
第178章 The Return of Sherlock Holmes(97)

It has been written hurriedly and upon his own responsibilityentirely. Inquiries have shown that his Ministers know nothingof the matter. At the same time it is couched in so unfortunate amanner, and certain phrases in it are of so provocative a character,that its publication would undoubtedly lead to a most dangerousstate of feeling in this country. There would be such a ferment, sir,that I do not hesitate to say that within a week of the publicationof that letter this country would be involved in a great war.”

Holmes wrote a name upon a slip of paper and handed it to thePremier.

“Exactly. It was he. And it is this letter—this letter which maywell mean the expenditure of a thousand millions and the livesof a hundred thousand men—which has become lost in thisunaccountable fashion.”

“Have you informed the sender?”

“Yes, sir, a cipher telegram has been despatched.”

“Perhaps he desires the publication of the letter.”

“No, sir, we have strong reason to believe that he alreadyunderstands that he has acted in an indiscreet and hot-headedmanner. It would be a greater blow to him and to his country thanto us if this letter were to come out.”

“If this is so, whose interest is it that, the letter should comeout? Why should anyone desire to steal it or to publish it?”

“There, Mr. Holmes, you take me into regions of highinternational politics. But if you consider the European situationyou will have no difficulty in perceiving the motive. The whole ofEurope is an armed camp. There is a double league which makesa fair balance of military power. Great Britain holds the scales. IfBritain were driven into war with one confederacy, it would assurethe supremacy of the other confederacy, whether they joined inthe war or not. Do you follow?”

“Very clearly. It is then the interest of the enemies of this potentateto secure and publish this letter, so as to make a breach between hiscountry and ours?”

“Yes, sir.”

“And to whom would this document be sent if it fell into thehands of an enemy?”

“To any of the great Chancelleries of Europe. It is probablyspeeding on its way thither at the present instant as fast as steamcan take it.”

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Mr. Trelawney Hope dropped his head on his chest and groanedaloud. The Premier placed his hand kindly upon his shoulder.

“It is your misfortune, my dear fellow. No one can blame you.

There is no precaution which you have neglected. Now, Mr.

Holmes, you are in full possession of the facts. What course doyou recommend?”

Holmes shook his head mournfully.

“You think, sir, that unless this document is recovered there willbe war?”

“I think it is very probable.”

“Then, sir, prepare for war.”

“That is a hard saying, Mr. Holmes.”

“Consider the facts, sir. It is inconceivable that it was takenafter eleven-thirty at night, since I understand that Mr. Hopeand his wife were both in the room from that hour until the losswas found out. It was taken, then, yesterday evening betweenseven-thirty and eleven-thirty, probably near the earlier hour,since whoever took it evidently knew that it was there and wouldnaturally secure it as early as possible. Now, sir, if a document ofthis importance were taken at that hour, where can it be now? Noone has any reason to retain it. It has been passed rapidly on tothose who need it. What chance have we now to overtake or evento trace it? It is beyond our reach.”

The Prime Minister rose from the settee.

“What you say is perfectly logical, Mr. Holmes. I feel that thematter is indeed out of our hands.”

“Let us presume, for argument’s sake, that the document wastaken by the maid or by the valet——”

“They are both old and tried servants.”

“I understand you to say that your room is on the second floor,that there is no entrance from without, and that from within noone could go up unobserved. It must, then, be somebody in thehouse who has taken it. To whom would the thief take it? To oneof several international spies and secret agents, whose names aretolerably familiar to me. There are three who may be said to bethe heads of their profession. I will begin my research by goinground and finding if each of them is at his post. If one is missing—especially if he has disappeared since last night—we will havesome indication as to where the document has gone.”

“Why should he be missing?” asked the European Secretary. “Hewould take the letter to an Embassy in London, as likely as not.”

“I fancy not. These agents work independently, and theirrelations with the Embassies are often strained.”

The Prime Minister nodded his acquiescence.

“I believe you are right, Mr. Holmes. He would take so valuableprize to headquarters with his own hands. I think that yourThe Return of Sherlock Holmes 1071

course of action is an excellent one. Meanwhile, Hope, we cannotneglect all our other duties on account of this one misfortune.

Should there be any fresh developments during the day we shallcommunicate with you, and you will no doubt let us know theresults of your own inquiries.”

The two statesmen bowed and walked gravely from the room.

When our illustrious visitors had departed Holmes lit his pipein silence and sat for some time lost in the deepest thought. I hadopened the morning paper and was immersed in a sensationalcrime which had occurred in London the night before, when myfriend gave an exclamation, sprang to his feet, and laid his pipedown upon the mantelpiece.