
第4章 五言律诗(4)

South go the wildgesse, for leaves are now falling,

And the water is cold with a wind from the north.

I remember my home; but the Xiang Rivers curves

Are walled by the clouds of this southern country.

I go forward. I weep till my tears are spent.

I see a sail in the far sky.

Where is the ferry? Will somebody tell me?

Its growing rough. Its growing dark.



古台摇落后, 秋日望乡心。

野寺人来少, 云峰水隔深。

夕阳依旧垒, 寒磬满空林。

惆怅南朝事, 长江独至今。

Liu Changqing

Climbing in Autumn for a View from the Temple

on the Terrace of General Wu

So autumn breaks my homesick heart....

Few pilgrims venture climbing to a temple so wild,

Up from the lake, in the mountain clouds.

...Sunset clings in the old defences,

A stone gong shivers through the empty woods.

...Of the Southern Dynasty, what remains?

Nothing but the Great River.



流落征南将, 曾驱十万师。

罢归无旧业, 老去恋明时。

独立三边静, 轻生一剑知。

茫茫江汉上, 日暮复何之。

Liu Chanqing

A Farewell to Governor Li

on His Way Home to Hanyang

Sad wanderer, once you conquered the South,

Commanding a hundred thousand men;

Today, dismissed and dispossessed,

In your old age you remember glory.

Once, when you stood, three borders were still;

Your dagger was the scale of life.

Now, watching the great rivers, the Jiang and the Han,

On their ways in the evening, where do you go?



望君烟水阔, 挥手泪沾巾。

飞鸟没何处? 青山空向人。

长江一帆远, 落日五湖春。

谁见汀洲上, 相思愁白苹?

Liu Changing

On Seeing Wang Leave for the South

Toward a mist upon the water

Still I wave my hand and sob,

For the flying bird is lost in space

Beyond a desolate green mountain....

But now the long river, the far lone sail,

five lakes, gleam like spring in the sunset;

And down an island white with duckweed

Comes the quiet of communion.



一路经行处, 莓苔见履痕。

白云依静渚, 春草闭闲门。

过雨看松色, 随山到水源。

溪花与禅意, 相对亦忘言。

Liu Changing

While Visiting on the South Stream

the Taoist Priest Chang

Walking along a little path,

I find a footprint on the moss,

A while cloud low on the quiet lake,

Grasses that sweeten an idle door,

A pine grown greener with the rain,

A brook that comes from a mountain source-

And, mingling with Truth among the flowers,

I have forgotten what to say.



乡心新岁切, 天畔独潸然。

老至居人下, 春归在客先。

岭猿同旦暮, 江柳共风烟。

已似长沙傅, 从今又几年。

Liu Changqing

New YearS at Changsha

New Years only deepens my longing,

Adds to the lonely tears of an exile

Who, growing old and still in harness,

Is left here by the homing spring....

Monkeys come down from the mountains to haunt me.

I bend like a willow, when it rains on the river.

I think of Jia Yi, who taught here and died here-

And I wonder what my term shall be.



上国随缘住, 来途若梦行。

浮天沧海远, 去世法舟轻。

水月通禅寂, 鱼龙听梵声。

惟怜一灯影, 万里眼中明。

Qian Qi

Farewell to a Japanese Buddhist Priest

Bound Homeward

You were foreordained to find the source.

Now, tracing your way as in a dream

There where the sea floats up the sky,

You wane from the world in your fragile boat....

The water and the moon are as calm as your faith,

Fishes and dragons follow your chanting,

And the eye still watches beyond the horizon

The holy light of your single lantern.



泉壑带茅茨, 云霞生薜帷。

竹怜新雨后, 山爱夕阳时。

闲鹭栖常早, 秋花落更迟。

家童扫萝径, 昨与故人期。

Qian Qi

From My Study at the Mouth of the Valley

A Message To Censor Yang

At a little grasshut in the valley of the river,

Where a cloud seems born from a vine wall,

You will love the bamboos new with rain,

And mountains tender in the sunset.

