
第21章 The White House's First

The White House's First Celebrity Do

By Diane Tedeschi

Over the Easter weekend,a carefully guarded White House secret leaked out:The Obama girls,Malia and Sasha,finally have a puppy。His name is Bo,and he's a six month old Portuguese water dog。Just hours after his identity was revealed,Bo was already an Internet sensation。But he won't be the first celebrity White House dog。That honor goes to Laddie Boy,an Airedale terrier who was the pet of President Warren G。Harding and his wife,Florence。

Though there were many presidential pets before him,Laddie Boy was the first to receive regular coverage from newspaper reporters。“While no one remembers him today,Laddie Boy's contemporary fame puts Roosevelt's Fala,LBJ's beagles and Barney Bush in the shade。”says Tom Crouch,a Smithsonian Institution historian,“That dog got a huge amount of attention in the press。There have been famous dogs since,but never anything like this。”

During their time in the White House,from 1921 to 1923,the Hardings included their dog in almost every aspect of their daily lives。When Harding golfed with friends,Laddie Boy tagged along。During cabinet meetings,the dog sat in(perched on his own chair)。At fundraising events,the first lady frequently had Laddie Boy make appearances。The dog was such a prominent White House personality that the Washington Star and the New York Times seemed to run stories about the terrier almost daily in the months after Harding took office。In a 39 day period in the spring of 1921,these are just some of the headlines that appeared in the Times:

“Gets Airedale as Mascot”

“Laddie Boy a Newsboy”

“Trees White House Cat”

“Laddie Boy Gets Playmate”

Born on July 26,1920,at the Caswell Kennels in Toledo,Ohio,Laddie Boy was 6 months old when he arrived at the White House on March 5,1921,the day after Harding's inauguration。A sitting U。S。senator from Marion,Ohio,Harding had won the 1920 presidential election with 60 percent of the popular vote。Harding,who had brought his relaxed and informal work style to the presidency,instructed his staff to bring Laddie Boy to him as soon as he was delivered to the White House。The staff obeyed,interrupting Harding's first cabinet meeting to unveil the terrier。“With many manifestations of pleasure,the President led his new pet into his office,where he made himself at home。”wrote a Times reporter on March 5.

Will the future Obama dog get the kind of Oval Office access that Laddie Boy had?If Barack Obama is as besotted with his dog as Harding was with Laddie Boy,possibly。But it's probably fair to say that Obama would not be getting a dog had he not promised his daughters a puppy to make up for the inconveniences they endured during the presidential campaign。“I guess I'm a little disappointed that he didn't have a dog previously。”says Ronnie Elmore,associate dean of the College of Veterinary Medicine at Kansas State University,who has developed a side career as a historian of presidential pets,“And then that it has taken so long to get the dog。There are kennels in the White House,and a dog could be assimilated into the White House scene very quickly and without any real responsibility for the Obamas other than to play with the dog once in a while。”

The White House kennels existed in Laddie Boy's day,but the Airedale seems to have spent little time there。He was too busy roaming the White House living quarters,where the Hardings doted on him like the child they never had together。Before her marriage to Harding,Florence had struggled to support herself as an unwed mother after giving birth to a son when she was 20.When the boy was 4 years old,he was sent to live with Florence's wealthy parents,who raised the child as their son。As for Harding,throughout his marriage,he relentlessly and successfully pursued sexual relationships with other women,at least one of whom bore him a child。

Tall and handsome,Harding certainly looked presidential,and he was an eloquent speaker,but he likely would not have won the White House without the help of the ambitious Florence,who was five years his senior。Before beginning his political career,Harding had been the owner of a struggling newspaper in Marion。After marrying Harding,Florence did her best to bring order to her husband's private and professional lives。Under her expert management,Harding's newspaper became profitable。No wonder Harding referred to his wife as“the Duchess。”“Psychologically,they were a whale of an interesting couple。”says historian Crouch。

