
第20章 英语语段写作图式与技术(4)





I took leave, and turned to the ascent of the peak.

(1)The ascension was perfectly easy.(同义词)

(2)The climb was perfectly easy.(近义词)

(3)The task was perfectly easy.(一般意义的词)

(4)The thing was perfectly easy.(更一般意义的词)


(1)Everyone thinks his idea is stupid.Nobody thinks it clever.

(2)It is usually very hard for a person to have many friends.And in the modern society, where materialization, commercialization and competition prevail, one often has to confront a large swarm of unfriendly fellows, hostilities, or even enemies.




(1)And so, my fellow Americans, ask not what you country can do for you; ask what you can do for the country.My fellow citizens of the world, ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man.

(2)We did not seek this war on terror, but this is the world as we find it.We must keep our focus.We must do our duty.History is moving, and it will tend toward hope, or tend toward tragedy.Our terrorist enemies have a vision that guides and explains all their varied acts of murder.They seek to impose Taliban-like rule, country by country, across the greater Middle East.They seek the total control of every person, and mind, and soul, a harsh society in which women are voiceless and brutalized.They seek bases of operation to train more killers and export more violence.They commit dramatic acts of murder to shock, frighten and demoralize civilized nations, hoping we will retreat from the world and give them free rein.They seek weapons of mass destruction, to impose their will through blackmail and catastrophic attacks.None of this is the expression of a religion.It is a totalitarian political ideology, pursued with consuming zeal, and without conscience.




(1)One value of American culture that I do not accept is the value of materialism. In general, Americans tend to value and collect more material objects than most people in other parts of the world would ever think of owning. The typical modern American owns one or more television sets, cars, stereo systems, computers, and/or telephones. Much time and energy is spent on maintaining and protecting these things. In addition to maintaining and protecting their possessions, Americans often give higher priority to obtaining more things than they do to investing time in interpersonal relationships. This value seems to result in producing regret in Americans when they reach the end of their lives.Many times people look back at their lives and realize that the things they have accumulated are not nearly as important as the relationships they should have nurtured.


(2)Kidnappers are rarely interested in animals, but they recently took considerable interest in Mrs Eleanor Ramsay's cat.Mrs Eleanor Ramsay, a very wealthy old lady, has shared a flat with her cat, Rastus, for a great many years.Rastus leads an orderly life.He usually takes a short walk in the evenings and is always home by seven o'clock.One evening, however, he failed to arrive.Mrs Ramsay got very worried.She looked everywhere for him but could not find him.









引入部分的写作思路方法常常是以解决wh-为出发点,具体来讲,就是围绕为什么要探讨某问题(why),某事情如何(how),什么时候、什么地方发生了什么事(when, where, what)。




新奇只是指引入的思路和语句形式要有新意,避免几十人、几百人针对同一题目的千篇一律的落套的引入方式,新奇还在于文章的主题思想要有新意。具有新意的文章开头会给读者一个良好的第一印象,既能激发读者阅读兴趣,又能对文章获取高分有益。英语中有一句谚语也可用于写作上,Good beginning is half success。







(1)The Creative Way

Because of the rule which requires us to use standard envelopes, there is a problem about to do with the used ones.After thinking for a long time, I have a few suggestions for dealing with old envelopes.

First of all, …

Secondly, …

Thirdly, …

The fourth use of the old envelopes …

(2)Time Is More Valuable

There is a saying: Time Is Money.It is to say time is valuable.However, in my opinion, time is much more valuable than money for us.If you lose money, you can earn some through making efforts.But if what you have lost is time, you can never have the missed time again.




XXX college is situated about six miles from a medium-size city with a purely rural surroundings.The compus lies on a natural long and narrow land stretch between a lake and a mountain.At any time a day, at any weather conditions and at any season of the year, the lake, the mountain and the compus, all together with the natural surroundings present people who work and study there, a perfect pleasant impression.