
第32章 英语幽默笑话故事


英语中不乏精彩的幽默故事或笑话。此类故事短小精悍,而其中的一些词汇和句型因其较强的趣味性容易在学生的脑海中留下难以忘怀的印象,同时激发学生学习英语的兴趣。有人说兴趣是最好的老师(Interest is the best teacher。)也有人认为兴趣是快乐之源(Interest is the source of pleasure。)。对英语学习而言,兴趣是原动力,有效的方法才是捷径。以下编写了一些学生喜闻乐见的幽默笑话并配以练习,激发学生学习英语的兴趣和提供良好的学习方法,帮助学习者怀着一份轻松的心情,享受英语给予的无限快乐。

1.God Got An A

A bright young man thought he could talk his way out of anything。 1 Stuck2 by a final exam, he wrote this excuse3 on the paper,“Only God knows the answers。Merry Christmas!”

He got his paper back, marked4“God got an A,5 you got an F。 6 Happy New Year!”


()1. The student was an A student。

()2. The examination was very difficult to him。

()3. The student failed in the examination。

()4. The student was bright and polite。

()5. The professor was very humorous。


1.talk one's way out of something:以花言巧语逃脱做某事

2.stuck:stick的过去时、过去分词,无法摆脱,陷住。例如:The car was/got stuck in the mud。轿车陷在泥里开不动了。

3.excuse:n。借口v。原谅、宽恕。例如:Excuse me。对不起。(打扰他人,不同意,迫不得已而失礼或不赞成时的道歉语)


5.got an A:成绩优秀。字母A在口语中表示头等的,极佳的,比如,an A student优等生

6.got an F:考试不及格。字母F是failure或fail的缩写,表示学习成绩不及格甚至极差的符号。例如:John got an F in math。约翰数学考试不及格,也可说成John failed in a math examination。还有一个以字母F打头的动词是flunk,也表示考试失败、不及格。该词为美式英语,常在口语中使用。例如:

Tom flunked this course。汤姆这门课程不及格。

Both of them flunked English。他俩英语都没有考及格。




练习答案:1.F 2.T 3.T 4.T 5.T

2.Your Father Helped You?

One day, Tim's mathematics1 teacher looked at his homework and saw that he had got all his sums2 right。 The teacher was very pleased and rather surprised。3 He called Tim to his desk and said to him,“You got all your homework right this time, Tim。

What happened?Did your father help you?”

Usually Tim's father did help him with his homework,4 but the evening before this, he had not been able to, because he had not been at home, so Tim answered,“No, sir。 He was busy last night, so I had to do it all myself。”5


()1. Usually Tim's father helped him with his maths homework。

()2.Tim's father could get all the sums correct。

()3. The teacher was surprised at Tim's correct answers。

()4.Tim's father was no better than Tim in maths。

()5. In fact, Tim was able to finish his homework all himself。



2.sums:n。算术题目,例如:good at sums擅长算术


4.help sb。with sth。:帮助某人做某事

5.do it all oneself:全部自己干




练习答案:1.T 2.F 3.T 4.T 5.T

3.The Same Mother

Billy and his brother David were in the same class。 The teacher assigned1 them to write a composition“My Mother”。David wrote one and Billy just copied2 it。On the next day, the teacher asked Billy,“How is it that your composition is exactly the same as David's?”3

“We have the same mother, don't we?”replied Billy。


()1. Billy and David were twins。

()2.“My Father”was the topic the teacher assigned them to write。

()3. Billy was more diligent than David。

()4. David copied Billy's composition。

()5. Billy was good at making excuses。


1.assign:v。分配,分派assign sb。to do sth。分配某人干某事assignment n。任务,作业


3.the same as:与……相同例如:She wears the same dress as you。




练习答案:1.T 2.F 3.F 4.F 5.T

4.“Smart”1 Tom and His“Smart”Father

Teacher:Tom, why are you late for school every day?

