
第176章 闻官军收河南河北-Our...

闻官军收河南河北-Our Army Is Said to Have Recaptured the Regions

North and South of the Yellow River







Our Army Is Said to Have Recaptured the Regions

North and South of the Yellow River

Du Fu

Outside of the Jianmen Pass, the recovery

Of the Northern Ji is suddenly reported.

At the good news I am so extremely happy

That I’ve my tears over my clothes profusely shed.

All my worries seem to have slipped my memory

When to look at my wife and kids I turn my head.

At will I roll and pack up my dear books sundry,

Feeling wild with joy, in raptures unlimited.

By day I’ll try my best to be gay and merry;

To singing and drinking I’ll have myself committed.

Green spring shall be our friend to keep us company

And with her we’ll have ourselves to our hometown sped.

We’re going to set off from Ba Gorge directly,

And then very soon we shall through Wu Gorge thread;

Then we shall in no time pass the Xiangyang City

Towards our destination Luoyang beloved.