
第109章 INDEX(1)


Aall, Mr. N., Norwegian Consul-General, 304.

Addams, Miss Jane, visits Shanghai, 279.

“Aden,” P. & O. boat bought for C. M. S. N. Co., 101.

Aeroplane, first in Shanghai, 197; episode with British Defence Force, 311.

Alcock, Mr. Rutherford, Consul Balfour"s successor persuades British Governmentto purchase land for Consulate, 21; and the Tsingpu affair, 23; and the founding ofthe Volunteer Corps, 27; sends ultimatum to General Keih, 27; plans to put Customsunder foreign supervision, 34 ; confers with R. C. Murphy and B. Edan on new LandRegulations, 35 ; removes undesirable Chinese from Settlements, 39; and Royal AsiaticSociety, 85.

Allen, Young J., missionary at Arsenal School, 62, 90.

Allen, Mrs. Young J., death of, 316.

Amateur Dramatic Club. 85.

American Settlement established, 26; Settlement amalgamated with British (1863 )。 29,74; company added to S. V. C., 193; Consulate site purchased (1916), 222; War ReliefAssociation, 231; Red Cross, 253; School, purchase of land, Ave. Petain, 253; Women"sClub help victims of Japan earthquake, 288 ; School, new buildings on Avenue Petainopened, (1924), 291; Club, new building opened, 296.

American Episcopal Church Mission established in Hongkew, 28; Church of OurSaviour built by, 91.

American Legion of Shanghai, annual visit to Ward"s tomb, 66.

Amoy, taken, 6; open to foreign Trade, 20.

Anderson, Mr. F., Chairman of Municipal Council during Mixed Court trouble, 181.

Anderson, Dame Adelaide, on Shanghai"s commission on Child Labour, 260; visitsShanghai, 279.

anti-footbinding movement, 131

anti-Japanese boycott, 279.

Anti-kidnapping Society, 223, 226.


Antrobus, R. C., instrumental in buying Recreation Ground, 83.

Armistice Day celebrations, 231, 232, 233.

Arnold, Mr. Julean H., upholds Chinese in Mixed Court dispute, 171.

Arsenal, bombardment of, 200; attack on, 212.

“Ashuelot” and “Yantic,” U. S. despatch boats, 97.

Ashley, Mr. C. J., foreman of Mih-ho-loong Hook and Ladder Co., 70.

Associated American Chambers of commerce, 267.

automobiles, introduction of (1902), 163.


Balfour, Captain George, first British Consul at Shanghai,12; arranges for site offoreign Settlement, 12; and status of Settlement, 17; and the American Flag incident, 17;tries to acquire land for British Consulate (1849), 20.

Balfour, Mr. F. S., Editor, N.-C.Daily News, 204.

Bamboo Fair, held yearly at Bubbling Well, 3.

Bank, Hongkong and Shanghai, opening of new building (1923), 277 , 278 ; of China.

278; Yokohama Specie, 284; Chinese-American, 247.

Banque Industrielle de Chine, suspends payment, 246,247.

Barbe, M., Captain, French Police, 97.

Barrier Road, once western boundary, now Honan Road, 13.

Barton, Sir Sidney, unveils memorial windows, 283.

bell, fire, at Central Fire Station, 70; placed in Jessfield Park, 70.

Bishop, Sing, first of the Anglican communion, 230; Lo, first of the Roman CatholicChurch (1685), 231; Ding, consecration of, 314.

blind, the—in China, 196; Institution for, 196; Rev. Edward W. Syle"s work for, 197.

Blue Express, attack on, by Bandits, 272, 273.

Boisragon, Capt. A. M., account of attack on Louza Police Station, 169.

Bondfield, Rev. G. H., death of, 315.

Bonnel, Miss C., and “Door of Hope” work, 194.

Boone, Bishop William J., first Anglican Bishop in China, 19; buried, 72; and Churchof Our Saviour, 81, 89.

Borodin. dismissal of, 310.

boundaries, original, 13; western, extended to Defence Creek, 18; of French Concession,18; of American Settlement, 64; of 1899, 142.

Bourboulon. M. De, French Minister, 48.

Bowling Club Alley, sold, 286,287.

“Boxers,” rise of, 147.

boycott, of American trade, 166; of Japanese trade, 279.

Brent, Bishop Charles H., presides over International Opium Conference, 175.

Bridge, Soochow Creek, 73; Garden, 73; St. Catherine"s, 88; collapse of Markham Road,206; collapse of Stone, 206; Szechuen, Road, 265.

Bridgman. Dr. E. C., first American missionary to China, 72; buried in Shantung RoadCemetery, 72; founder of one of the first schools, at the West Gate, 91.

British Chamber of commerce, 209.

British Chambers of commerce, first joint conference, (1919), 247.

British Post Office site sold, 306.

British Women"s Work Association, 220-221, 243; helps earthquake victims, 278.

Brooke, Rev. S. M., murdered at Maokiapu, 148.

Broom, Mr. Augustus, winner of first Paper Hunt, 88.

brothels, closing of, 248

Bruce, Sir Frederick, 48; declares Shanghai Chinese territory, 65; proposals in regardto administration of the Settlement, 65.

Bubbling Well, Ching An Ssu, 3.

Budd, Captain, 49.

Bund, The, origin, 13; the making of, 21; development of, 116; proposal to widen, 255.

Burgevine, Henry Andrea, one of Ward"s lieutenants, 52; appointed in command of“Ever-Victorious Army,” 58; dismissed, 58.

Burlingame, Mr. Anson, Ambassador Extraordinary to all Courts in Europe, 107;Mission, 110; Mission and England, 107; death of, in Russia, 108.

bye-laws, Press, 256 ; Wharfage Dues, 256 -259; licensing of Exchanges, 259; on ChildLabour, 261.


Calendar, solar, adopted, 195.

Canton, open to foreign trade, 11; first war between China and Britain, 44 。

Carlson. Capt. W. A., Harbour Master, 159.

Carolus dollar, 161.

Carr. Mr. L., American nominee for foreign inspectorate of Customs, 34 。

Cathedrals, Tung-kia-tu, 20; Trinity, 81; Kidner, architect, of, 81; Trinity, Tower built(1893), 81; Trinity, war memorial, 268.

Cemetery, company formed in (1844 ), 71; Shantung Road, 72; Pootung, 72; Gravesof British soldiers (1861–1864), 72; Pahsienjao, 72; Bubbling Well Road, 72; HungjaoRoad, 72; for Seamen, 82.

census (1915), 213; (1920), 250; (1925), 304.

Chamber of commerce, International, 140; Associated American, 267; British, 209; firstjoint conference of British (1919), 247.

Chang Chung-hsiang, 238.

Chapei, police and Municipal police in conflict, 177 ; Waterworks and MunicipalCouncil, 192; taken over by Council at time of Second Revolution, 200.