However much Florence tried to keep her husband on the right path,she was unable to prevent the scandals that would rock his administration。Harding appointed several of his friends to his cabinet,many of whom were not worthy of a president's trust。While Harding's cabinet included the future 31st president,Herbert Hoover,as secretary of commerce,it also had Albert Fall as secretary of interior,who rented federal land to oil companies in exchange for personal loans。

While Harding was a flawed president,he was,in the words of a New York Times story published on March 12,“kindly,simple,neighborly and genuine。”His kindness found expression in love for animals;indeed both Hardings supported the humane treatment of all creatures。In an editorial that Harding had authored while still editor of the Marion Star,he wrote:“Whether the Creator planned it so,or environment and human companionship have made it so,men may learn richly through the love and fidelity of a brave and devoted dog。”The president took such pleasure in Laddie Boy that he had 1,000 bronze miniatures made in the dog's image shortly after taking office。Like a proud father handing out cigars to celebrate the birth of a child,Harding had the dog statuettes sent to his political supporters in Washington,D。C。,and to those back in Ohio。

The Laddie Boy miniatures have become a rare find for collectors of presidential memorabilia,commanding between $1,500 and $2,000,says Kansas State veterinarian Elmore。He feels fortunate to have one in his collection。“I had been looking for one all over the country and on eBay。”he says,“And one afternoon my wife was at an antiques store here in Manhattan,Kansas,and just as she was leaving,she looked down and saw Laddie Boy in a glass case。And she just about fainted。It turns out that there was an elderly person that lived here who had died,and at the estate sale,the antique's dealer bought a box of junk,and Laddie Boy was in there。”

Harding enjoyed his pet's fame;in fact,he cultivated it by writing letters to the press pretending to be Laddie Boy。But the president drew the line at commercializing his dog。“During the Harding administration,numerous toy manufacturers sent letters to the White House asking permission to have exclusive rights to produce a stuffed toy in the likeness of Laddie Boy。”says Melinda Gilpin,historic site manager of the Harding Home State Memorial in Marion。“Harding refused to endorse any such endeavor。”At least one company did go ahead and manufacture a stuffed animal Laddie Boy,an example of which is on display at the Harding Home。

For those Harding admirers for whom a stuffed toy Laddie Boy was not enough,they could always get a real Airedale。Sure enough,the breed's popularity grew during the Harding White House。Perhaps we ought to brace ourselves for an increased demand for either labradoodles or Portuguese water dogs。(During an interview with ABC news anchor George Stephanopoulos that aired on January 11,Obama said that his family was favoring these two breeds。)

“Airedales are very people oriented and want to please their masters。”says Kansas State's Elmore。Laddie Boy did his best to keep the Hardings happy。He brought the newspaper to the president at breakfast each morning。He did charitable work at the behest of Florence。On April 20,1921,the Times published a story reporting that the terrier had been invited to lead an animal parade that would benefit the Humane Education Society in Washington,D。C。The unidentified reporter wrote:“Announcement that Laddie Boy had accepted the invitation was made today at the White House。”As if Laddie Boy had his own press secretary!

Occasionally,though,the Airedale balked at life in the presidential fishbowl。Like other administrations before them,the Hardings continued the tradition of the annual Easter Egg Roll,held on the White House lawn。On April 18,1922,the Times published a story about the well attended event:“It wouldn't have been a children's party without Laddie Boy,was the first resident of the White House to appear on the south portico。His keeper let him loose down the steps,but so many were the little hands put out to pat him that Laddie Boy raced back and spent the remainder of the morning sitting proudly on a table。There was almost as large a crowd of youngsters watching the Harding Airedale as there was around the five truckloads of bottled pop on the driveway。”

Fourteen months later,Harding undertook a cross country train tour,in part to distract the American public from allegations of wrongdoing by some of his cabinet secretaries。Harding,who had an enlarged heart,had been in failing health before leaving Washington,D。C。,and during the trip,his cardiovascular troubles became more acute。On August 2,1923,the nation's 29th president died in his room at the Palace Hotel in San Francisco。