Tom:Every time I come to the corner, a sign says,2“School—Go

Slow”。 3

Tom:Mum, I got one hundred in two subjects。 4 Mum:Good!What were they?

Tom:Forty in history and sixty in maths。

Tom:Dad, why are you smoking one cigarette after another?5

Dad:Silly boy, don't you know I can save some matches in this way?


()1. The sign is on the corner。()2.The sign is for the pupils。

()3. Tom got one hundred in history and maths。

()4. Tom's father is a light smoker。

()5. Tom is as good as his father at talking his way out。



2.a sign says:牌子上写道

3.Go Slow:慢行,同于Go slowly


5.one after another:一个接一个







练习答案:1.T 2.F 3.T 4.F 5.T

5.I Can Go Home Now

One day after school, the teacher said to his students,“Tomorrow morning, if any one of you can answer my first question。 I'll permit him or her to go home earlier。”1 The next day, when the teacher came into the classroom, he found the blackboard daubed。2 He was very angry and asked,“Who did it?Please stand up!”“It's me,”3 said Bob,“Now, I can go home。Good-bye, Sir!”


()1. The teacher promised,“First answer, first leave。”

()2. The next day the teacher found the classroom daubed。()3.The teacher thought Bob could go home first。

()4. Bob thought he could leave first。

()5. Bob went home without his teacher's permission。注释:

1.permit sb。to do sth:允许干某事n。permission

2.daubed:daub的过去分词,涂抹,弄脏。daub n。拙劣的画,涂鸦的作品3.It’s me:习惯用法,而不说It’s I。



练习答案:1.T 2.F 3.F 4.T 5.T

6.Two Birds两只鸟

Teacher:Here are two birds, one is a swallow,1 the other is a sparrow。 2 Now who

can tell us which is which?

Student:I cannot point out3 but I know the answer。 Teacher:Please tell us。

Student:The swallow is beside the sparrow and the sparrow is beside the swallow。


()1.There are two birds。

()2. The two birds are the same。

()3. The swallow is next to the sparrow。

()4. The teacher knows which is the swallow。

()5. The student can tell the difference between the two birds。



3.point out:把……指出来e。g。The teacher pointed out the mistakes in my






练习答案:1.T 2.F 3.T 4.T 5.F

7.The Composition Class作文课

The students in the composition class were assigned1 the task of writing an essay2 on“the most beautiful thing I have ever seen。”The student who, of all the members of the class, seemed the least sensitive3 to beauty, handed in his paper first with astonishing4 speed。 It was short and to the point。5 He had written:“The most beautiful thing I have ever seen was too beautiful for words。”6


()1. The students were about to write an essay on the most beautiful things。()2.One of the students were very sensitive to beauty。

()3. He was the first one to hand in his composition。()4.He was good at writing beautiful things。

()5. The boy was smart, but he was not a great writer。



3.sensitive:adj。敏感的4.astonishing:adj。惊人的5.to the point:贴切

6.too beautiful for words:beyond description无法用语言形容



练习答案:1.T 2.F 3.T 4.F 5.T

8.An Abstract Noun抽象名词

Teacher:What's an abstract1 noun, Jane?Jane:I don't know, madam。 2

Teacher:What, you don't know!Well, it's the name of a thing which you can think of but cannot touch。 Now, give me an example。

Jane:A red-hot poker,3 madam。


()1. The teacher asks Joan a question。

()2. At first, she doesn't know the answer。

()3. The teacher gives an example to illustrate what an abstract noun is。()4.At last, Jane knows what an abstract noun is。

()5. Jane gives a good case in point。


1.abstract:a。抽象的e。g。A flower is beautiful, but beauty itself is abstract。花是美的,但美本身是抽象的。






练习答案:1.F 2.T 3.F 4.F 5.F

9.I Am My Father是我爸爸

One day little Lisa didn't want to go to school and telephoned1 the teacher pretending2 to be her father and said,“Hello, is that the teacher speaking?My little Lisa caught a cold today and she can't go to school。 She asked me to ask you for a day's leave。”3

