
第1章 五言律诗(1)



夫子何为者, 栖栖一代中。

地犹鄹氏邑, 宅即鲁王宫。

叹凤嗟身否, 伤麟怨道穷。

今看两楹奠, 当与梦时同。

Tang Xuanzong

I Pass through the Lu Dukedom

With a Sigh and a Sacrifice for Confucius

O Master, how did the world repay

Your life of long solicitude?

The Lords of Zou have misprized your land,

And your home has been used as the palace of Lu....

You foretold that when phoenixes vanished, your fortunes too would end,

You knew that the captured unicorn would be La sign of the dose of your teaching....

Can this sacrifice I watch, Here between two temple pillars,

Be the selfsame omen of Death you dreamed of long ago?



海上生明月, 天涯共此时。

情人怨遥夜, 竟夕起相思。

灭烛怜光满, 披衣觉露滋。

不堪盈手赠, 还寝梦佳期。

Zhang Jiuling

Looking at the Moon

and Thinking of One Far Away

The moon, grown full now over the sea,

Brightening the whole of heaven,

Brings to separated hearts

The long thoughtfulness of night....

It is no darker though I blow out my candle.

It is no warmer though I put on my coat.

So I leave my message with the moon

And turn to my bed, hoping for dreams.



城阙辅三秦, 风烟望五津。

与君离别意, 同是宦游人。

海内存知己, 天涯若比邻。

无为在歧路, 儿女共沾巾。

Wang Bo

Farewell To VicePrefect Du

Setting Out for His Official Post in Shu

By this wall that surrounds the three Qin districts,

Through a mist that makes five rivers one,

We bid each other a sad farewell,

We two officials going opposite ways....

And yet, while China holds our friendship,

And heaven remains our neighbourhood,

Why should you linger at the fork of the road,

Wiping your eyes like a heartbroken child?






即周召伯 之甘棠。每至夕照低阴,




禀君子达人 之高行;蜕其皮也,

有仙都羽化之灵姿。候时而来 ,


有目斯开 ,不以道昏而昧其视;有翼自薄,

不以俗厚而易其 真。吟乔树之微风,韵资天纵;


遭时徽纟墨,不哀伤而自怨, 未摇落而先衰。


怯危机之未安。感而缀诗,贻诸知己 。


悯余声 之寂寞。非谓文墨,取代幽忧云尔。

西路蝉声唱, 南冠客思侵。

那堪玄鬓影, 来对白头吟。

露重飞难进, 风多响易沉。

无人信高洁, 谁为表予心。

Luo Bingwang

A Political Prisoner Listening to a Cicada

While the year sinks westward, I hear a cicada

Bid me to be resolute here in my cell,

Yet it needed the song of those black wings

To break a whitehaired prisoners heart....

His flight is heavy through the fog,

His pure voice drowns in the windy world.

Who knows if he be singing still?

Who listens any more to me?



独有宦游人, 偏惊物候新。

云霞出海曙, 梅柳渡江春。

淑气催黄鸟, 晴光转绿苹。

忽闻歌古调, 归思欲沾巾。

Du Shenyan

On A Walk in the Early Spring

Harmonizing A Poem by My Friend Lu Stationed at Changzhou

Only to wanderers can come

Ever new the shock of beauty,

Of white cloud and red cloud dawning from the sea,

Of spring in the wildplum and riverwillow....

I watch a yellow oriole dart in the warm air,

And a green waterplant reflected by the sun.

Suddenly an old song fills

My heart with home, my eyes with tears.



闻道黄龙戍, 频年不解兵。

可怜闺里月, 长在汉家营。

少妇今春意, 良人昨夜情。

谁能将旗鼓, 一为取龙城?

Shen Quanqi


Against the City of the Yellow Dragon

Our troops were sent long years ago,

And girls here watch the same melancholy moon

That lights our Chinese warriors-

And young wives dream a dream of spring,

That last night their heroic husbands,

In a great attack, with flags and drums,

Captured the City of the Yellow Dragon.



