How does cable achieve these data rates?In the late 1980s and early 1990s cable operators started deploying fiber optics in their networks.Cable companies ran fiber out to individual neighborhoods and made use of existing network of coaxial cable to reach the “last mile”to each home.The opticaloptical fibers connect the cable operator’s central facility (the “head end”)to each neighborhood area (the “node”).Fiber has greatly increased the capacitycapacity and reliability of cable TV networks.With a cable Internet connection,data occupy the space of one TV channel.Tune to this channel with your TV,and you’ll see only static,but connected to your cable modem it becomes a data stream flowing at about 40megabits per second (Mbps),which can then be relayed to your personal computer at rates up to 10Mbps.the fiber network also allow signals to be sent back from the home to the head end,making telephone and interactive vidio services possible.
Staying on Topic
Of course,surfing the web isn’t just about finding the latest or greatest.There’s plenty of valuable information online that’s been there for some time.But how do you find it when you’re not looking for something specific?Simple.Seek out topicbased starting points.Yahoo!’s entire hierarchyhierarchy is based on topics.Each toplevel category is divided into subtopics and some subtopics are further divided,and so on and so on.So,if you’re interested in model railroads,you can navigatenavigate through the Yahoo!directory (Recreation to Hobbies to Models to Trains)or you can simply tipe “model railroad”in the Yahoo!search box.Either way,you’ll get to a whole categary of modelrailroadrelated web sites.As complete as the Yahoo!Databasedatabase is,it’s not the only source for topicbased surfing.Other sites,such as LookSmart,The Argus ClearingHouse,and The Mining Company provide filtered lists of links,organized by topic.
当然冲浪不是仅仅去找最新的或者最好的东西,许多很有价值的信息已在网上存在了一段时间了。假如你不去寻找某一样特定东西,你怎么能够发现它呢?很简单,不要怕花力气去找到一个以题目为等级结构的起点。整个雅虎的等级结构是按题目分类的,从每一个题目分类的最高级向下分成小标题,其中某些小标题还要继续往下分成更小的标题,这样,如果你对铁路模型有兴趣,你就可以在雅虎目录中冲浪航行,从Recreation(娱乐活动)到Hobbies(嗜好),到Models(模型),到Trains(火车)。你也可以直接在雅虎搜索框内键入“Model Railroad”。通过这两种办法你都可以到达与铁路模型相关的整个类别的站点。尽管雅虎数据库是相当完整的,但它并非按标题分类的唯一冲浪资源。另外一些站点,如LookSmart、The Argus ClearingHouse以及The Mining Company,它们提供的经过适当选择的链接列表也是按照标题组织的。
It’s in the Links
Very often people include their own collections of related links on the sites they build.You may have noticed a few on some of your favorite destinationsdestination.For example,a fan’s baseball site may include a handful of links to other terrific baseball sites.A site about making muffinsmuffin may include links to other sites about baking,or deserts in general.It’s this type of linking that makes the Web a “web”in the true sense of the word.And as a surfer,you can take advantage of other people’s explorations.The next time you visit one of you own preferred sites,look for the links.You might find yourself headed in an unexpected,somewhat “cool”direction.
Sometimes people build pages that are simply collections of links.Yahoo!calls these pages “Indices”.They are often huge lists of sites that cover a particularparticular subject,or set of subjects.Whenever you’re surfing Yahoo!,look for the “Indices”category.that’s where the links live.Surf away.