The Hardings had not taken Laddie Boy on the whistle stop tour,instead leaving him in the care of his White House handler。The day after Harding died,the Associated Press ran a story about the dog:“There was one member of the White House household today who could not quite comprehend the air of sadness which hung over the Executive Mansion。It was Laddie Boy,President Harding's Airedale friend and companion。Of late he has been casting an expectant eye and cocking a watchful ear at the motor cars which roll up on the White House drive。For,in his dog sense way,he seems to reason that an automobile took away,so an automobile must bring them back。White House attachés shook their heads and wondered how they were going to make Laddie Boy understand。”

Sympathy for the grieving dog inspired a woman named Edna Bell Seward to write the lyrics for a song titled“Laddie Boy,He's Gone。”which was available on sheet music and piano roll。The third verse reads:

As you wait-brown eyes aglisten

For a master's face that's gone

He is smiling at you,Laddie

From the peace of the Beyond

While making arrangements to leave the White House,Florence gave Laddie Boy to Harry Barker,the Secret Service agent who had been assigned to protect her。Barker had been like a son to Florence,and when his White House assignment ended,he was transferred to the agency's Boston office。Laddie Boy settled into a new life at the home of Barker and his wife in Newtonville,Massachusetts。

To honor Harding's background as a newspaperman,more than 19,000 newsboys around the country each donated a penny for a memorial to the fallen president。The pennies were melted down and cast into a life size sculpture of Laddie Boy by Boston based sculptor,Bashka Paeff。While Paeff worked on the sculpture,Laddie Boy was required to complete 15 sittings。Today,the sculpture is part of the collection at the Smithsonian Institution's National Museum of American History(the artifact is not currently on display)。

Florence Harding died on November 21,1924,at a sanitarium in Marion。She was survived by Laddie Boy,who passed away on January 22,1929,nearly six years after he had reigned as first dog。Ever the faithful chronicler of Laddie Boy's charmed life,the New York Times ran a story describing the terrier as“magnificent。”and reporting that the“end came while the dog,ailing for many months of old age,rested his head on the arms of Mrs。Barker。”The Airedale was then buried at an undisclosed location in Newtonville。

Laddie Boy's celebrity as a presidential pet might never be surpassed-even by the Obama dog。Certainly,current news gathering technology makes filing stories now a lot easier than it was in 1921.But with our country fighting two wars and the U。S。economy in turmoil,it's hard to imagine New York Times reporters giving as much sustained coverage to the Obama dog as they did to Laddie Boy。In the end,though,who can resist a cute dog story?

在复活节那一周的周末,一条精心保守的白宫秘密终究还是泄露出来:奥巴马总统的两个女儿,马莉娅和萨莎,终于有了一只小狗。狗的名字叫波,是一只才六个月大的葡萄牙水犬。身份被证实后仅仅几个小时的时间,波在因特网上就成了爆炸性新闻人物。但波不会是第一只世人瞩目的白宫宠物狗。这个头衔属于名字叫Laddie Boy的一只艾尔谷犬,他是总统华伦·哈定和他的妻子弗洛伦斯的宠物狗。

虽然在Laddie Boy之前,就有很多总统宠物狗,但是,他是第一只经常受到报社记者采访的狗。“今天可能没有人记得Laddie Boy了,但是他当年的名气是罗斯福总统的法拉、林登顿·约翰逊的米格魯猎犬、还有布什总统的巴尼远不可及的。跟Laddie Boy相比,这些宠物狗逊色多了。”汤姆·克劳奇这样说道。他是史密森学会历史学家。“那只狗引起过媒体的极大关注。从那时起,一直都有狗很出名,但无法与之相比。”

从1921到1923年,在哈定夫妇入主白宫期间,他们日常生活的方方面面都有狗的影子。哈定和朋友一起打高尔夫球的时候,Laddie Boy一直尾随其后。内阁开会期间,狗也在座(坐在他自己的椅子上)。第一夫人参加募集资金活动,Laddie Boy也会经常露面。狗成了这么重要的白宫人物,《华盛顿星报》和《纽约时报》好像几乎天天都有关于Laddie Boy的报道。1921年的春天,短短39天的时间里,《时代周刊》就有很多关于他的报道。下面列出部分报道的标题:


