
第12章 网络情感(5)

One of the most useful features of web browsers is the “bookmark”(or “favorite place”).If you come to a web page that you find particularly interesting or useful (like Yahoo!),you’ll probably want to come back to it again and again.The easiest way to do this is to have your browser “remember”the address.Different browsers have different ways of creating bookmarks—some use pulldown menus and others have buttons right on the screen.

Once a bookmark is created,you can then easily return to that web page by pulling down the bookmark menu and selecting the appropriateappropriate adj.适当的entry.Another good skill to learn is how to edit the text of a bookmark.The defaultdefault text for a bookmark is contained in the web page you’re bookmarking,and it’s not always the most useful title.By editing the bookmark text,you can make sure that your bookmarks are clear and effective.The point is:Take the time to learn how bookmarks work in your browser.





So,after starting to learn how your browser works,where do you go?What do you do?There’s no right answer to this one.The Internet doesn’t have a front door.But there are lots of ways to get started.Make a bookmark to an Internet guide like Yahoo!or a search engine like Alta Vista or Lycos.Explore.Search for web sites about one of your hobbies.Fishing.Mountain bikes.Crosswords puzzlespuzzle.Find web sites about your hometown.Follow links to other sites listed on the site you’re visiting.Just go find web sites.Read them,bookmark them,print them out.Send the URL’s (the web address)to friends.Ask friends and coworkers for recommendationsrecommendation.Now you’re networking.Now you’re surfing the Web.Congratulations!


在获悉浏览器工作原理后往哪儿去呢?接着干什么呢?对这个问题没有唯一的答案。因特网并没有一个让你进入的前门,但是开始的方法却有很多。给因特网向导如雅虎,或者搜索工具如Alta Vista或Lycos做一个书签把它们收藏起来,探索开始。搜索符合你嗜好的网址——垂钓、山地车、填字游戏等。找到你家乡的地址,点击你正在访问的网址中的链接以便进入其他网址。那就是寻找网址,你可以阅读、做书签收藏或把它们打印出来。把网址发送给你的朋友,要朋友或者网友给你提建议。你这就是在网上,你这就是在冲浪,祝贺你!

Finding It Online

One of the greatest featuresfeature of the Internet is the amount of information it contains.Information that used to be limited to regionalregional distributiondistribution via newspapers ,television,and flyers is now availableavailable on a national or even global basis.You can look for a job in a faraway city or state.You can sell your coin collection via a national classified ad.You can look up a phone number for a restaurant in Paris.But all this newly available information comes as a price:confusionconfusion.The interconnectedinterconnect and dynamicdynamic nature of the Net prevents it from being organized like a traditional medium,such as a book or a newspaper.But don’t worry,another great thing about the Internet is that it comes up with solutions for its own problems.Enter Internet Guides and Search Engines...



Table of Contents vs.Index

If the Internet were a book,Internet Guides would be the table of contents.They organize web sites into related categoriescategory or topics,just like a table of contents organizes the chapter in a book into different sectionssection.Of course,in the case of the Internet,the “book”is so big that even the table of contents needs its own table of contents.That’s why most Internet Guides start with toplevel categories and let you “drill down”to more and more specific topics.

If the Internet were a book,Search Engines would be the index.In order to combatcombat the dynamicdynamic nature of the web,Search Engines are constantly running software called “robots”or “crawlers”that real entire web sites and update the index entries for the specific Search Engine.Search Engines save their data alphabeticallyalphabetically ,just like a book’s index.But,again,due to the incredible amount of information,you don’t browse through a Search Engine’s listings,you search through them by entering a word (or words)that captures what you’re looking for.Enter the words or phrasesphrase and the Search Engine should provide you with a set of“results pages,”depending on the number of successful “hits”that your search produces.




Which Should I Use?

How do you know when to use an Internet Guide and when to use a Search Engine?The best answer is:Use both.

Now,let’s pretendpretend you’re reading a book on genealogy.You might look through the table of contents (a guide)to see if there’s a chapter on researching your family tree.But if you were looking for a more specific topic—like how to read a ship’s manifest—you would look in the index.Of course,looking in the table of contents for related topics doesn’t hurt,especially if there is an entire section on ships’manifestsmanifest .By the same token,looking up “research”or “family tree”in the index doesn’t hurt either,but you might simply get too many entries related to such general terms.

A good rule of thumbthumb is:If your topic is general,go for an Internet Guide first.If your topic is very specific,go for a Search Engine.But in all cases,be flexibleflexible,and check out multiplemultiple sources.Internet Guides and Search Engines vary greatly,and no one resource claims to have indexed the entire Web.



假设你在读一本有关家谱的书,你有可能浏览一下目录,看看有没有追索你的家谱树的章节。但是,如果你要寻找的是一个更为具体的题目,如怎样阅读某艘轮船的货物清单,你就去看索引。当然,去看相关题目的目录也没有什么坏处,尤其是如果有专门讲述轮船货物清单的章节。同样,查看索引中的“research”或“family tree”也未尝不可,不过,你会得到的只是与这类笼统的术语相关的太多的项目。