The teacher at the other end of the telephone asked,“Who is that speaking?”“It's my father, sir,”answered Lisa。


()1. Lisa was ill, so she didn't want to go to school。

()2. Her father asked a day's leave for her on the phone。()3.The teacher answered the phone。

()4. Lisa pretended to be her father to ask for leave。()5.The teacher gave green light to Lisa。


1.telephone:v。给……打电话,同于phone, call, give sb。a call

2.pretend:v。假装e。g。Lisa pretended to be her father。莉萨假装成她的父亲。3.ask sb。for a day’s leave:向某人请一天假






练习答案:1.F 2.F 3.T 4.T 5.F

10.A Brain Transplant

A wealthy man lay critically ill。 1“There's only one thing that will save you,”his doctor said,“A brain transplant。2 It's experimental 3 and very expensive。”

“Money is no problem,”the man said,“Can you get a brain?”

“There are three available。 4 The first was from a university professor, but it'll cost you10,000.”

“Don't worry, I can pay。 What about the second?”

“It was from a rocket scientist。 It'll cost you100,000.”

“I have the money。 And I'd be a lot smarter too。But what about the third?”

“The third was from a government bureaucrat。 5 It will set you back 6half a million dollars”

“Why so much for the bureaucrat's brain?”,the patient asked。“Never been used。”


()1. The wealthy man needed a heart transplant to save his life。()2.It's hard to say whether the doctor could succeed。

()3. The doctor offered three choices。

()4. The man could pay the first two choices。

()5. He would choose the third brain because he wanted to be smarter。注释:

1.lay critically ill:lie terribly/awfully ill,病得卧床不起。2.transplant:v。n。移植,移种



6.set somebody back:此处是美国俚语,使人花费。也有使人受挫之意。。









练习答案:1.F 2.T 3.T 4.T 5.F

11.A grain of Sand&A Cocktail Dress

“Last week a grain of sand1got into my wife's eye, and she had to go to the doctor,”the married man2 told his friend。“It cost me 150 pounds。”

“That's nothing,”his friend replied。“Last week a cocktail dress got into my wife's eye, and it cost me 1500 pounds。”


()1. A grain of sand is more expensive than a cocktail dress。

()2. The doctor could see a grain of sand in the married man's eye。()3.The married man paid more than his friend。

()4. His friend bought a dress for his wife。

()5. The two husbands had to pay 1650 pounds。


1.a grain of sand:一粒沙子。注意英语中的量词,a drop of water一滴水

2.the married man:已婚男子




练习答案:1.F 2.F 3.F 4.T 5.T

12.Lose A Day’s Work

A teacher received1 a letter from the mother of one of her pupils:“Dear Miss,

Please don't give Johnny any more homework2. That sum about how long it would

take a man to walk fifty times round Trafalgar Square caused3 his father to lose a day's work。 And after he'd walked it you marked the sum wrong。”


()1. The teacher got a letter from one of her students。()2.The student refused to do any more homework。()3.The father lost a day's work to do the sum。

()4. The father did the sum by walking。

()5. The father got the correct sum because he lost a day's work。注释:





练习答案:1.F 2.F 3.T 4.T 5.F

13.Thirty Swindled

A kid selling newspapers on a busy corner in New York City was yelling,1“Read all about it—29 people swindled!”2 A man stopped and bought a newspaper from him。 After reading the headline,3 he said,“Hey, there's nothing in here about 29 people being swindled。”“Read all about it—”shouted the newsboy。“30 people swindled!”