《Laddie Boy成了报童》


《Laddie Boy有了玩伴》

1920年7月26日,Laddie Boy出生在俄亥俄州托莱多市的卡斯韦尔养狗场,1921年3月5日到白宫的时候只有六个月大。那天是哈定总统就任后的第二天。哈定是来自俄亥俄州马里恩的参议员。1920年,他在参议员任期内获得民众选票的60%,赢得总统大选的胜利。他在工作中轻松、从容,不拘礼节,比较随便,即便当了总统也是如此。他一到白宫,就命令手下把Laddie Boy接来。他的手下照做,当哈定正在举行第一次内阁会议的时候,把Laddie Boy送到了会场。“总统非常高兴地把他的新宠物带到办公室,狗在那儿很自如,就像在自己家里一样。”《时代周刊》的一名记者3月5号如是说。

奥巴马总统的宠物狗会和Laddie Boy一样能自由出入总统办公室吗?如果巴拉克·奥巴马能像哈定喜欢Laddie Boy一样喜欢自己的狗,有可能。但是,也许这样说更确切一些:如果不是当初奥巴马向自己的女儿承诺过,可以养个小狗来弥补他们在总统竞选期间所忍受的种种不快,他就不会去弄一条狗来。“我觉得有点失望,他先前竟然没有养狗。”罗妮·艾尔莫说。她是堪萨斯州立大学兽医药学系的副主任,还附带着当研究总统宠物的历史学家。她还说:“所以那时候花了很长时间才弄到这只狗。白宫里有狗舍,狗可以很快适应白宫这个环境。奥巴马一家只需要时不时地和他们的宠物狗玩一会儿,而不是真的要负责养狗。”

Laddie Boy在白宫的时候,狗舍就已经有了。但是他似乎总不在那里,而是在白宫生活区不停地跑来跑去。哈定夫妇非常宠爱他,像是对待自己的孩子。可是夫妇俩没有生过属于他们自己的孩子。弗洛伦斯20岁时,生了一个男孩。作为一个未婚妈妈她艰难地支撑着,直到嫁给哈定。孩子四岁时,被送到弗洛伦斯富有的父母那里,两个人把男孩当成自己的儿子抚养。至于哈定,则在他们整个婚姻生活中,从头至尾不断地追求别的女人,并且和她们发生性关系。其中,至少一个女人为他生过孩子。哈定这样做对弗洛伦斯非常残酷。



作为总统,哈定不那么完美,但是,用《纽约时报》3月12日发表的报道里面的话说,他“善良、单纯、平易近人、真诚”。他的善良表现在他对动物的爱上;确实,哈定夫妇都支持用人道的方式对待所有生物。哈定还在《马里恩明星报》当编辑的时候,曾写过一篇社论,里面说:“或者是造物主专门这样安排的,或者是自然环境和人类的相依相伴、不可分离造成的,通过勇敢、忠实的狗身上那种爱和忠诚,人类可以学到很多东西。”总统如此地喜欢Laddie Boy,就任后不久便让人为狗铸造了1000个青铜塑像。像是自豪的父亲到处散发雪茄来庆祝自己孩子的诞生那样,哈定把狗的小型塑像送给他在华盛顿特区和远在俄亥俄州的政治支持者。

根据堪萨斯州兽医艾尔莫的说法,Laddie Boy的小型塑像已经成了总统纪念品收集者很难找到的东西,价值1500到2000美元。他的收藏品中能有这样一枚,让他觉得自己很幸运。“我一直在寻找Laddie Boy塑像,找遍了全国,还在易趣网上找。”他说,“一天下午,我妻子去逛堪萨斯州曼哈顿的一家古董店。正要走的时候,她突然看见Laddie Boy雕像就在一个玻璃箱里装着,高兴得差一点晕过去。原来,有个住在这儿的老人死了,遗产出售,古董商买了一箱乱七八糟的东西,正好Laddie Boy雕像就在里面。”

