
第13章 爱是一生的约定 (12)

在朋友对她的新欢赞不绝口时,我又重新审视我的旧爱。丈夫斯科特和我结婚快20年了,其间,他的体重增加了15磅,曾是马à松选手的他,如今却只能从楼上跑到楼下的医院大厅。他的发际线不断后移,从他的体形可以看出,他经常超负荷地工作,并且甜食吃得太多。但约会时,餐桌对面的他仍能向我发出种种眼神,而我则心领神会,结账回家。 当朋友问我“是什么使你们的爱持续至今”时,我毫不犹豫地列举了一些显性因素:承诺、共同的兴趣爱好、无私、身体吸引力,再有就是沟通。当然,还有其他诸多因素。我们俩的相处至今仍是其乐融融,一些欢乐时光常常不期而至。昨天,斯科特把捆报纸的橡皮筋à了下来,然后调皮地弹向我,一场“战争”由此à开了帷幕;上周六在杂货店,我们把购物单一分为二,比赛看能先抢购完,到达收银台;即便是一起洗碗,我们也要嬉闹一番。

只要在一起,我们就很开心。我们常会给对方带来惊喜。一次,我回到家,发现门上贴着一张小纸条,纸条指引我找到了另一张纸条,接着又是一张,最后,在纸条的指引下,我走到小储藏室,推开门,发现斯科特站在里面,手里捧着 “金罐子”(我的蒸煮锅),还拿着一个装着“财富”的大礼包。有时我也会把给他的纸条贴在镜子上,并偷偷地在他的枕头下藏一个小礼物。我们都理解对方。我理解他为什么一定要和老朋友出去打篮球。而他也理解我为什么每年都要离开他和孩子,去与姐妹们聚会,连续几天,无休止地聊天说笑。我们同甘共苦。我们不仅彼此分担家事的忧愁和身为父母的责任,而且也分享各自的见解。上个月,斯科特参加了一个会议,给我带回一本很厚的历史小说。虽然他比较喜欢惊怵和科幻小说,但他还是在飞机上把它读完了。他说自己这样做是为了在我读完后,能和我交流见解。听了这番话,我感动不已。







A Gentle Caress

达芙娜·勒南 / Daphna Renan

Michael and I hardly noticed when the waitress came and placed the plates on our table. We were seated in a small deli tucked away from the bustle of Third Street, in New York City.

Our exchange was lively, if not profound. We laughed about the movie that we had seen the night before and disagreed about the meaning behind the text we had just finished for our literature seminar. He told me about the moment when he had taken the drastic step into maturity by becoming Michael and refusing to respond to "Mickey". Had he been twelve or fourteen? He couldn't remember, but he did recall that his mother had cried and said he was growing up too quickly. As we bit into our blueberry blintzes, I told him about the blueberries that my sister and I used to pick when we went to visit our cousins in the country. I recalled that I always finished mine before we got back to the house, and my aunt would warn me that I was going to get a very bad stomachache. Of course, I never did.

As our sweet conversation continued, my eyes glanced across the restaurant, stopping at the small corner booth where an elderly couple sat. Her floral-print dress seemed as faded as the cushion on which she had rested her worn handbag, The top of his head was as shiny as the soft- boiled egg on which he very slowly nibbled.

She also ate her oatmeal at a slow, almost tedious pace.

But what drew my thoughts to them was their undisturbed silence. It seemed to me that a melancholy emptiness permeated their little corner.

As the exchange between Michael and me fluctuated from laughs to whispers, confessions to assessments, this couple's poignant stillness called to me. How sad, I thought, not to have any thing left to say. Wasn't there any page that they hadn't yet turned in each other's stories? What if that happened to us?

Michael and I paid our small tab and got up to leave the restaurant. As we walked by the corner where the old couple sat, I accidentally dropped my wallet. Bending over to pick it up, I noticed that under the table, each of their free hands was gently cradled in the other's. They had been holding hands all this time!

I stood up and felt humbled by the simple yet profound act of connection I had just been privileged to witness. This man's gentle caress of his wife's tired fingers filled not only what I had previously perceived as an emotionally empty corner, but also my heart. Theirs was not the uncomfortable silence whose threat one always feels just behind the punch line or at the end of an anecdote on the first date. No, theirs was a comfortable, relaxed ease, a gentle love that knew it did not always need words to express itself.