
第83章 Appendix B Keys to the Exercises练习答案(5)

5.①Intentional physical destruction of a will by the testator will revoke it, through deliberately burning or tearing the physical document itself, or by striking out the signature.②A testator may also be able to revoke by the physical act of another ( as would benecessary if heis physically incapacitated) , if this is donein his presenceand in the presence of witnesses.③Some jurisdictions may presume that a will has been destroyed if it had been last seen in thepossession of thetestator but is found mutilated or cannot be found after his or her death.④A will may also be revoked by theexecution of a new will.⑤In England and Wales, marriage will automatically revoke a will as it is presumed that upon marriage, a testator will want to review the will.

6. DRR is an equitabledoctrineknown as dependent relativerevocation. Under this doctrine, courts may disregard a revocation that was based on a mistake of law on the part of the testator as to the effect of the revocation.

7. In the United States, many probate statutes permit the surviving spouseof the decedent to choose to receive a particular share of deceased spouse s estate in lieu of receiving the specified share left to him or her under the deceased spouses will.

8. Guardianship is decided by courts, though the usual outcome is that guardianship is awarded to the other surviving parent, or, if no parents survive, to the guardian nominated in the last surviving parent s will.

II. Match the following words with the corresponding definitions.

1. G 2. E 3. C 4. J 5. H

6. A7. F8. B9. I10. D

III. Fill in the blanks with the words and expressions in the box.

( 1) precedence ( 2) lineal ( 3) entitled ( 4) remote

( 5) unborn( 6) proper( 7) nevertheless( 8) descendants

IV. Paragraph translation from English into Chinese.


V. Paragraph translation from Chinese into English.

The enforcement of a claim presupposed the existence of a special form of action, a writ, with theresult that theoriginal common law represented a systemof“action”similar to that of classical Roman law.

VI. Oral work.



I. Reading comprehension.

1.nternational Law can be defined as the body of rules that nations recognize as binding upon one another in their mutual relations.

2. Public International Law concerns itself only with questions of rights between several nations or nations and the citizens or subjects of other nations.

3. Private International Law deals with controversies between private persons, natural or juridical, arising out of situations having significant relationship to more than one nation.

4. Customary law and conventional law are primary sources of international law.

5. Conventional international law derives from international agreements and may take any form that the contracting parties agree upon.

6. A State of theUnited States is nota“state”under international law, sincetheConstitution does not vest it with a capacity to conduct foreign relations.

7. The declared purposes of United Nations are to maintain peace and security, to develop friendly relations among nations,to achieve international cooperation in solving international problems, and to be a center for harmonizing the actions of the nations and attaining their common ends.

II. Fill in the blanks with the words and expressions in the box.

( 1) imposes ( 2) respect ( 3) satisfy ( 4) complaint

( 5) obligated( 6) maintain( 7) adhered( 8) acquiesced

III. Paragraph translation from English into Chinese.


IV. Paragraph translation from Chinese into English.