哈定喜欢自己的宠物出名。实际上,他假装成Laddie Boy给媒体写信,成就了狗的名气。但是,总统拒绝利用他的狗获利。“在哈定任总统期间,很多玩具制造商都给白宫写信,要求得到允许,享有专有权,用Laddie Boy的形象来生产一种填充玩具,”梅琳达·吉尔平这样说道。梅琳达是马里恩哈定家乡纪念馆的历史遗迹展区经理。她还说,“哈定拒绝批准任何一家制造商的请求”。至少有一家公司真的擅自行动,生产出了填充玩具动物Laddie Boy。现在哈定纪念馆里就有这样一个玩具在展出。

对哈定的那些崇拜者们来说,如果不满足于仅仅拥有一个玩具Laddie Boy的话,就可以养一只真正的艾尔谷犬。的的确确,在哈定当政期间,这种狗很受欢迎。拉布拉多犬或者是葡萄牙水狗的需求量会越来越大,也许我们应该为此做好准备(1月11日播出的节目里,奥巴马接受美国广播公司新闻主播乔治·史蒂芬诺伯罗斯的采访时说他们一家人钟情这两种狗。)

“艾尔谷犬特别善于替人着想,总是想取悦主人。”堪萨斯州的艾尔莫说。Laddie Boy想尽各种办法,让哈定夫妇高兴。每天早上,他都在总统吃早餐时把报纸叼到餐桌上。应弗洛伦斯的邀请,他还做慈善工作。1921年4月20日,《时代周刊》刊登一篇报道,说这只长着黑斑的大狗被邀请去领导一个动物游行,这个游行会使华盛顿特区的人文教育协会受益。这位没有署名的记者写道:“白宫发布通告,Laddie Boy已经接受邀请。”好像Laddie Boy有了自己的新闻发言人似的!

然而,这只大狗偶尔会对着总统的金鱼缸里的游来游去的鱼汪汪大叫。跟前面历届总统一样,哈定夫妇延续了一年一度的滚复活节彩蛋竞赛活动。活动就在白宫的草坪上举行。1922年4月18日,《时代周刊》刊登了一篇报道,描述这个有很多人参加的盛事:“如果没有Laddie Boy,那就不算是孩子们的聚会了。这只狗是白宫第一个在这样的门廊上露面的居住者。照顾他的人为他解开绳子,让他在台阶上休息,可是那么多小孩都想要伸出手来拍拍他,所以Laddie Boy就飞快地跑进去,在一张桌子上度过了那天上午剩下的时间。在车道上,整整齐齐地摆放着五辆大卡车,每辆卡车里都放满了瓶装饮料。来看总统的宠物狗的儿童也有那么一大片。”


这次在全国各处短暂停留的旅行,哈定夫妇没有带Laddie Boy,而是把他留给他的白宫训练员来照看。总统死后的第二天,美联社刊登了关于狗的报道:“今天,白宫第一家庭里有一个成员不能完全体会笼罩在总统官邸的悲伤气氛。那就是Laddie Boy-—哈定总统的万能犬朋友和伴侣。最近,他总是睁着充满期待的眼睛,竖起警觉的耳朵,密切地关注白宫车道上来来往往的汽车。因为,在狗的意识里,他好像觉得是汽车把哈定夫妇带走了,所以一定会有汽车把他们再送回来。白宫随员无可奈何,不知道怎样才能让Laddie Boy明白发生的事情。”

对这只悲伤的狗的同情促使一个名叫埃德娜·贝尔的女人为一首歌写了歌词。这首歌的标题是《Laddie Boy,他去了》,歌曲可以在散页乐谱和钢琴纸卷上见到。







弗洛伦斯准备离开白宫的时候,把Laddie Boy托付给联邦密探哈里·巴克。哈里之前被派来保护第一夫人,就像是弗洛伦斯的儿子一样。现在他在白宫的任务结束,被转派到这个机构在波士顿的分部。于是Laddie Boy在马萨诸塞州牛顿维尔巴克和妻子的家里开始了一种新的生活。