()1. The kid had swindled 29 people。

()2. The newspapers always swindled people。

()3. People could read that 29 people were swindled in the newspaper。()4.The man bought the newspaper for the news。

()5. The man was the thirtieth to be swindled。注释:


2.swindle:v。欺骗,诈取,例如:swindle money out of sb。诈取某人钱财n。欺骗,名不符实的货色




练习答案:1.T 2.F 3.F 4.T 5.T

14.Want A Nightmare

Before the final examination, John told his mother,“Mom, I had a dream last night that I'd passed today's exam。”“Don't trust dreams。 They usually turn out to be1 the opposite。”2 Mother replied。“Then I do hope3 I'll fail the other subjects in my dream tonight,”John said。


()1. John dreamed that he had passed the exam。()2.John's mother believed that he would fail。()3.John hoped the he would pass the exam。

()4. His mother dreamed that he had passed the exam。()5.John was afraid that he wouldn't pass the exam。注释:

1.turn out to be:原来是,结果是(出乎意料)2.the opposite:反面

3.I do hope:我真心希望……(强调句型)



练习答案:1.T 2.F 3.T 4.F 5.T

15.Who Dare Touch My Teeth

The dentist1said to the patient,“Don't be afraid and drank the brandy。”2“The patient grasped3 the bottle and drank up the wine quickly。”“Are you afraid or not?”the

dentist asked。

“Afraid?”the patient roared,4“Let me see who dare touch my teeth!”练习:判断下列说法是否正确。

()1. The patient was afraid of the dentist。

()2. The dentist asked the patient to drink wine before operation。()3.The patient wouldn't like wine。

()4. The dentist wouldn't touch the patient's teeth。()5.The patient was afraid of the operation。








练习答案:1.F 2.T 3.F 4.T 5.T

16.A Bookworm’s Wedding Night

James was a famous scholar1 who married rather late in his life。 In the wedding2 night the bride3 found her husband reading instead of attending to her。4

“I wish I were a book,”she said, sighing。 5

“Why do you want to be a book for?”James asked with surprise。“You would be more interested in me, then。”

After serious thinking, he finally said to his bride:“I‘m afraid that wouldn't do, my dear。 You see, when I finish reading a book, I always start with another。Do you

want me to do the same thing with you?”练习:判断下列说法是否正确。

()1. The husband was more interested in reading。()2.James married very late。

()3. The bride felt sad in the wedding night。()4.The bride didn't attend to her husband。

()5. James seldom started with a new book after he finished one。注释:




4.attend to:关心,用心,在意。例如:attend to one’s work用心从事自己的工作






练习答案:1.T 2.T 3.T 4.T 5.T

17.Nine Dollars, Then那我给你9美元吧

Mrs。 Smith wanted to buy the picture of a young girl。She went to the shopkeeper1 and asked,“How much do you want for this picture?”

The shopkeeper turned the picture round。 He looked at the back of it and then said,“Thirteen dollars。”

“Thirty dollars?”Mrs。 Smith said。“That's very expensive。I'm going to offer2 you twenty dollars for it。”

“I said,‘Thirteen dollars',not‘Thirty dollars'”,the man answered。

“Thirteen?”Mrs。 Smith said。“Then I'm going to offer you nine dollars for it。”


()1. Mrs。Smith went into a shop to buy a picture。()2.The price was in the picture。

()3. The shopkeeper asked for thirty dollars。()4.She only wanted to offer thirteen。

()5. The shopkeeper was very greedy。









练习答案:1.T 2.F 3.F 4.F 5.F

18.Buying A Hat买帽子

A lady went to a hat shop to buy a hat。 As she was very fussy,1 it took her a long time to pick on one。2 Already at the end of his patience,3 the salesman was afraid that she might change her mind again so he tried to flatter her,“An excellent choice, madame。You look at least ten years younger with this hat on!”To his dismay,4 the lady took of her hat at once and said,“I don't want a hat that makes me look ten years older as soon as I take it off。5 Show me some more hats。


()1. The lady made a quick choice。()2.The salesman was very patient。()3.He really liked the lady's choice。

()4. The hat made her look ten years older。

()5. The salesman had to offer the lady more hats。


1.fussy:挑剔的。make a fuss of大惊小怪

2.pick on:挑选,同于pick out;pick up捡起,拾起;pick at挑剔,找毛病3.patience:耐心。patient adj。耐心的;n。病人

4.dismay:n。惊慌,丧胆,沮丧5.take off:摘下,脱下



练习答案:1.F 2.T 3.F 4.F 5.T

19.The Only Remedy唯一的补救方法

A neighbour intended to1 make fun of 2Jack and told him,“Last night a mouse crept into3 my stomach while I was sleeping。 What shall I do?”

