
第961章 The Voyage of the Dawn Treader(86)

At that very moment the others were washing hands and ces in the river and generally getting ready for dinner and rest. The three best archers had gone up into the hills orth of the bay and returned laden with a pair of wild oats which were now roasting over a fire. Caspian had rdered a cask of wine ashore, strong wine of Archenland hich had to be mixed with water before you drank it, so here would be plenty for all. The work had gone well so far nd it was a merry meal. Only after the second helping of oat did Edmund say, “Where’s that blighter Eustace?” Meanwhile Eustace stared round the unknown valley. It was o narrow and deep, and the precipices which surrounded it o sheer, that it was like a huge pit or trench. The floor was rassy though strewn with rocks, and here and there Eustace w black burnt patches like those you see on the sides of a ailway embankment in a dry summer. About fifteen yards way from him was a pool of clear smooth water. There was, t first, nothing else at all in the valley; not an animal, not a ird, not an insect. The sun beat down, and grim peaks and orns of mountains peered over the valley‘s edge.