哈定曾经投身新闻界。为了纪念他这个出身,全国有19000多个报童每人捐献一分钱,为这位死去的总统建了一座纪念馆。所有捐出的钱都被熔化,然后铸成一座和Laddie Boy一样大的雕像,由雕塑家巴斯卡·贝夫来完成,这位雕塑家出生在波士顿。巴斯卡·贝夫铸造雕像的过程中,Laddie Boy需要现身来完成15个坐姿。今天,这座雕像是史密森尼博物院的美国国家历史博物馆的收藏品。(人工制品现在不再展出)

1924年11月21日,弗洛伦斯·哈定在马里恩的一个疗养院里辞世。Laddie Boy当时还健康地生活着。狗于1929年1月22日死去,那是他被选为白宫第一狗六年以后的事了。《纽约时报》一直是跟踪报道Laddie Boy's的充满魅力的一生的铁杆报刊,所以狗去世的时候,报上刊登一篇文章,文章里用“伟大”这个词来形容这只狗,还报道说“他因为到了老年,已经病了好几个月,最后,他在巴克夫人的怀里死去。”后来,狗被埋在牛顿维尔一个秘密的地方。

作为总统的宠物狗,Laddie Boy的名气也许永远不会被谁超越——甚至奥巴马总统的狗也不会像他那样闻名遐迩。当然,和1921年相比,现代的新闻采编技术让特写变得容易多了。但是,我们的国家接连打了两次仗,还有,国家经济发展状况一直不稳定。在这样的情况下,很难说《纽约时报》的记者们会有当年采访报道Laddie Boy的劲头,时时刻刻关注奥巴马的狗,随时报道。虽然如此,最后,我想说的是,谁能拒绝讨人喜欢狗的故事的诱惑?


Background Knowledge

Airedale Terrier艾尔谷犬

Airedale Terrier艾尔谷犬又名河畔梗(Waterside Terrier),名字取自其原产地英国约克夏郡的“Airedale”溪谷。起源于19世纪英格兰南部约克郡,生性吃苦耐劳,是古老的梗犬和猎水獭犬的后代。通常被训做猎獾和水獭。强壮且具有活力,尤其喜欢在水中生活。艾尔谷梗是梗犬中体型最大的一种。拥有黑色和棕褐色相间的独特皮毛,身上的硬毛既浓密又能防水。艾尔谷犬属世界名犬之一,忠诚、友善、勇敢,是非常理想的家庭守卫犬。


New Words

laddie n。[苏格兰英语]男孩;少年;青年人

mascot n。吉祥的人(或物、动物等的形象)

besot v。使喝醉,使烂醉;(毒品)麻醉;使愚蠢,使糊涂

dote vi。溺爱,宠爱,过分喜爱(或偏爱)(on,upon):

例句:She dotes on her youngest daughter。她溺爱她最小的女儿。

memorabilia n。大事记;值得纪念的事物;纪念品

portico n。柱廊的门廊

cardiovascular a。心脏血管的

undisclosed a。未泄露的(保持秘密的,身份不明的)



est Yourself

1.Multiple Choice Questions

1)Of late……and cocking a watchful ear at the motor cars which roll up on the White House drive。





2)When Harding golfed with friends,Laddie Boy tagged along。





3)Before beginning his political career,Harding had been the owner of a struggling newspaper in Marion。





4)Harding enjoyed his pet's fame;in fact,he cultivated it by writing letters to the press pretending to be Laddie Boy。





5)Like a proud father handing out cigars to celebrate the birth of a child,Harding……。






1)up a(gum)tree

2)You cannot judge a tree by its bark。

3)in the dry tree

4)in the green tree(或wood)

5)pull up trees

6)As a tree falls,so shall it lie。

7)As the tree,so the fruit。

8)A tree is known by its fruit。

9)A tree must be bent while it is young。

10)bark up the wrong tree