“What you must do at once is to find yourself a live cat and swallow it。 That's the only remedy4 for you,”was Jack's immediate rejoinder。5


()1. The neighbor wanted to make fun。

()2. He had swallow a dead mouse。

()3. Jack advised the neighbor to find a cat alive。()4.The only remedy is to let the mouse creep out。()3.Jack made fun of the neighbor at last。


1.intend to do sth:打算做某事

2.make fun of sb。:同某人开玩笑,捉弄某人3.creep into:爬进





练习答案:1.T 2.F 3.T 4.F 5.T

20.I Just Gave It A Drink不过让它喝点茶

One day Jim attended1 a wedding。 One of the guests not only ate a lot of the

sweetmeats2 offered, but stuffed his pouch3 with them。 When Jim saw what the guest

was doing, he picked up a tea pot and quietly, from behind, poured some tea into the

guest's pouch。 When the guest discovered what Jim had done, he was not at all

abashed4 but reproached5 Jim。“What's my pouch got to do with you that you come and pour tea into it?”

“I meant no harm,”was Jim's defence。 6“When I saw how many sweets your

pouch had tucked in,7 I was afraid it would get thirsty。 That's why I gave it a drink。”


()1. One guest filled his pouch with sweetmeats。()2.The guest didn't eat any sweets。

()3. Jim was abashed because he was reproached。()4.Jim had eaten too much sweetmeats。

()5. Jim made fun of the guest。


1.attend:v。出席,参加;n。attendance 2.sweetmeat:糖果,甜品,蜜饯



6.defence:同于defense(美语)n。防御,防卫;v。defend 7.tuck in:大吃,尽情地吃




练习答案:1.T 2.F 3.F 4.F 5.T

21.Unreasonable Complaint无理的抱怨

Two friends were having dinner together。 There was only one dish with two fish in it, one larger and the other smaller。1 One of the friends got the larger fish and the

other was very angry。

“How selfish you are!”he cried。“Why?”his friend was surprised。“You've go the larger fish。”

“What would you do if you were me?”

“I'm sure I would choose the smaller one。”

“Then what are you complaining of?2 You've got your smaller fish。”练习:判断下列说法是否正确。

()1. There was only one dish on the table。

()2. One of the friends got the larger fish, while complaining。

()3. The friend who got the smaller dish was very angry。

()4. The other friend was sure that he would choose the smaller one。()5.Both of the friends were selfish。


1.one……the other……:(两个中的)一个……另一个……2.complain of:抱怨;n。complaint








练习答案:1.T 2.F 3.T 4.T 5.T

22.Two Hearts Beating两颗心脏在跳动

Nurse:How do you feel after your operation?

Patient:Quite alright,1 only I can feel two hearts beating inside me。

Nurse:No wonder2 the doctor who operated on3 you were looking for his

watch everywhere just now。


()1. The patient just had an operation。()2.He didn't feel all right。

()3. There were two hearts in his body。

()4. The doctor who had given him an operation lost his watch。()5.Probably the doctor could find his watch nowhere but in the

patient's body。


1.alright:all right

2.No wonder……:难怪……

3.operate on sb。:给某人做手术





练习答案:1.T 2.T 3.F 4.T 5.T

23.A Boy’s Gagging童趣

A family invited1 an older man to dinner, who arrived without his teeth!After he left, the family discussed the unusual2 situation,“Well,”suggested five-year-old Teddy,“Maybe he thought it was informal3.”


