to be ready for battle first. Dainma, however, was a little worried. He looked around at the other generals enquiringly and stood up to say:

“My fellow generals, do you know anything about Chayo, including mountains, rivers, passes, deployment of troops and weapons? If anyone does know, please tell us.”

When Dainma had finished speaking, Wolong Prince Pentri Tritsang, sitting in the last row, stood up and said:

“I was in Chayo when I was 15 years old. If you start from here and travel east, you will reach the sea. Then you turn north. If you ride a horse, it will take three months to arrive at the Long City Wall. If you go there by flying boat, it will take 30 days. The Long City Wall is long, high and solid. On the other side of the Long City Wall is a chain of mountains in which there are extremely dangerous passes. In the precipitous ravines, you cannot see the sky. It is almost impossible to get across there.

The only way out is to smash the ramparts and the passes by relying on the deity’s power and that will open a road for us. Even if we can go over the Long City Wall, to arrive in Chayo, there are still many difficulties awaiting us.”

Hearing what Pentri Tritsang said, Gesar and the others all nodded. Gesar had Master Sage of the State of Ling and Master Sages of the other tributaries burn aromatic plants for auspicious smoke to pray and ask the Buddhist Guardian to bless the Ling troops with victory.

Just then, as the sun’s rays shone through the auspicious smoke, Gesar’s aunt appeared. She told Gesar that Chatsa Shigar would come to meet all the Ling generals.

Everyone was surprised and excited, especially the soldiers of the tributaries. They had already known Chatsa Shigar by name long before, but never had the chance to meet him. What a rare treat to see Chatsa Shigar!

At the crack of dawn, when the sunlight flooded the roof of Gesar’s tent, a colourful cloud floated over from the distance. Gesar told his attendants to serve the offerings, light the incense and play music. Everyone looked at that supernatural cloud with joy, waving their white hada scarves in the air and cheering.