
第18章 最初的美好

The First Time

佚名 / Anonymous

Anything done the first time is always exciting, for instance, an infant to take the first step in walking, a learner to get the first knack of swimming. As for the young people, the first love, the first kiss and the moment of becoming a parent, are all things so thrilling and profoundly affecting that they will never forget all their lives.

The first impression is most beautiful. That’s why it makes one fall in love at the first sight.

If a movie is applauded on show, its sequel most probably fails to equal it. If a gambler wins and lingers on in hopes for more luck, he will end up in losing all he has.

The good things of life seldom come twice. They become sweet memories one can only relive in dreams. A second occurrence, if possible, would be a bare resemblance in which one seeks in vain such feelings one had before. Or even worse, it might spoil one’s original impression that has been fascinating so far. One’s first love and honey moon taste so sweet because they are things you experience for the first time.

Nice food tastes good for you’ve never eaten it before. If it is served daily it loses its taste, even the most delicious and expensive dish such as shark’s fin will become as plain as bean vermicelli. So a menu has to change regularly.

To follow the same pattern is dull and dreary. Fashion designers make every effort to show variety and create something new to attract attention.

It’s better for one to behave with restraint and withdraw after a good performance so as to leave a favorable impression on people’s minds. There’s always a first time but never an everlasting No. 1. If a famous singer or a film star retires at the height of his/her career, he/she leaves behind an idol of worship, much better than remains on stage a decrepit image old and outdated.

An invention or initiation is most valuable, for example, the landing on the moon that ushered in an era of space exploration. New things are sensational when they emerge and draw general attention. Progress is made as a result of innovation. What man yearns for and seeks after is always to create No. 1—start something never attempted before.









1. If a movie is applauded on , its sequel most probably fails to _it. If a gambler wins and lingers on in for more luck, he will end up in losing _________ he has.

2. Nice food good for you’ve never eaten it before. If it is served_____it loses its taste, even the most delicious and expensive _such as shark’s fin will become as as bean vermicelli. a menu has to change regularly.

3. An invention or initiation is most , for example, the landing on the

that ushered in an era of exploration. New things are sensational when they emerge and general attention.

1. 生命中很多美好的事物不会出现第二次。

2. 初恋和新婚之所以甜美,因为那是你第一次经历。

3. 创新的结果就是带来进步,人类一直追求并渴望创造第一次——着手去做以前从未尝试过的事。

1. Anything done the first time is always exciting, for instance, an infant to take the first step in walking, a learner to get the first knack of swimming.

for instance:比如;例如;举例说

2. That’s why it makes one fall in love at the first sight.

fall in love at the first sight:一见钟情