
第15章 爱荷华州(2)

Under Governor Vilsack’s leadership,the state is pursuing a comprehensive economic growth strategy focused on renewable(可更新的,可恢复的)energy,life sciences,financial services,advanced manufacturing,and improving cultural and recreational(休养的,娱乐的)opportunities.Consistent with the Governor’s vision of making Iowa energy independent,the state in the last five years has nearly tripled Iowa’s ethanol(乙醇;酒精)production and will next year become the nation’s leading producer of ethanol.The Governor has led the state to develop new businesses in Iowa with the help of an aggressive venture capital program that combines public and private sector investment.During his time in office,Iowa has significantly expanded cultural and recreational opportunities with 1.6billion of investment in 119Iowa communities.Under his leadership,a 503million Iowa Values Fund is making direct investments in Iowa companies and has helped create or retain thousands of good-paying jobs since it was established in June 2003.

State Bird州鸟


The Iowa Legislature designated the Eastern Goldfinch,also known as the Wild Canary,as the official state bird in 1933.It was chosen as the state bird because it is commonly found in Iowa and often stays through the winter.

Seeds from dandelions(蒲公英),sunflowers([植]向日葵),ragweed([植]豚草属),and evening primrose(樱草花,报春花)are the main source of food for the Eastern Goldfinch(Carduelis tristis).In late July or early August they build their nests from plant materials and line them with thistledown(蓟花的冠毛).The pale blue-white eggs of the Eastern Goldfinch incubate(孵卵)for two weeks and the young birds leave the nest when they are two to three weeks old.

A small finch[[动]雀类(如燕雀,金翅雀等)],13cm(5in)from tip of bill to tip of tail.The top of the male’s head is topped with black.The bright yellow body has black wings and tail.The base of the tail is white above and below.The female has a dull olive-yellow body with a brown tail and wings.The male goldfinch(金翅雀)acquires the same dull plumage in the winter months.Females in both seasons are duller than males.

The short breeding season begins in July and lasts until mid-September.Breeding habitat is typically weedy fields with shrubs,but the Goldfinch will sometimes nest in open woodlands.The female builds a cup-shaped nest less than 1-10m(1-30ft)above ground in a shrubby plant or coniferous tree(针叶树).The female lays 4-6pale blue eggs,which she incubates for 12-14days.The male feeds the female on the nest.When the eggs hatch(孵化),the female feeds the young regurgitated seeds.Nestlings are altricial(孵出后需母鸟照顾一段时期的,晚成雏的)and fledge(长羽毛)after about 15days.The parents continue to feed the begging fledglings(羽毛初长的雏鸟,刚会飞的幼鸟)for up to 3more weeks.Some females are sequentially(继续地,从而)polyandrous(一妻多夫的,[动]一雌多雄(配合)的).After the first brood hatches,the female leaves the brood in care of their father and finds another male for a second nesting attempt.

During the winter,the American Goldfinch migrates.This species often forms large foraging flocks,sometimes with other species,including Chickadees((美洲所产的)山雀),siskins(金雀,金翅雀),and other finches.Preferred foraging areas include weedy and cultivated fields,orchards(果园),and flood plains.The Goldfinch forages mainly on seeds of thistle([植]蓟)and other many-seeded flowers,grasses,and deciduous trees.Predators include snakes,birds,cats,and squirrels(松鼠).The Brown-headed Cowbird sometimes lays one egg in the Goldfinch nest,which reduces Goldfinch clutch size.Although the Cowbird egg usually hatches,the Cowbird nestling usually does not survive,probably because it is not well suited for the diet of seeds.

In winter,the American Goldfinch occurs throughout Georgia where suitable habitat is present.It may be found year-round in the northern parts of the state.The species’range extends throughout the United States

State Flower州花


The Iowa Legislature designated the Wild Rose as the official state flower in 1897.It was chosen for the honor because it was one of the decorations used on the silver service which the state presented to the battleship USS Iowa that same year.Although no particular species of the flower was designated by the Legislature,the Wild Prairie Rose(Rosa Pratincola)is most often cited(引用,引证)as the official flower.

Wild roses are found throughout the state and bloom from June through late summer.The flower,in varying shades of pink,is set off by many yellow stamens(雄蕊)in the center.

Shrub:with erect stems to 1.5ft(45cm)tall.

Twigs:red-brown with many straight spines and bristles.

Leaves:alternate,pinnately compound,5-9leaflets;leaflets elliptic(椭圆形的),1.6-6.4cm(0.6-2.5)inches in length;glabrous([生物]无毛的),lustrous(有光泽的)above,soft pubescent(有软毛的)beneath;acute at base and apex(顶点);margins coarsely(质地粗糙地)toothed;petiole(叶柄,柄部)glabrous or somewhat pubescent;stipules([植]托叶)adnate([生物]贴生的),1-2.5cm(0.4-1in)in length,margins entire;rachis glabrous or somewhat pubescent.

Inflorescence a corymb([植]伞状花序),peduncles(花梗,梗,(肿瘤或息肉的)肉茎)glabrous,flowers 2-4,2.5-5cm(1-2in)in diameter;sepals(萼片)5,lanceolate(矛尖形的,披针状的),1-12cm(3/8-5/8in)long;petals 5,white,obcordate([植]倒心形的);styles not exserted(伸出的,突出的),but persistent;stamens numerous;flowers appear from May to August.

Fruit:a hip,12-15mm(1/2-3/5in)diameter,subglobose to ellipsoid,sepals ascending,red;nutlets(小坚果,果仁)flattened on one side,light tan,tuft of hairs at the base;fruits mature late August.

Habitat:prairies,woodland margin and disturbed areas.

Medicinal uses:The Omahas steeped wild prairie rose hips and roots to treat inflammation of the eye.The Pawnees collected leaf galls which were crushed and applied to burns.

State Flag州旗