
第100章 采蜜(2)

6.One of the hunters immediately ran up with a wisp of lighted hay,as a defense against the bees.The latter,however,made no attack,and sought no revenge;they seemed stupefied by the catastrophe and unsuspicious of its cause,and remained crawling and buzzing about the ruins,without offering us any molestation.Every one of the party now fell to,with spoon and hunting-knife,to scoop out the flakes of the honeycomb,with which the hollow trunk was stored.Some of them were of old date,and a deep brown color;others were beautifully white,and the honey in their cells was almost limpid.Such of the combs as were entire were placed in camp-kettles,to be conveyed to the encampment;those which had been shivered in the fall were devoured upon the spot.Every stark bee-hunter was to be seen with a rich morsel in his hand,dripping about his fingers,and disappearing as rapidly as a creamtart before the holiday appetite of a schoolboy.

7.Nor was it the bee-hunters alone that profited by the downfall of this industrious community.As if the bees would carry through the similitude of their habits with those of laborious and gainful man,Ibeheld numbers from rival hives,arriving on eager wing,to enrich themselves with the ruin of their neighbors.These busied themselves as eagerly and cheerfully as so many wreckers on an Indiaman that has been driven on shore;plunging into the cells of the broken honey-combs,banqueting greedily on the spoil,and then winging their way,full freighted,to their homes.As to the poor proprietors of the ruin,they seemed to have no heart to do any thing,not oven to taste the nectar that flowed around them;but crawled backward and forward,in vacant desolation,as I have seen a poor fellow with his hands in his breeches pocket,whistling vacantly and despondingly about the ruins of his house that had been burnt.

8.It is difficult to describe the bewilderment and confusion of the bees of the bankrupt hive,who had been absent at the time of the catastrophe,and who arrived from time to time with full cargoes from abroad.At first they wheeled about in the air,in the place where their fallen tree had once reared its head,astonished at finding it all a vacuum.At length,as if comprehending their disaster,they settled down in clusters,on a dry branch of a neighboring tree,from whence they seemed to contemplate the prostrate ruin,and to buzz forth doleful lamentations over the downfall of their republic.It was a scene on which the “melancholy Jacques”might have moralized by the hour.

9.We now abandoned the place,leaving much honey in the hollow of the tree.“It will all be cleared off by varmint,”said one of the rangers.“What vermin?”asked I.“Oh,bears,and skunks and raccoons,and ‘possums,”said he;“the bears is the knowingest varmint for finding out a bee-tree in the world.They’ll gnaw for days together at the trunk,till they make a hole big enough to get in their paws,and then they‘ll haul out honey,bees and all.”