()1. An older man was invited to an informal dinner。()2.He had lost all his teeth。

()3. The family was surprised to see the old man without teeth。()4.The old man didn't eat much at the dinner。

()5. Teddy thought the dinner was informal。注释:





练习答案:1.F 2.T 3.T 4.T 5.F

24.An Act of Kindness善意之举

One afternoon, a man was riding in the back of his limousine1 when he saw two men eating grass by the road side。 He ordered his driver to stop and he got out to investigate。“Why are you eating grass?”he saked one man。“We don't have any

money for food,”the poor man replied。“Oh, come along with me then。”

“But sir, I have a wife with two children!”

“Bring them along!And you, come along too!”he said to the other man。“But sir, I have a wife with six children!”The second man answered。

“Bring them as well!”

They all climbed into the car, which was no easy task, even for a car as large as the limo2. Once underway3,one of the poor fellows says:“Sir, you are too kind。Thank you for taking all of us with you。”The rich man replied,“No, you don't understand, the grass at my home is about two meters high!”


()1. The man was surprised to see two men eat grass。

()2. He stopped his car to see what was happening。

()3. The poor man said they were too poor to have food。()4.The man offered the poor a ride。

()5. The rich man was so kind to the poor that he wanted to give them food。












练习答案:1.T 2.F 3.T 4.F 5.F

25.Who Is the Laziest?谁最懒得

Father:Well, I talked to your teacher today, and now I want to ask you a question。

Who is the laziest1 person in your class?

Ben:I don't know, father。

Father:Oh, yes, you do!Thank!When other boys and girls are doing and writing, who

sits in the class and only watches how other people work2?

Ben:Our teacher, father。


()1. The father have had a talk with the teacher。()2.The father doesn't know who is the laziest。

()3. Ben sits in the class and only watches how other boys and girls work。()4.Ben knows who is the laziest in the class。

()5. The teacher is as lazy as Ben is。



2.watch sb。do sth。:欣赏/观察某人做某事,注意do为不带to的不定式形式。






练习答案:1.T 2.F 3.T 4.F 5.F

26.A Good Boy好孩子

Little Robert asked his mother for two cents。

“What did you do with the money I gave you yesterday?”“I gave it to a poor old woman1,”he answered。

“You're a good boy,”said the mother proudly2.

“Here are two cents more。 But why are you so interested in3 the old woman?”“She is the one who sells the candy。”


()1. Little Robert had spent four cents for a poor old woman。()2.He was ready to help others。

()3. At first, his mother was very proud and happy。()4.Little Robert was interested in the old woman。()5.He liked eating candies。


1.give sth。to sb。:给某人某物,也可以表述为:give sb。sth。2.proudly:adv。骄傲地;adj。proud骄傲的

3.be interested in sb。/sth。:对某人或某事感兴趣。







练习答案:1.F 2.F 3.T 4.F 5.T

27.I Have His Ear in My Pocket他的耳朵在我口袋里

Ivan came home with a bloody1 nose and his mother asked,“What happened?”“A kid bit2 me,”replied Ivan。

“Would you recognize3 him if you saw him again?”asked his mother。“I'd know him anywhere,”said Ivan。“I have his ear in my pocket。”

练习:判断下列说法是否正确。()1.Ivan had a fight with a kid。()2.The kid’s nose was bleeding。

()3. Ivan's mother didn't know who the kid was。()4.The kid had an ear bitten off。

()5. Ivan with a bloody nose was fiercer than the kid with a missing ear。


1.bloody:adj。血淋淋的。英语中许多形容词由名词 y构成,如:rainy, cloudy, snowy, chilly, sunny, foggy, misty, milky, mighty, handy等等。






练习答案:1.T 2.F 3.T 4.T 5.T

28.It’s Not My Fault不要怪我

There was once a local government official who loved his only son very much。 However, the boy was very foolish and often made other people unhappy by his untactful1 language。

One day the official was invited2 to a party。 His son said,“Pop, you haven't brought me to any parties for a long time。Please take me with you this time。”

