Corporate France is also giving blogging a whirlwhirl .One of the country’s bestknown blogs is that of MichelEdouard Leclerc,the head of E.Leclerc,a leading French retailer.Recent postings range from a lampoonlampoon of the government’s antiinflation policies to an emotional response to the release of a French journalist from captivity in Iraq.Leclerc,who started the blog as an extension of a personal diary he has kept for 30years,has this advice for other CEOs:“Don’t be afraid of it.It’s a way to concentrate your thoughts,test your ideas,accept criticism.”
That’s exactly what L’Oreal did with its skin care blog,which has drawn more than 12,000page views.“The company turned its early stumble intostumble into ”an enriching experience that has allowed us to get in closer touch with our customers,”says Cristiani,Vichy’s international marketing director.Sounds like this blog could turn out to be a thing of beauty.
法国博客软件服务公司Ublog.com创始人勒穆尔(Le Meur)表示:“比起欧洲的大多数国家,例如德国,法国人总是喜欢向别人传达自己的思想和看法。”博客的出现正好给了热衷于表达看法的法国人以宣泄的机会。博客支持者认为,在传统媒体的自由程度和可信赖程度降低的现代社会,博客的出现为广大公民表达意见提供了另一条途径。
Control a Computer Using Thoughts
Four people were able to control a computer using their thoughts and an electrodeelectrodestudded “thinking cap”,U.S.researchers reported.
They said their setup could someday be adapted to help disabled people operate a motorizedmotorize wheelchair or artificial limb.
While experiments have allowed a monkey to control a computer with its thoughts,electrodes were implanted into the animal’s brain.This experiment,reported in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,required no surgerysurgery and no implants.
“The results show that people can learn to use scalprecorded electroencephalogramelectroencephalogram rhythms to control rapid and accurate movement of a cursor in two dimensions,”Jonathan Wolpaw and Dennis McFarland of the New York State Department of Health and State University of New York in Albany wrote.
They tested their device on four people—two partly paralyzedparalyze men who used wheelchairs and a healthy man and woman.
The key was a special computer algorithmalgorithm —a program that translated the brain signals into a meaningful directive of what the users wanted the computer to do.
“The impressive noninvasive multidimensionalmultidimensional control achieved in the present study suggests that a noninvasive brain control interface could support clinically useful operation of a roboticrobot arm,a motorized wheelchair,or a neuroprosthesis,”the researchers wrote.
The two disabled men were better at the task,the researchers found.This could have to do with stronger motivation or perhaps a brain forced to be more adaptable to cope with the injuries that left the men disabled,the researchers said.
Employees Needed for the EEra
The Internet alone does not make up the New Economy though it is an integralintegral part of it.American expresident Bill Clinton has defined the New Economy as “an economy that’s fuelled by technology,driven by entrepreneurshipentrepreneurship and innovationsinnovation ”.
Technology,entrepreneurship and innovations are keywordskeywords that sum up the new eraera.
The Internet is not just a technology,it is also about marketing.Companies which do not use the Net as a marketing tool will lose their competition.
The functionfunction of information technology in marketing is more than just receiving orders on the Net.The Net offers a means of attracting clientsclient by providing them information,something not possible in the past.It has changed the way of service and is more efficientefficient and more capable of providing comprehensive customer service.
The Net has revolutionized the way companies are run.Electronic mail,for instance,has improved management efficiency tremendously.The traditional telephone conversations and facetoface contacts could be easily interrupted and were inefficient.Now you need perhaps to spend just a couple of hours on emailing.Besides,it is now much easier to gather information to help make the right decision.
The New Economy has also led to the mushroomingmushrooming of IT or Internetrelated firms as though the mere setting up of such a company is a guaranteeguarantee of high profits.This means businesses must have good human resource management practices so as not to lose talented employees.