阳月南飞雁, 传闻至此回,

我行殊未已, 何日复归来?

江静潮初落, 林昏瘴不开。

明朝望乡处, 应见陇头梅。

Song Zhiwen

Inscribed on the Wall of an Inn

North of Dayu Mountain

They say that wildgeese, flying southward,

Here turn back, this very month....

Shall my own southward journey

Ever be retraced, I wonder?

...The river is pausing at ebbtide,

And the woods are thick with clinging mist-

But tomorrow morning, over the mountain,

Dawn will be white with the plumtrees of home.



客路青山外, 行舟绿水前。

潮平两岸阔, 风正一帆悬。

海日生残夜, 江春入旧年。

乡书何处达? 归雁洛阳边。

Wang Wan

A Mooring under North Fort Hill

Under blue mountains we wound our way,

My boat and I, along green water;

Until the banks at low tide widened,

With no wind stirring my lone sail.

...Night now yields to a sea of sun,

And the old year melts in freshets.

At last I can send my messengers-

Wildgeese, homing to Luoyang.



清晨入古寺, 初日照高林。

曲径通幽处, 禅房花木深。

山光悦鸟性, 潭影空人心。

万籁此俱寂, 惟余钟磬音。

Chang Jian

A Buddhist Retreat behind BrokenMountain Temple

In the pure morning, near the old temple,

Where early sunlight points the treetops,

My path has wound, through a sheltered hollow

Of boughs and flowers, to a Buddhist retreat.

Here birds are alive with mountainlight,

And the mind of man touches peace in a pool,

And a thousand sounds are quieted

By the breathing of a templebell.



联步趋丹陛, 分曹限紫微。

晓随天仗入, 暮惹御香归。

白发悲花落, 青云羡鸟飞。

圣朝无阙事, 自觉谏书稀。

Cen Can

A Message to Censor Du Fu

at His Office in the Left Court

Together we officials climbed vermilion steps,

To be parted by the purple walls....

Our procession, which entered the palace at dawn,

Leaves fragrant now at dusk with imperial incense.

...Grey heads may grieve for a fallen flower,

Or blue clouds envy a lilting bird;

But this reign is of heaven, nothing goes wrong,

There have been almost no petitions.



吾爱孟夫子, 风流天下闻。

红颜弃轩冕, 白首卧松云。

醉月频中圣, 迷花不事君。

高山安可仰? 徒此挹清芬。

Li Bai

A Message to Meng Haoran

Master, I hail you from my heart,

And your fame arisen to the skies....

Renouncing in ruddy youth the importance of hat and chariot,

You chose pinetrees and clouds; and now, whitehaired,

Drunk with the moon, a sage of dreams,

Flowerbewitched, you are deaf to the Emperor....

High mountain, how I long to reach you,

Breathing your sweetness even here!



渡远荆门外, 来从楚国游。

山随平野尽, 江入大荒流。

月下飞天镜, 云生结海楼。

仍怜故乡水, 万里送行舟。

Li Bai

Bidding a Friend Farewell at Jingmen Ferry

Sailing far off from Jingmen Ferry,

Soon you will be with people in the south,

Where the mountains end and the plains begin

And the river winds through wilderness....

The moon is lifted like a mirror,

Seaclouds gleam like palaces,

And the water has brought you a touch of home

To draw your boat three hundred miles.



青山横北郭, 白水绕东城。

此地一为别, 孤蓬万里征。

浮云游子意, 落日故人情。

挥手自兹去, 萧萧班马鸣。

Li Bai

A Farewell to a Friend

With a blue line of mountains north of the wall,

And east of the city a white curve of water,

Here you must leave me and drift away

Like a loosened waterplant hundreds of miles....

I shall think of you in a floating cloud;

So in the sunset think of me.

...We wave our hands to say goodbye,

And my horse is neighing again and again.



Li Bai

On Hearing Jun the Buddhist Monk

from Shu Play His Lute

The monk from Shu with his green silk lutecase,

Walking west down Omei Mountain,

Has brought me by one touch of the strings