
第1550章 The Last Battle(127)

And the Cat got up and came out of its place in the crowd, walking primly and daintily, with its tail in the air, not one hair on its sleek coat out of place. It came on tillhad passed the fire and was so close that Tirian, from here he stood with his shoulder against the end.wall of he stable, could look right into its face. Its big green eyes ever blinked. (“Cool as a cucumber,” muttered Eustace. “It nows it has nothing to fear.”)The Ape, chuckling and making faces, shuttled across eside the Cat: put up his paw: drew the bolt and opened he door. Tirian thought he could hear the Cat purring as it alked into the dark doorway.

“Aii.aii.aouwee! .” The most horrible caterwaul you ver heard made everyone jump. You have been wakened ourself by cats quarrelling or making love on the roof in he middle of the night: you know the sound.