
第32章 爱在不言不语中 (3)

Today I see my mother not just as my parent, but also as a woman in her own right, with her own lessons to learn―and, fortunately, to share with me, her daughter. So, today, my bills are always paid on time. My family comes before housekeeping, and self-satisfaction before social status. I still spend a small fortune on greeting cards. And I' ve replaced the breath mints with tooth-whitening gum. But I don' t even own guest towels.












佚名 / Anonymous

I didn' t want to write Charlie' s story because I knew I would cry. He' s been gone for a long time, but he' s still close to my heart. After reading some very good stories about other dogs, I decided that Charlie needed to be remembered too.

How do I begin to tell about Charlie? He was all dogs, Charlie, from the tip of his little pug nose to the end of his ever-swinging tail. Beautiful, is how I' d describe him. Though just a stray, he had the carriage of royalty. His long gray silvery coat spotted a white star just under his neck. I could almost imagine that one of his forefathers belonged to a Persian Princess.

Charlie loved us as much as a real dog can love humans, but mostly he tolerated us. My daughter and I wanted to hold him and snuggle. Charlie would tolerate it just so long then he was gone. On the other hand, my husband Charles, clearly had no interest in Charlie, and often made the comment that dogs weren' t good for anything. I often thought that his resentment towards Charlie had something to do with the fact that Charlie was named after him without his consent.

I once heard that dogs will chose only one person in a family with which to bond, and to everyone' s dismay, Charlie choose Charles. Each night Charlie would finish his meal, and then preen himself for nearly an hour before he jumped into my husband' s lap for a long nap. Neither touched the other, they simply tolerated one another.

If my daughter or I tried to pick Charlie up and hold him, he would quickly scamper away and head straight back to where he was least wanted. Charlie was an acrobat too. Many times my husband was almost brought to the point of heart failure when Charlie would silently creep up behind the recliner and Jump over my husband' s head and into his lap. As many times as Charlie did this, my husband was never prepared for the overhead assault.

There was one game that Charlie would play with my daughter and me, but it took a lot of coaxing. We would stand in front of Charlie and wave our nightgrowns back and forth. Charlie' s tail would begin to sway. Then he would position himself for the launch by rocking back and forth. Eventually it ended with us screaming and running through the house and Charlie in hot pursuit.

Charlie had a particular dislike for all females, I think. I had a lady that came once a week to clean for me and Charlie clearly hated her. One morning she arrived before I had finished dressing for work, and had gone upstairs to get the bed linens. Charlie was waiting for her just inside one of the bedroom doorways. The attack was swift and the result was a blood curdling scream that would wake the dead. From that day on, I had to make sure that Charlie was out of the house before the cleaning lady would come inside. Even so, Charlie was not through with her. He knew that she would come outside to put the trash in the garbage can. Charlie was patient. He waited, and he nailed her again. Now she refused to take the trash out.