书城公版Troiles and Cressida

第14章 Exeunt ACT III SCENE I. Troy.(1)

Priam's palace. Enter a Servant and PANDARUS PANDARUS Friend, you! pray you, a word: do not you follow the young Lord Paris? Servant Ay, sir, when he goes before me. PANDARUS You depend upon him, I mean? Servant Sir, I do depend upon the lord. PANDARUS You depend upon a noble gentleman; I must needs praise him. Servant The lord be praised! PANDARUS You know me, do you not? Servant Faith, sir, superficially. PANDARUS Friend, know me better; I am the Lord Pandarus. Servant I hope I shall know your honour better. PANDARUS I do desire it. Servant You are in the state of grace. PANDARUS Grace! not so, friend: honour and lordship are my titles.

Music within What music is this? Servant I do but partly know, sir: it is music in parts. PANDARUS Know you the musicians? Servant Wholly, sir. PANDARUS Who play they to? Servant To the hearers, sir. PANDARUS At whose pleasure, friend Servant At mine, sir, and theirs that love music. PANDARUS Command, I mean, friend. Servant Who shall I command, sir? PANDARUS Friend, we understand not one another:

I am too courtly and thou art too cunning. At whose request do these men play? Servant That's to 't indeed, sir: marry, sir, at the request of Paris my lord, who's there in person; with him, the mortal Venus, the heart-blood of beauty, love's invisible soul,-- PANDARUS Who, my cousin Cressida? Servant No, sir, Helen: could you not find out that by her attributes? PANDARUS It should seem, fellow, that thou hast not seen the Lady Cressida. I come to speak with Paris from the Prince Troilus: I will make a complimental assault upon him, for my business seethes. Servant Sodden business! there's a stewed phrase indeed!

Enter PARIS and HELEN, attended PANDARUS Fair be to you, my lord, and to all this fair company! fair desires, in all fair measure, fairly guide them! especially to you, fair queen! fair thoughts be your fair pillow! HELEN Dear lord, you are full of fair words. PANDARUS You speak your fair pleasure, sweet queen.

Fair prince, here is good broken music. PARIS You have broke it, cousin: and, by my life, you shall make it whole again; you shall piece it out with a piece of your performance. Nell, he is full of harmony. PANDARUS Truly, lady, no. HELEN O, sir,-- PANDARUS Rude, in sooth; in good sooth, very rude. PARIS Well said, my lord! well, you say so in fits. PANDARUS I have business to my lord, dear queen.