
第80章 哀王孙-Mourning for a Prince

















Mourning for a Prince

Du Fu

On the walls of Chang’an City,

There crowd white-headed crows many.

At night, they fly to Yanqiu Gate

And in croaking ill ne’er abate.

Then they peck with great diligence

At courtiers’ stately residence

Whose masters are going to flee

From rebels that will soon there be.

As the Emperor’s hurried to fly,

His golden whips break, nine steeds die.

None of his kinsmen run away

With him, when he is on his way.

It grieves me to see a prince bring

With him a penannular jade ring

And a blue coral at his waist,

Weeping in street and much disgraced!

On being asked to tell his name,

He won’t give me answer for shame.

But he begs to be a servant

For he’s in poverty stringent.

He says he has scurried among

The brambles a hundred days long.

His whole body is nearly spread

With cuts and hurts from foot to head.

Emperor Gao’s scions are almost

Without exception high-bridge-nosed.

That is why the royal offsprings

Are not common human beings.

With those jackals and wolves in power,

Dragons are in an evil hour.

Prince, for Your Highness’s welfare

Please of yourself do take good care.

We’re so close to the thoroughfare,

To have a long talk I don’t dare.

Still, Dear Prince, let me stay with you

A while and tell you something new.

Hard blew the east wind yesternight,

Spreading bloody smells with all might,

While camels from the east were found

In the old capital all around.

The northern troops in general

Have martial skill remarkable.

They were once so brave and so keen,

But now why so dull they have been!

It’s said: the Emperor had his throne

Resigned to the heir of his own;

And his saintly morality

Has won the Ouigours’ loyalty.

At Flower Gate they cut their own faces,

And swore to avenge his disgraces.

Be careful to keep the secret

Lest enemy should you outwit!

Oh, Prince, it’s you we grieve about;

Please be always on the lookout.

May you forever benefit

From the Five Tombs’ blessed spirit!