There was a great war, and the king had many soldiers, but gave them small pay, so small that they could not live upon it, so three of them agreed among themselves to desert. One of them said to the others, “If we are caught we shall be hanged on the gallows, how shall we manage it?” Another said, “Look at that great cornfieldcornfield n.<美>玉米田, <英>小麦田, if we were to hide ourselves there, no one could find us.” The troops are not allowed to enter it, and tomorrow they are to march away. They crept into the corn, only the troops did not march away, but remained lying all round about it. They stayed in the corn for two days and two nights, and were so hungry that they all but died, but if they had come out, their death would have been certain. Then said they, “What is the use of our deserting if we have to perish miserably here?”
But now a fieryfiery adj.火的, 火焰的, 炽热的, 热烈的, 暴躁的, [眼]炯炯有神的 dragon came flying through the air, and it came down to them, and asked why they had concealed themselves there. They answered, “We are three soldiers who have deserted because the pay was so bad, and now we shall have to die of hunger if we stay here, or to dangledangle v.摇摆 on the gallows if we go out.” “If you will serve me for seven years,” said the dragon, “I will convey you through the army so that no one shall seize you.” “We have no choice and are compelledcompel v.强迫,迫使,强要 to accept.” they replied. Then the dragon caught hold of them with his clawsclaw n.爪, 脚爪, and carried them away through the air over the army, and put them down again on the earth far from it, but the dragon was no other than the devil. He gave them a small whip and said, “Whipwhip v.鞭打, 抽打, 突然移动 with it and crackcrack v.(使)破裂, 裂纹, (使)爆裂 it, and then as much gold will spring up round about as you can wish for, then you can live like great lords, keep horses, and drive your carriagescarriage n.马车, 客车, 运费, 姿态,机械车架, but when the seven years have come to an end, you are my property.” 正说着,空中飞过一条火龙。火龙降落在他们身边,问他们藏在这儿干什么。他们回答:“我们是三个士兵,因为薪饷太少太少,便逃了出来。现在我们要是一直呆在这儿,只会饿死;要是出去吧,就一定会在绞架上被处以死刑!”“如果你们肯给我当七年差,”火龙说,“我愿意带你们逃出部队,任何人也抓不着你们。”“我们没别的办法,只能接受你的条件。”士兵们回答。话刚出口,火龙便用爪子抓起他们,从部队上空飞过去。然后将他们又放回地上,但这龙不是别的任何人,正是魔鬼啊!魔鬼给他们一条小鞭子,说道:“用这鞭子抽得噼噼啪啪响,你们想要多少钱,就有多少钱在你们面前出现,随后你们可以过王宫贵族们的生活,有马骑,有车坐;可是七年满了,你们就得归我。”
Then he put before them a book which they were all three forced to sign. “But first I will ask you a riddle,” said he, “and if you can guess it, you shall be free, and released from my power.” Then the dragon flew away from them, and they went away with their whip, had gold in plenty, ordered themselves rich apparelapparel n.衣服, 装饰, and traveled about the world. Wherever they were they lived in pleasure and magnificence, rode on horseback, drove in carriages, ate and drank, but did nothing wicked. The time slipped quickly by, and when the seven years were coming to an end, two of them were terribly anxious and alarmed, but the third took the affair easily, and said, “Brothers, fear nothing, I still have my wits about me, I shall guess the riddle.” They went out into the open country and sat down, and the two pulled sorrowful faces. Then an aged woman came up to them who inquired why they were so sad. “Well,” said they, “what has that got to do with you? After all, you cannot help us.” “Who knows?” said she. “Just confideconfide v.倾诉, 委托, 信赖 your trouble to me.” So they told her that they had been the devils servants for nearly seven years, and that he had provided them with gold as though it were hay, but that they had sold themselves to him, and were forfeited to him, if at the end of the seven years they could not guess a riddle. 说完递给他们一本文书,要他们一个一个签字画押。“不过呢,”魔鬼继续说,“我先还要出一个谜语,你们要是能猜着,就可以获得自由,不再受我管束。”火龙飞走了,三人带着他们的小鞭子继续旅行。钱很多,他们便为自己订做了一些华丽的服装,到哪儿都过得又快活又阔绰,有马骑,有车坐,有吃又有喝,只是不干任何坏事。时间过得很快,不觉七年已过完,他们中的有两个感到非常害怕,可是第三个却满不在乎,对他俩说:“哥儿们,怕什么怕?我头脑清醒着哩,准能猜中谜语!”他们走到野外,坐在地上,前两个一脸的烦恼忧虑,这时走来一个老太婆,问他们干吗哭丧着脸。“唉,这关你啥事呦,反正你又帮不了忙。”“谁知道呢?”老太婆回答,“只管把你们的苦闷告诉我好了。”三个逃兵于是对她讲,他们给魔鬼当了仆人,整整七年呐;魔鬼给了他们许多钱,可为此他们向他签了卖身契,如果七年后他们猜不出一个谜语,灵魂就要落入魔鬼的掌心啦。