
第113章 富兰克林在费城


BENJAMIN FRANKLIN,who lived from 1706to 1790,is well known as the printer’s boy,the editor,the philosopher,the statesman,and the patriot.His exertions and influence contributed in no small degree to the success of our Revolutionary contest;and he stands unquestionably at the head of the scientific men of his day.His contributions to literature,serious and comic,are also valuable.

1.I HAVE entered into the particulars of my voyage,and shall,in like manner,describe my first entrance into this city,that you may be able to compare beginnings so little auspicious with the figure I have since made.On my arrival at Philadelphia,I was in my working dress;my best clothes being to come by sea.I was covered with dirt;my pockets were filled with shirts and stockings;I was unacquainted with a single soul in the place,and knew not where to seek a lodging.Fatigued with walking,rowing,and having passed the night without sleep,I was extremely hungry,and all my money consisted of a Dutch dollar,and about a shilling‘s worth of coppers,which I gave to the boat men for my passage.As I had assisted them in rowing,they refused it at first;but I insisted on their taking it.

2.A man is sometimes more generous when he has little than when he has much money;probably because,in the first case,he is desirous of concealing his poverty.I walked toward the top of the street,looking eagerly on both sides,till I came to Market Street,where I met with a child with a loaf of bread.Often had I made my dinner on dry bread.

I inquired where he had bought it,and went straight to the baker’sshop,which he pointed out to me.

3.I asked for some biscuits,expecting to find such as we had at Boston;but they made,it seems,none of that sort at Philadelphia.I then asked for a three-penny loaf.They made no loaves of that price.Finding myself ignorant of the prices,as well as of the different kinds of bread,I desired him to let me have three penny-worth of bread of some kind or other.He gave me three large rolls.I was surprised at receiving so much.I took them,however,and,having no room in my pockets,I walked on with a roll under each arm,eating a third.

4.In this manner,I went through Market Street to Fourth Street,and passed the house of Mr.Read,the father of my future wife.She was standing at the door,observed me,and thought,with reason,that I made a very singular and grotesque appearance.I then turned the corner,and went through Chestnut Street,eating my roll all the way;and,having made this round,I found myself again on Market Streetwharf,near the boat in which I arrived.I stepped into it to take a draught of water;and,finding myself satisfied with my first roll,I gave the other two to a woman and her child,who had come down with us in the boat,and was waiting to continue her journey.

5.Thus refreshed,I regained the street,which was now full of well dressed people,all going the same way.I joined them,and was thus led to a large Quaker meetinghouse near the market-place.I sat down with the rest,and,after looking round me for some time,hearing nothing said,and being drowsy from my last night‘s labor and want of rest,I fell into a sound sleep.In this state I continued till the assembly dispersed,when one of the congregation had the goodness to wake me.This was consequently,the first house I entered,or in which I slept,at Philadelphia.








