
第33章 英语语篇写作图式与技术(9)

Let's first have a look at education and teaching goals.Education and teaching goals are determined by no other than the following three factors.First, certain society or certain country has some basic requirements on its younger generation or its massive population in their physical and mental health, in their social and behavioral formals and so on.Here we group such goals as basic or common education and teaching goals.Second, the society needs college graduates having some specialized knowledge and skills for specialized social job assignments.In fact these goals are determined be present social market.We group such goals as nuclear or coral goals.And lastly, the development of the society and other unpredictable factors require college graduates with flexibility in their job engagement and challenge for future development.Now the professional borders are fading off.More and more compound-typed intelligences are needed.So colleges are also goaled to prepare their students for their job-taking flexibility and future challenge.We group this goal as medium goals, for it lies between nuclear and basic goals in terms of professionalism.

So our first step to make curricula design is to set goals.Goals give curricula making a general direction.Education and teaching goals serves as a coordinate to curricula design.Since education and teaching are determined by the three factors, and each of them plays its special role, education and teaching goals should be composed of three parts accordingly: general goals, medium goals and nuclear goals.

Curricula design is the inevitable step that all colleges take to reach the goals.So, to aim at the goals curricula design have three sorts accordingly, unclear, medium and general curricula.Practically, more medium and general curricula are designed as selective courses.

3.2 Intrinsic relations within curricula

In a college, different majors have their different curricula designs, and even the same major in different colleges should have some difference in their curricula designs due to college's own traits or emphasis.However, there is still something in common we can find to improve curricula so as to make them more efficiently match or hit education and teaching goals.

1) In making curricula, all three components or parts of education and teaching goals should be taken into count, then find and fix a proper proportion among nuclear, medium and basic curricula in the whole curricula construction.

2) From the point of systematology, unclear, medium and basic curricula would better be designed in reciprocally benefiting principle.One side, if medium curricula is more closely related in the internal knowledge or skill connection with nuclear curricula, for instance, designed to be the nuclear curricula's natural practical extension or the bordering subject of nuclear curricula, it's of course easier for students to transit from the major to medium curricula subjects in their study.On the other side, because of their relatively close knowledge relation, the study of medium curricula subjects serves back to support the learning of the nuclear curricula.

3) Nuclear curricula represents the professionalism in college.Curricula designers should lay enough importance on it.To make high-validity nuclear curricula, the following steps are needed.(1) List all the related subjects included in a profession or a major.(2) Find out the fundamental and substantial constitution of subjects underlying the presumed education and teaching goal through analysis.Then you can determine what subjects are valid and necessary to fulfill the knowledge and skill constitution and what a proportion of the different subjects is proper to form nuclear curricula.Otherwise a curriculum is aimless, in valid or inefficient.(3) Analyze student's knowledge and skill background to determine the starting point of curricula so that students can accept, and to determine the difficulty degree of curricula and as well as the proceeding speed to reach the presumable goal.(4) Analyze the subjects' logic order to determine the sequence of subjects as to what should be taught to students first and what later.(5) Consider the major or profession development to set the curricula within acceptable advance.(6) Make a sketch nuclear curriculum.(7) To analyze students' future psychological goal knowledge and skill constitution under educational goals to further improve curricula design.

Here it is necessary to advance three constitutions which are closely related to curricula design: profession's subjects constitution, professional goal knowledge and skill quality constitution and goal knowledge and skill psychological constitution.