
第99章 至德二载,甫自京金光门出...

至德二载,甫自京金光门出,间道归凤翔。乾元初从左拾遗移华州椽,与亲故别,因出此门,有悲往事。In the Second Year of Zhide, I Escaped through the Golden-Lights Gate and Took a Narrow Path to Go to Fengxiang.Now at the Beginning of the First Year of Qianyuan,Demoted from the Post of Left-Hand Imperial Advisor to an Official of Huazhou County, I Bid Farewell to My Folks and Come through the Same Gate, Thus Inducing My Grief for the Past Incident.








In the Second Year of Zhide, I Escaped through the Golden-

Lights Gate and Took a Narrow Path to Go to Fengxiang.

Now at the Beginning of the First Year of Qianyuan,

Demoted from the Post of Left-Hand Imperial Advisor to an

Official of Huazhou County, I Bid Farewell to My Folks and

Come through the Same Gate, Thus Inducing My Grief for

the Past Incident.

Du Fu

Last time I went this very way to His Majesty

When the west suburbs were filled with the Tartar army.

Recalling it still makes me extremely terrified,

For my frightened soul is far from being pacified.

Off the court, I’ll hold a post at a county nearby,

Wondering what my demotion the Emperor may mean by.

Talentless and growing old with each of passing days,

I rein in my horse and give those thousand gates a long gaze.