The father said,“No。 This party will be held in a very rich house。It is for the first birthday of their son。There will be a lot of important people present3 and I am afraid that you would……”

“No, Pop。 I'm sure not to say anything rude4 at the party。Please!Please!”The boy was taken to the party。He obeyed his father this time, and said

nothing for almost the whole evening。 Then, when the party was about to end5 and all the guests stood up, he stood up too and said,“You know, everybody, I haven't said anything today。So if the baby dies this year, it's not my fault。”


()1. The son was the apple of the official's eye。

()2. He was not very smart, but he could speak tactfully。

()3. The official intended to take his son to the birthday party。()4.The boy didn't say too much this time。

()5. The baby in the rich house would die soon。



2.was invited to:被邀请参加,英语中被动语态的构成为be p。p。过去分词。3.present:此处为adj。出席,到场的。

4.say anything rude:注意形容词rude修饰不定代词anything时放在之后,类似的例子如:something important;anything interesting;somebody fun等等。

5.was about to end:即将结束,be about to do sth。即将、正要做某事,例如:We are about to set out。我们即将动身。








练习答案:1.T 2.F 3.F 4.T 5.F


One day, Mr Exact was standing at the door reciting a text1 word by word when a stranger came up to him and said,“Excuse me, but could you tell me where the department store2 is?”

“Sure,”answered Exact。“You must go across the bridge and then turn right。 The bridge is only 20 metes long。”

The stranger thanked him and went on his way3. He was still walking across the bridge when someone suddenly called out from behind him。“Look out!”4 The stranger turned around and found it was Mr。Exact。

Breathing shallowly5,Mr。 Exact said,“I'm sorry that I gave you the wrong directions6.I have come to tell you that the bridge is 40 meters long, not 20 meters as I originally7 said。If you go 20 meters and then turn right, you will fall into the water as I did a couple of years ago when someone gave me the same directions。”


()1. Mr。Exact was careful enough about reciting texts。

()2. The stranger asked Mr Exact for the direstions to the department store。

()3. The department store was on the opposite side of the house where Mr。Exact


()4. Originally, the bridge was 20 meters。

()5. Mr。Exact had fallen into the river because he was too exact。


1.recite a text:背诵课文,相当于learn the text by heart或memorize the text。2.department store:百货公司

3.went on his way:继续赶路

4.look out:当心,类似于watch out。5.shallowly:adv。呼吸浅的

6.gave the directions:指路;give the wrong direstions指错路。7.originally:adv。先前,相当于previously。






练习答案:1.T 2.T 3.T 4.F 5.T

30.Napoleon Was Ill拿破仑病了

Jack had gone to the university to study history, but at the end of his first year, his history professor failed1 him in his examinations, and he was told that he would have to leave the university。 However, his father decided that he would go to see the professor to persuade2 him to let Jack continue his studies3 the following year。

“He's a good boy,”said Jack's father,“and if you let him pass this time, I'm sure he'll improve a lot next year and pass the examinations at the end of it really well。”

“No, no, that's quite impossible,”replied4 the professor immediately。“Do you know, last month I asked him when Napoleon died?He didn't know!”

“Please, sir, give him another chance,”begged5 Jack's father,“you see, I'm afraid we don't take any newspaper in our house, so none of us6 even know that Napoleon was ill。”


()1. Jack was so good at history that he went to the university to study history。()2.Failed in the examinations, Jack had to leave the university。

()3. Jack's father decided to persuade Jack to go on studying history。()4.Napoleon died last month。

()5. Jack's father was worse than Jack in history。



2.persuade:v。劝说,persuade sb。to do sth。劝说某人做某事

3.let sb。do sth。:让某人做某事,注意let后的宾语补语不带to。4.replied:v。回答,动词不定式为reply。

5.begged:v。乞求,beg的过去时。6.none of us:我们中没有一人






练习答案:1.F 2.T 3.T 4.F 5.T