Cranes drift early here to rest

And autumn flowers are slow to fade....

I have bidden my pupil to sweep the grassy path

For the coming of my friend.



江汉曾为客, 相逢每醉还。

浮云一别后, 流水十年间。

欢笑情如旧, 萧疏鬓已斑。

何因北归去? 淮上对秋山。

Wei Yingwu

A Greeting on the Huai River

to My Old Friends from Liangchuan

We used to be companions on the Jiang and the Han,

And as often as we met, we were likely to be tipsy.

Since we left one another, floating apart like clouds,

Ten years have run like water-till at last we join again.

And we talk again and laugh again just as in earlier days,

Except that the hair on our heads is tinged now with grey.

Why not come along, then, all of us together,

And face the autumn mountains and sail along the Huai?



楚江微雨里, 建业暮钟时。

漠漠帆来重, 冥冥鸟去迟。

海门深不见, 浦树远含滋。

相送情无限, 沾襟比散丝。

Wei Yingwu

A Farewell in the Evening Rain to Li Cao

Is it raining on the river all the way to Chu?-

The evening bell comes to us from Nanjing.

Your wet sail drags and is loath to be going

And shadowy birds are flying slow.

We cannot see the deep oceangate-

Only the boughs at Pukou, newly dripping.

Likewise, because of our great love,

There are threads of water on our faces.



长簟迎风早, 空城澹月华。

星河秋一雁, 砧杵夜千家。

节候看应晚, 心期卧亦赊。

向来吟秀句, 不觉已鸣鸦。

Han Hong

An Autumn Evening Harmonizing

Cheng QinS Poem

While a cold wind is creeping under my mat,

And the citys naked wall grows pale with the autumn moon,

I see a lone wildgoose crossing the River of Stars,

And I hear, on stone in the night, thousands of washing mallets....

But, instead of wishing the season, as it goes,

To bear me also far away,

I have found your poem so beautiful

That I forget the homing birds.



道由白云尽, 春与青溪长。

时有落花至, 远隋流水香。

闲门向山路, 深柳读书堂。

幽映每白日, 清辉照衣裳。

Liu Jixu

A Poem

On a road outreaching the white clouds,

By a spring outrunning the bluest river,

Petals come drifting on the wind

And the brook is sweet with them all the way.

My quiet gate is a mountaintrail,

And the willowtrees about my cottage

Sift on my sleeve, through the shadowy noon,

Distillations of the sun.



天秋月又满, 城阙夜千重。

还作江南会, 翻疑梦里逢。

风枝惊暗鹊, 露草覆寒虫。

羁旅长堪醉, 相留畏晓钟。

Dai Shulun

Changing on Old Friends in a Village Inn

While the autumn moon is pouring full

On a thousand nightlevels among towns and villages,

There meet by chance, south of the river,

Dreaming doubters of a dream....

In the trees a wind has startled the birds,

And insects cower from cold in the grass;

But wayfarers at least have wine

And nothing to fear-till the morning bell.



故关衰草遍, 离别正堪悲。

路出寒云外, 人归暮雪时。

少孤为客早, 多难识君迟。

掩泪空相向, 风尘何处期。

Lu Lun

A Farewell to Li Duan

By my old gate, among yellow grasses,

Still we linger, sick at heart.

The way you must follow through cold clouds

Will lead you this evening into snow.

Your father died; you left home young;

Nobody knew of your misfortunes.

We cry, we say nothing. What can I wish you,

In this blowing wintry world?



十年离乱后, 长大一相逢。

问姓惊初见, 称名忆旧容。

别来沧海事, 语罢暮天钟。

明日巴陵道, 秋山又几重。

Li Yi

A Brief but Happy Meeting with My Brother-In Law

“Meeting by Accident, Only to Part”

After these ten torn wearisome years

We have met again. We were both so changed